
Chapter 274 272: It’s Not Over Part 3

After making his way to the center of the camp, Aron spotted Jin and the others, with the exception of Rose, Evanora and Jagu, around a fire exchanging stories of what they had experienced thus far.

Rose had chosen to stay in an uncrowded area of the camp, which was reserved for her because she disliked crowds and being around many people, Evanora chose to follow. As for Jagu, he didn\'t feel comfortable around humans outside Jin thus he chose to go scouting and direct any humans he found wandering towards the camp.

As Aron walked over to the spot Jin occupied, he was spotted by Scarlett who immediately showed a grin. "Well, if it isn\'t my hero!" she yelled with exaggerated enthusiasm as if wanting all attention to go on him.

Whether planned or not that was exactly what occurred as everyone looked in his direction, even other groups who built small fires around themselves.

"I forgot how loud of a woman you are." Aron retorted in a relaxed tone as he arrived but remained standing.

Aela, Reginald and Xavier felt intimidated looking at him from this up closely, after all he wasn\'t particularly close with in any way. Scarlett knew him roughly and was carefree so she had no trouble speaking first while Claudia who sat down next to her just kept quiet.

This was a mistake because Scarlett showed a mischievous grin and spoke again. "Mmm, Aron you shouldn\'t talk about matters of the bedroom out in the open you know?"

Her crude teasing caught everyone gathered off guard. They knew her long enough to know about her crude jokes and teasing but they didn\'t think she would direct them at Aron.

But shock would continue as Aron went along with it. "I didn\'t take you for the shy type Scarlett."

His reply caught even Scarlett off guard but her grin only got wider. "Well, when you speak like that, a girl might think you want her warming you up."

Her playfulness was getting more direct but as amusing as she was, Aron came for someone else. "The possibility always exists. Anyway Claudia, come with me for a moment."

Claudia widened her eyes at his invite. To call her right after exchanging crude jokes with her friend made her slightly tense.

Because she and Scarlett were friends, Claudia already knew the two had no intimacy, however… she also knew that Scarlett would jump at the chance if Aron offered.

To avoid it getting to that situation, Claudia was quick to agree. "Sure, lead the way."

Xavier inwardly disapproved of her going, but he couldn\'t voice this. He just found his words getting stuck in his throat as he couldn\'t think of a reasonable justification to give afterward.

In the first place, he shared the mentality of those who blamed Aron for the all the bad that occurred since they came to Limbo. He couldn\'t voice this though because everyone else, with the exception of Aela seemed okay with or in support of Aron. It would only get him on bad terms with Claudia.

Thus, he watched with a reluctant gaze as she stood up and followed Aron as he walked to his reserved spot of the camp where he found no one.

Aron didn\'t ask about Rose\'s whereabouts because he already knew she was likely gathering information from the captive Drakar or just going about carrying out tests on them.He could sense see their mana signatures not far off so he didn\'t pay mind to it and focused on gathering information as well

"We can talk here." Aron gestured her to sit before allowing his aura to fluctuate at a steady pace, creating a warm safe atmosphere around the whole place.

"Thank you. What did you want to talk about?" Claudia no longer felt the chilling cold or cool wind on her skin so she smiled and sat comfortably before asking.

She already had an idea of what it was but she wanted to cling to the small chance that he did in fact just want to speak to her.

Sadly for her, that wasn\'t to be the case.

"Everything from the time you arrived in Limbo that you feel is relevant knowing." Aron didn\'t try to mask his intent; he knew she was smart and he saw no point in trying when she\'d answer either way.

She was slightly disappointed but it was to be expected so she didn\'t show it and just answered his question by narrating the various noteworthy occurrences that she experienced.


Claudia revealed that she, Xavier and Scarlett had arrived in Limbo together. They were many others who arrived near them so they felt their chances to survive were better than the average person.

However, she was wrong.

Not long after arriving, many people began to die from just being exposed to the atmosphere. Although she wasn\'t a talented mage, she could easily create a layer of fluctuations around herself to guard against the elements to some extent.

As they continued to travel, they encountered unfamiliar beasts which they couldn\'t defeat and had no choice but to retreat, leaving people behind in the process.

Thankfully, she made sure to make a rough map of everywhere they travelled. In her description, they appeared in the far south and just kept travelling north.

While doing so, they had a run in with Komi from Limbo. This point caught Aron\'s curiosity so he asked her to not miss any details.

She did just that and made Aron aware that the Komi from Pesia had met with local Komi who they planned to follow to the south. Since a communication barrier existed even among the Pesian Komi and local ones, she couldn\'t learn anything about what was in the south.

Worse off when she attempted to follow, they showed clear displeasure and even made actions that could be seen as hostile. In her opinion, they would have been dead if the Pesian Komi, lead by Jagu\'s mother, didn\'t remember her as one of Aron\'s people.

Once they continued travelling north, they began encountering corpses of humans in large numbers. This had them be more careful which worked for a time, but they eventually got captured by the Drakar while those that resisted were mauled and eaten alive.

As she described this, her body began trembling ever so slightly. It was clear to Aron that Claudia had likely never been so close to death as then, it was quite traumatic for her.

She continued on by explaining the conditions they lived but Aron found that information redundant, it was likely just her seeking comfort by venting.

He extended his hand towards her and brought her into his embrace while keeping his own head high.

This caused her heart rate to spike, although rather than getting flustered, she was confused. Happy… but confused.

Then he spoke. "You\'re safe now, don\'t concern yourself with dangers, just do what you do best." He advised in a low tone.

As wonderful as the situation felt for her, Claudia could see Aron\'s embrace was just to comfort her. She wasn\'t delusional enough to take every kind action he did as genuine. But even so…

"What is it that I do best?" She was curious. Just how did Aron see her?

Aron ended the short embrace there and stood up before giving her an answer. "Your drive and intelligence are unique, because of them you\'ve survived this long. We\'re more alike than you know, we both use everything at our disposal to survive and climb up in the cruel cycle. Have confidence in that, I assure you… no one else will."

He reigned true in her mind. Countless warriors died but she, a non-combatant survived. It was hard to pin this on just luck. He made her feel like she was more valuable than she even knew, but something wasn\'t right…

"If I\'m really valuable then… then why did you not want me as your ally anymore?"

This was a question that chewed at her heart. Back in Pesia, Aron had provided a reason for disbanding the Sovereigns, the simple fact that they were no longer relevant. But this wasn\'t enough for her.

Aron, who was about to walk away paused and turned his head at her. "Because our interests clashed. You wanted to continue gaining prestige and make a name for yourself whereas I had already found what I was looking for. The reason is simple and clear, but you can continue questioning it because of your infatuation towards me."


Claudia\'s gaze grew wide as he called her out so blatantly. His reason for doing so? Aron could see signs of affection from her, and that was clearly clouding her judgement. If he didn\'t address it, it would only turn disadvantages in the long run.

But because of the suddenness and directness of his claim, Claudia lowered her head and avoided his gaze, before muttering in a soft voice. "Well now you know… what happens now?"

"I\'m Koliean Claudia, my people do not believe in what you call love. The same way someone like you can\'t be convinced that love has no meaning, is the same way I can\'t see it as anything more than a positive stimuli. Once addicted to it, it just clouds your head and distracts you."

Aron expected her to take it rather well since she was more fair minded but to his surprise, she began to cry.

"You think I don\'t know your views are different? You think I don\'t know that love is volatile thing? You think I asked to feel this way? It just happened, I ignored the signs and before long I found myself…well… addicted."

Despite the young beautiful woman crying for him, Aron wasn\'t moved. "Every addiction can be cured Claudia, so long as you\'re kept away from the substance that induced it."

With a stunned gaze, Claudia looked in his direction. The meaning behind his words was clear, and it caused her heart rate to increase.

"But…what if I don\'t want to be cured?"

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