
223 Chapter 223

Now that all of the other races had essentially decided, only humans remained.

However, Victoria Vonstein and Belle Ettenheim were the only two human leaders who were still active.

Humans had the most incapacitated people at that time, even when the total was taken into account.

Belle dreaded having to make such a significant choice. She genuinely despised Aron at that time since she was clever enough to realize that whatever she did would have serious repercussions.

"The weak will be sacrificed by humanity."Victoria murmured, her heart heavy.

She had to make the difficult choices because she was a pillar first and had to spare others from doing so. She had previously done this and was currently doing it once more.

Lady Victoria?

Belle was surprised by how quickly the decision was made; she thought they should have at least considered all the advantages and disadvantages.

"We don\'t have time to overthink things because doing so will make it more difficult for us to make a decision. If you don\'t mind?"

Victoria didn\'t want to hear what Belle had to say. No, she believed that if she did, her choice would be unclear.

Ezra and Ara, the daughters of Victoria\'s lifelong friends and former allies, were among the victims who had fallen. At this time, no one felt a greater sense of loss than Victoria.

Victoria\'s rigid demeanor, which concealed the sadness on her face, caused Belle to recoil.

What did it matter if they remembered her as a monster because she was on the verge of death? She believed she was happy as long as she fulfilled her duty.

"I\'ll hand up decision-making responsibility to you." Belle was wise enough to refrain from interfering; if she let Victoria make the final decision alone, she would spare herself the repercussions.

Victoria expected that much from her but that was fine, in her mind the wrongs of the first and second generation should not affect the third. She could only feel sorry for those who were snuffed out by sighing in light of this.

Victoria turned to face Aron once more after having Belle step aside in the situation.

"You may begin; this is our final decision."

After making sure they were in the right position, Aron focused on the object and laid a hand on its surface.


The apparatus started to quiver and emit what sounded like hollow crystal buzzing at his command.

At that very time, lovely rays of light started penetrating the bodies of people. They performed it in a way that didn\'t appear painful at all; instead, the light was simply stroking their skin.

Although this scene was almost as lovely as the one before it was short-lived.

The initial golden light streak abruptly changed to a pale grey glow, leaving only the golden outline.

Everyone concentrated on this one distinct light streak, and they soon realized it belonged to the arch mage.

The milky light appeared to be leaving her body and heading toward the Tor the next instant.

The once-healthy-looking arch wizard quickly started to lose her pigmentation, eventually turning completely white.

But it didn\'t stop there; shortly after, she started to get transparent, then completely vanished as the light streak swept her away.


Even though the sight appeared serene and lovely, everyone who witnessed it was appalled.

The light rays that were connected to Yugar and Goovin were the next to undergo hue changes.

It seems to be directed at people with stronger mana.

Aron turned to face them and admitted that he had little control over the process. As long as they were unconscious, he could control who the light streams connected to and who they drained.

However, he was unable to choose the sequence in which this was done; otherwise, he would have begun with the mana beasts.

When Goovin heard what he said, he started laughing.

"So it makes sense that it would desire someone as fantastic as me. You numbskulls had best tell your offspring about my sacrifice, huh?"

Goovin didn\'t seem in the least concerned despite being one of just two people who will die knowingly.

All of his fellow Komi gave him respectful looks and nodded as if they were cheering him on rather than dreading his demise.

"I see, you\'re boisterous right up to the end." Yugar walked up to his solid friend and placed his hand on his shoulder. Goovin laughed more as a result.

"Be glad that you will pass away alongside the renowned Goovin." He made a narcissistic comment, and Yugar couldn\'t help but sigh.

"Don\'t let our sacrifice be in vain, you understand? I hope you all succeed in this new world."


The crown rigars all cried out in unison in response to his words, expressing their acceptance. Even in his final moments, Yugar was heroic and awe-inspiring.

Their bodies soon started to shift in the same ways as Lady Uva until they eventually disappeared almost simultaneously.

Even the most brutal Komi shed tears when the two leaders of their race perished.

Aron continued to watch as lives were snatched one by one, switching between the races, while keeping his hand on the device.

This was a day that none of them would forget. Some couldn\'t bear to look, while most just mentally recorded the sights.

Being blind, Mirai could only be thankful that she was spared from seeing this. Sharla\'s facial expression was complicated as she stood next to her.

The Kolieans, who didn\'t appear in the least bit perturbed, were obviously the least disturbed.

The other races began to wonder if, after spending some time in Limbo, they might also change into the same.

The procedure abruptly came to an end just as it was starting to seem as though it would never end until all of the fallen had died.

After returning to the device, the light striations merged and created a sizable golden swirl in the formerly vacant area.

Aron took a step back and carefully observed the phenomenon; it was undeniably similar to the device that had first brought him to Pesia.

"It succeeded." Aron sighed wearily as a weight lifted from his shoulders and the dread that everything might fall apart subsided.

The Komi cheered when they heard Aron say that their rulers\' efforts hadn\'t been in vain.

What about the different races? Simply put, they were relieved that some of their fallen had survived.

Ironically, the chances of survival were better for the weaker person.

For Kolieans, this meant that the majority of their young people survived, whereas for Aethelians, it was their common people, and the same was true for humans.

It was extremely ironic that the many nobles who had looked down on them had almost all provided the sustenance for the device that would save their lives.

"True justice is served by fate."

This conclusion made Jin giggle. The vast majority of aristocrats had all been sacrificed, with the exception of those who were not in Galos City.

Jin didn\'t mind that the majority belonged to generations that were older than the third.

But now that the retaliation he so fervently desired had been attained with no effort on his part, he felt hollow.

As he regarded Hinako, the lone survivor of his tribe, from a distance, his joy started to wane.

Now what? What was the point of living? Jin felt fatigued, which was different from how he had anticipated it would feel. He merely desired to pass out and forget everything.

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