
63 Chapter 63

p "...Moving on. Number Four Jagu of the Komi, your rank and reward are the same as that gentleman over there. You have one offer from a professor and twenty from inquisitors. Any request?" She asked Jagu who didn\'t even bother standing and going there. "No, pass my request to him." He replied with little interest in his tone as he pointed towards Aron causing confusion once again.

As if it weren\'t surprising enough that two commoners were in the top five, their attitudes and behavior were considered horrendous to others.

"Hmm I suppose that isn\'t against any rules , and what is your request?" The arch mage turned to Aron and asked. "I\'ll save it for later." He replied in a charming and calm tone causing many who hadn\'t already noticed him to look in his direction.

Since they were seated next to each other, many already began to think he was in the top three.

"I see, very well. In number three we have Evanora. Let\'s see here, promotion to rank three upper rank and rewards double that of number four. Every professor in this institute is interested in taking you under their wing along with ten inquisitors. You also hold the record for the score in the mana manipulation test with a jaw dropping hundred, beating Grand Mage Belle\'s former record of ninety..." The arch mage announced seemingly at a loss for words herself.

As Evanora took the stage wearing her usual rebel style clothings, many were absolutely shocked. Aron too because he did not know her scores during screening nor did he ask. Before she or the arch-mage could say anything Belle and Yohan both stood at the same.

"I\'d also like offer her to become my personal student!" They said simultaneously before casting glances at each other. The arch mage then finally came out of her her daze and looked at the sleepy looking young girl. \'Her potential surpasses even Rose\'s...\'

"Well what do you say? It is rare for grand mages to extend offers. But along with theirs I\'d like to extend my own offer, I once said that Belle would be my one and only student but... I cannot stop myself." The arch mage\'s words brought further surprise as all attention was on Evanora.

\'I thought at most she\'d get a few offers but to think she was this valuable even without image casting.\' Aron thought while sighing but both he and everyone else were shocked by her reply.

"Evanora can\'t accept any offer unless she gets permission. She can\'t think of any request either." Evanora replied bluntly causing the arch-mage to think perhaps she already has a teacher.

"Well in that case you may save your request but may I ask who your teacher is? I\'d like to personally ask them for permission, I\'ll be sure to compensate them properly." The arch mage was unwilling to back down and asked still in a very polite tone. Belle and Yohan could be seen looking beyond disheartened at the loss.

"He is over there." Evanora replied plainly before pointing towards Aron who was casually seated . Once again the level of confusion and surprise rose.

"Would you be willing to allow her permission to do so? It is would be best for her." The arch-mage asked while giving a small bow thinking perhaps Aron was a relative perhaps. "Our circumstances are unique, I\'d need to think it over. You may be the arch-mage but to me and her you\'re still a stranger we know nothing about." Aron replied feigning a caring individual.

His answer was still seen as insulting to many who grew up thinking that the less powerful should listen to the power without fail. The arch-mage however smiled and nodded. "I completely understand, please forgive my abruptness and take your time making a decision." She said to Aron and gave Evanora a nod as she began shaking hands, as she did so the arch-mage checked her body as well for any signs of forced will but found nothing and verified that Aron could only be someone close to her.

Not just her but Lord Treiss, Belle and Yohan each checked as well but came to the same conclusion. After which they all turned to face Aron who remained calm despite their gazes as Evanora went back to seat beside him.

"Well then let us carry on to our final two Individuals. In number two we have Juliet Lamarck. You\'ve been promoted to rank four middle class and have also been bestowed the title of Guardian, the youngest ever. Your rewards are ten times that of number three and you\'ve received offers from all inquisitors and twenty professors. Your request?" She asked as Juliet stood up and began walking over to her.

Be it her intimidating heavy armor, her breathtaking cold beauty or her otherworldly aura. Everything about her screamed perfection as everyone present looked at her even more than they did Belle.

"I\'d like to save my request and I\'ll be taking no offers. Thank you." Juliet replied maintaining a neutral expression on her face. Similar to Aron it was impossible to tell just what she was thinking as she shook the other individuals hands and returned to her seat without anything occurring.

As the arch-mage picked up the last envelope, all gazes were on Aron. No matter how anyone looked at it, he was the only possible option considering the number three listened to him.

"In number one we have, Aron. You\'ve been promoted to rank four upper rank with the title of Harbinger, the youngest ever as well. You have offers from all professors and inquisitors and your rewards are double that of the number two. You also hold the record for beasts slain during the journey slaying an astonishing seventy percent of all beasts in the region." The arch-mage read the envelope and caused many to just look at Aron blankly. Lord Treiss who knew from the start simply sighed while Belle and Yohan gave him odd looks.

Considering the region spanned hundreds of kilometers the feat he performed was indeed extraordinary. Juliet looked calm but her fist was clenched tightly as she and many others watched Aron approach the arch-mage.

The first question many would ask is, how isn\'t he a aristocrat? From appearance to strength he definitely fit the stereotypical criteria everyone had grown up thinking, it just was just too unbelievable.

Before the arch-mage could ask him what his request was he spoke. "One moment." he took out his rune brush and drew a few strange characters in the middle of the air. \'According to Argos if she can\'t even understand this then I doubt she\'ll be able to help and I\'ll need to think of another to salvage the blunder Evanora caused.\' Aron thought as the arch-mage took a moment to look at the words in silence.

"Your request is beyond my area of expertise, I apologize. However may I ask a question of my own however? Who taught you and that girl?" The arch-mage asked plainly, full of curiosity in her mind.

"My teacher\'s name is Argos, a reclusive old mage." Aron answered plainly and said no more. Making them think he had an outstanding individual backing him only served to be beneficial for him and would lessen the chances of them having ideas to act against him recklessly.

"I see. Would your teacher be willing to exchange some words with me, I have questions I\'d like to ask him or her." The arch-mage asked with visible excitement in her eyes but Aron shook his head. "I\'m not allowed to reveal his location to anyone." He replied causing Lord Treiss to frown.

"And how do we know you aren\'t taking us for fools? He could be dead perhaps or not exist at all." The bitter old man asked causing Aron to show a brief smile.

"You don\'t but even if he was, the proof is in the runes I drew for the arch-mage. If he doesn\'t exist then are you saying I got to this point at my age on my own?" Aron replied and almost caused the man to stand up and argue but he was stopped by the arch-mage. She then raised her hand and created a dome around herself and Aron.

"You already hold the qualifications of a professor so I doubt you came here to learn. Was what you asked your only purpose in coming here?" She asked with genuine curiosity but Aron shook his head.

"No, The reason I\'m here is because my teacher wanted me to spread his knowledge and help the world grow. However the world is filled with many individuals who may use this knowledge wrongly so I came here to find people worthy to pass that knowledge to while expanding on my own. Evanora is one such person." Aron forged this story on the spot and no lies were detected because in a way he was saying the truth.

Argos did want his knowledge to spread and improve the world, Aron came here to find a way to solve his Luna mana problem which qualified as expanding his knowledge and lastly when Evanora rejected even the arch-mage, he had decided he would try to make her his tool before anyone could, her potential was just too attractive.

"I see and I do understand. The world is changing faster than I can keep up, how I wish I was still young enough to learn." The arch-mage muttered in envy of those who would receive the knowledge Aron was claiming to hold.

"With the knowledge I\'ve received many things are possible. So why don\'t we come to a mutually beneficial agreement?" Aron replied while showing a small smile.

Aron chose this route after many of his predetermined ones had been crushed by how things had proceeded. Most had collapsed when Evanora\'s potential was revealed and she claimed to follow Aron\'s words.

No matter how he looked at it, many people would want someone with that frightening potential by the side or as a tool even the arch-mage. Aron knew nothing about them or how far they\'d be willing to go. So he opted to use something that was more valuable than a tool.

If one had to choose between having someone powerful or becoming someone powerful, it was almost a certainty that they\'d chose the latter. Aron could have asked his question in words or written it down normally but used runes to attract the mage\'s eye.

After gaining her interest he proceeded to state what he offered. However the arch-mage knew herself and that her time wasn\'t long so her interest was minimal until she heard him state many things were possible, prolonging life was already possible to some extent so it was completely plausible that Aron may hold one such better method.

With her interest peaked, Aron now held the advantage in conversation. There wasn\'t much the arch-mage could offer him now so his aim now was to ensure he had at least some solid backing, and what would be more solid than the strongest person in Pesia herself and in her own territory?

\'I have no desire to test my limits and be hunted. If negotiations fail then I can only use Evanora as a trading piece and get rid of her while gaining some useful things in exchange.\' Despite Aron\'s calm expression on the surface as he looked at the arch-mage, he was somewhat uneasy by the riskiness of what he was doing.

"State your terms." The arch-mage kept her gentle smile as she asked this question.

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