
Chapter 295 294: Not As It Seems Part 2

The wave drew closer to the airship, making it clear to the crew that they couldn\'t reach land before it hit. So now the focus turned to Aron, whom they eagerly watched through the few windows that looked out to the deck.

"Elemental magic maybe? But then again, I\'ve only really ever seen Aron battle plainly…" Jin casually commented whilst standing next to Jagu who was perhaps the calmest in this scenario.

He could understand Jin\'s worries, but he had confidence in Aron\'s abilities, having witnessed him perform stunning feats already. "You can\'t fight nature."

Jin raised a confused brow towards Jagu\'s reply, feeling like it carried a meaning different from what he had in mind. 

Before he could ask further though, Arias\'s figure began to move and drew the focus of everyone, Jin included.

He spread his arms wide and his veins began to show, what followed was a vicious mana fluctuation, suffocating even to those within the airship.

His eyes remained completely focused on the waves, in wait. The down pour the tsunami caused was ferocious but Aron didn\'t budge. His figure remained strong, until the wave looked close to making contact.

In that brief moment, he took a deep breath and used all his strength to bring his hands forward and clash his palms together. 


A loud clamp resounded on the scene, drowning out even the sound of rain and the waves.

This action of his created a strong blast of wind to split the upper part of the tsunami in have, causing it to dwindle to a smaller size, just barely below the airship.

As for airship itself the area in which the blast was focused completely dismantled, afterall, the airship wasn\'t one crafted to be overly tough.

The recoil sent Aron flying back against a wall, shattering it and the door leading inside. Those within stumbled and lost balance but overall, it seemed like Aron had succeeded.

Rose was ready to put her scouters to use and have them help propel the ship forward faster, but then hope once again shattered as the terrifying screech of the unknown creature resounded once again.

Its head erupted from the water with its mouth full of peculiar sea creatures unfortunate enough to become its prey.

Aron saw this whilst in the midst of standing up and watched as another even bigger tsunami was created. As if that weren\'t bad enough, it came at greater speed than before, contact with their ship was eminent and Aron knew he couldn\'t stop it in time even if he could.

"Abandon ship or brace for impact." He muttered in a low tone, but loud enough for Jagu who was closest to hear.

Jagu then took a deep breath and yelled out the words, bringing everyone out of their dazed stupor. 

Adrenaline pumped furiously and many didn\'t hesitate to hold on for dear life to whatever they could. Aron himself didn\'t rush to anyone but instead outside, as useful as some of the people were, his safety came first.

He found the odds to be better if he jumped off and avoided the collision. In his mind, the unknown creature\'s appearance had likely chased away its prey, meaning the chance of encountering danger there had slimmed.

Sadly, the option to jump off wasn\'t one everyone could use, as the height alone was enough to kill those with weak bodies or strength below the fifth tier.

It was only when they saw Aron rushing to jump off that some followed suit, Jagu included. But Jin knew he couldn\'t do the same without getting injured, from there drowning couldn\'t be avoided.

Lady Rose also observed Aron jumping off and could understand why. If the airship broke apart, it would be like being in a storm of debris. All it took was one jagged piece of the ship to hit your body at a great speed for your life to end.

Without wasting time, she stepped out beckoned her scouters over. She climbed on one whilst Evanora came from nowhere and stepped onto the other, looking as aloof as ever despite the circumstances.

Rose looked at her for a moment but didn\'t protest. She had planned on sending it down towards Aron, the only person she considered of value but stopped herself.

Evanora carried importance too and at the first sign of danger towards Aron, she could always rid the scouter of its current passenger.

Without further delay, she moved herself and Evanora out of harms way, leaving a terrified crew who could only now hope that their luck was good.

The crew members braced themselves as the massive wave collided with the airship. The impact was devastating, causing the vessel to shudder and groan under the immense pressure. Jin and the rest of the crew held on tightly, their hearts pounding with fear and anticipation.

As the tsunami crashed down upon them, the airship was engulfed in a maelstrom of water and debris. The ship creaked and strained, its fragile structure unable to withstand the sheer force of the wave. Splintered wood and shattered glass flew in all directions, threatening the lives of those still on board.

Aron, having leaped from the airship just before the collision, focused on his next move. With calculated precision, he aimed to dive deep beneath the water\'s surface, away from the devastating impact of the tsunami. His expression remained concerned, but his mind sharp and focused as he prepared himself for the imminent plunge.

Rose on the other hand took control of the situation. She skillfully steered herself and Evanora away from the chaos on her scouter, using timed maneuvers to navigate through the debris-filled atmosphere. Evanora, as always, maintained her aloof presence, just watching the events in a barely awoken state.

As for Jagu who had also leaped off, he attempted to replicate Aron\'s method. With determination in his eyes, he followed Aron\'s lead and leaped off the airship, aiming to dive beneath the water\'s surface and evade the collision. Though lacking Aron\'s experience and precision, he hoped to survive by sheer willpower alone.

Meanwhile, Jin and the remaining crew members could do nothing but brace themselves for the impending impact. Fear gripped their hearts as the colossal wave crashed into the airship, shaking it to its core. The collision was intense and catastrophic, unleashing a cacophony of destruction upon the vessel.

The airship groaned and protested as it was pummeled by the force of the water. The hull cracked and buckled, unable to withstand the tremendous pressure. The sound of tearing metal echoed through the air as the ship was ripped apart, piece by piece. The crew members clung to whatever they could, desperately hoping to survive the onslaught.

Amidst the chaos, the large beast, oblivious to the events it had caused, returned to the sky, soaring majestically above the wreckage. It paid no heed to the destruction it had left in its wake, its focus elsewhere.

As the waters settled and the wreckage began to sink, Aron found himself washed up on the shore. He lay there, his body sore and bruised, watching as the colossal beast disappeared into the distance. The enormity of the creature\'s presence weighed heavily on him, a constant reminder of the power that existed in Limbo.

Aron\'s calculating mind analyzed the situation, recognizing the significance of what had just transpired. The beast\'s return to the sky meant a temporary respite, but the threat still lingered.

Aron pushed himself up from the shore, his body aching from the impact and the exertion. He assessed himself, ensuring that he hadn\'t sustained any major injuries. Though battered, he was relieved to find that he could still move with relative ease.

As he stood, Rose and Evanora arrived on the scouters, landing near him. Rose\'s cold, stoic expression softened slightly as she approached him. "Aron," she greeted him, her voice tinged with concern. "That was... unexpected."

Aron nodded in acknowledgment. "Indeed. It seems we underestimated the power of that creature. We\'ll need to be more cautious going forward."

Rose\'s eyes briefly scanned the wreckage of the airship, and a flicker of frustration crossed her face. "I can\'t help but feel upset over the destruction of the airship. I put so much effort into its construction, not to mention the valuable books I lost."

Aron could understand her feeling that way but what was lost, was lost. "I understand your frustration, Rose, but we have bigger concerns to worry about now. The creature may have left, but it won\'t be the last threat we encounter in Limbo."

Rose sighed, her features hardening once again. She could see that right now wasn\'t the time to reflect on what was lost. "You\'re right. We can\'t dwell on what\'s already lost… no matter how infuriating."

Evanora, who had been silently observing the conversation, chimed in with her monotone voice. "Evanora is also sad by the loss of the meat. Evanora almost learned not to burn it." She expressed, her voice lacking any hint of emotion despite claiming she was saddened.

As the conversation was winding down, they noticed movement near the water. Jagu, his once-white fur now drenched and bedraggled, crawled out of the waves. He shook himself off, trying to regain some semblance of composure.

Aron turned to Jagu, surprised he actually survived the dive. "Any heavy injuries?"

Jagu gave a weak nod, his voice strained. "I managed to dive beneath the water to avoid the full impact, but it was still a struggle. I think I broke my left leg but it should heal within a few sleep cycles."

Rose swiftly took charge, her mind focused on salvaging the remants in the water. She sent out her scouters to scour the wreckage for any signs of survivors. The small devices darted through the air, scanning the area with precision.

A few crew members, composed of Mrah, Khalel, Reginald, Jin and Scarlett appeared, battered and bruised but alive, drawn by the sound of voices and movement on the shore. They gathered around Aron, Rose, and Jagu, grateful to Lady luck that they made it through the ordeal.

It almost looked like this would be all but then two figures appeared not too far, it was Claudia and Xavier, but something was wrong.

The water from which they emerged looked especially bloody. Jagu and Aron who had excellent vision had already seen what was going on. 

"Help! Please!" Claudia called out upon noticing the group but most were too weak to even stand. 

Aron casually sperated himself from the others, saying only, "Wait here." As he approached Claudia, her expression began to soften, thinking Aron could turn things around like he always had.

"He tried protecting me from the debris but…" She trailed off and looked at the pale Xavier, his clothes torn in many parts and bloody but the biggest concern being the large piece of debris pierced right through his chest.

"C-Claudia-." He tried to speak but coughed up blood. Claudia held him tight and tried to provide reassurance. "It\'s going to be okay, stop talking."

Aron shook his head at the scene and revealed a harsh reality. "He can\'t be saved."

These words were like nails in the coffin, making Claudia look at Aron in disbelief. "Why? Why can\'t he? As powerful as you are you-."

"I almost died. As powerful as I am, I almost died." Before she could finish speaking, Aron cut her off as he could see she was emotional. But that was the simple harsh truth.

Once Claudia looked Aron over, she could see he was in a terrible state, how he was still standing could be seen as a miracle on its own. Resigned to fate, she lowered her head and cried silently, muttering, "It\'s not fair." In hushed whispers.

Even though she didn\'t share romantic feelings for Xavier, he was a close friend who had done a lot, even now, he gave his life to preserve hers, causing her to feel a whirlpool of emotions.

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