
Chapter 38: Ive formed an allegiance?

Chapter 38: I\'ve formed an allegiance?

Skarz looked at me with an intense gaze, the flames of the nearby campfire reflected in his eyes. "Loyalty, no matter what," he said, his voice deep and husky. "That\'s what my father taught me. And that\'s what being a true minotaur is all about."

I nodded, understanding his words all too well.

Loyalty was important to me too, but there was a difference between loyalty and being used.

"Your father doesn\'t respect you or who you are," I said, my voice low but firm. "Do you want to live a life where you have no choices of your own simply because you want to be loyal?"

Skarz hesitated, his eyes filling with uncertainty. "I don\'t," he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.

But before I could say anything, Fenghis, who was still trapped in the earth, screamed out in rage. "You traitor!" he bellowed. "You are a shame to the minotaur race! I never wanted a useless son like you!"

Skarz flinched as his father\'s words hit him, but he quickly regained his composure. "Why can\'t you be proud of me?" he cried out. "Why do you always see me as weak?"

Fenghis sneered at him. "Because you\'re a half-blood, that\'s why," he said coldly. "You have a filthy human mother, and that part of you... that\'s the half of you that will always be your weakness."

The rest of the minotaurs looked uneasy, unsure of what to do or say.

But Skarz was different.

His eyes were filled with a new resolve, and he clenched his fists tightly. "You\'re wrong, father," he said, his voice firm and steady. "I\'m not weak. And I won\'t let you use me as your pawn anymore."

"You worthless scum of a son!" (Fenghis)

Serena and the others watched me handle this.

They\'d done their own part by fighting this battle, it was my duty as the village chief to ensure I handled things from here.

I had ordered my companions to return to the village, leaving only Serena by my side.

As I turned my attention back to the situation at hand, I knew what had to be done.

What I was about to ask of Skarz would be difficult, but it was the only logical solution.

"You have a choice to make," I said to Skarz, my voice steady. "Are you the right man to lead the minotaurs?"

Skarz looked confused as he asked me what I meant. But before I had a chance to respond, Fenghis screamed out once again.

"I will not accept this!" he cried. "I am the only one who will rule the minotaurs!"

I couldn\'t stand to hear him speak any longer. With a cold, calculated personality, I ordered him to be quiet. As I did so, the earth trap that had been restricting his legs tightened its grip. The bones in his legs began to crush under the pressure, causing Fenghis to scream out in agony.

It was a gruesome sight, but I knew it had to be done.

Turning my attention back to Skarz, I knew I had to speak the words I was dreading. "If you know you\'re the right person to rule the minotaurs, then you should end your father\'s tyranny here and now," I said.

Serena knew what I was trying to do, but she didn\'t care. She was dedicated to me and supported my every move.

Skarz, on the other hand, was hesitant.

"But...how can I do that?" he asked, uncertainty in his voice.

"You know how," I replied, my tone firm. "In other words, I want you to kill your father."

It was selfish of me, I knew.

I didn\'t want to get my hands dirty, and I didn\'t want to have to deal with the consequences of murder.

But Skarz needed to prove himself and show that he was capable of leading his people.

The air was thick with tension as Skarz stood there, silently contemplating my words.

And as I waited for his response, I knew that this would be a defining moment in his life.

Skarz\'s eyes widened, and he looked at me in disbelief. "What... what did you just say?" he stuttered.

I repeated myself, my voice clear and firm. "You need to kill your father," I said, my tone leaving no room for hesitation.

Fenghis let out a cry of shock, but the earthen trap quickly silenced him once again.

Skarz, on the other hand, had a look of uncertainty on his face. "But... how could I do that?" he asked.

I looked at him sternly, making sure he understood the gravity of the situation. "You know what you need to do," I said.

Skarz\'s eyes drifted off, and he began to mutter to himself. "I can\'t... but I have to," he whispered.

Serena placed her hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. "You can do this, Skarz," she reassured him.

Suddenly, Skarz turned to me, his face contorted with fear and confusion. "But won\'t this break the [Sacrytis] agreement?" he asked.

I tilted my head, amused by his worry. "Starting to care about me, huh?" I joked, but Skarz\'s expression remained unchanged.

I explained to him that it wouldn\'t break the agreement. "You\'re not my subordinate, and one of the conditions states that \'you can use any means to attack.\' Besides, Skarz, you can\'t die yet. You still have a job to do," I said with a smile.

Skarz smirked, his eyes closed as he took a deep breath. "You truly are an amazing person, Lumiere, for an eighteen-year-old," he remarked.

Serena interlaced her fingers with mine, and I blushed at the contact. "We\'re in this together," she said.

Fenghis sneered at our display of affection, and it was a stark reminder of the task at hand. Skarz picked up his axe and walked past me, thanking me as he did so.

I nodded silently, watching Skarz move towards Fenghis.

I watched as Fenghis and Skarz had their final dialogue.

Fenghis begged Skarz, "Please! Spare my life. I will change my ways. I want to live!" But Skarz remained silent and unmoved.

Fenghis continued his plea, "I promise to turn over a new leaf. Spare me, and I will prove myself to you!" His eyes pleaded for mercy, but Skarz wasn\'t having it.

Instead, he tightened his grip on his axe, making it clear he was ready to carry out the sentence.

Skarz uttered his final words, "Father, you may die but let your death not be in vain. I hope that someday I will achieve the same strength that you possess."

Fenghis looked at Skarz in disgust and yelled, "You will never be like me. I will curse your name for the rest of my life!"

Skarz smiled, pained by his decision, and then nodded his head in farewell.

He raised the axe and struck Fenghis with a mighty blow.

I watched in horror as Fenghis\'s blood spurted everywhere, drenching his clothes and staining the ground.

Serena\'s hand trembled in mine, and I could feel her heaving breaths as we both shut our eyes simultaneously, not wanting to see the gruesome sight.

The only sound in the silence was the sound of his head rolling onto the ground.

As Fenghis\'s head rolled onto the ground, the minotaur army swiftly knelt down and raised their axes in a respectful show of allegiance to their new leader.

I found myself caught off guard, my eyes flickering with uncertainty as I watched Skarz take control.

Horns echoed in the eerie silence as Skarz stood tall, his eyes glinting with power. "All hail Minotaur Lord Skarz," the minotaurs shouted in unison.

I mirrored their movements as I bowed before Skarz, unsure of what was about to happen next.

But Skarz surprised us all when he turned and genuflected before me. "Acknowledge our High Minotaur Lord, Lumiere," he commanded the army. "He deserves all your respect and loyalty. We are fortunate to serve under him."

The minotaur army seemed hesitant, some shuffling their feet and muttering amongst themselves.

My heart thudded in my chest as I wondered if I was capable of leading them all.

Skarz noticed their hesitation and spoke up again. "Do not fear, my brothers. Lumiere is a worthy leader, and I am proud to serve under him."

He shifted his gaze towards me and Serena. "And what say you, my friends? Will you lend us your allegiance?"

I looked towards Serena for guidance, but her expression mirrored my own.

We had only just gotten to know Skarz, and yet he was already asking us to join him.

I took a deep breath and steeled myself.

"We... we would be honored," I replied, the realization of the weight of leadership upon me.

Another minotaur stepped forward, "Yes, we too would be honored," he said, his voice firm and resolute.

"And I," a third minotaur added, "would be honored as well."

Skarz smiled, sensing the excitement and potential for unity in the air. "We are fortunate to have met such brave warriors," he said. "Together, we can forge a new future for the minotaurs of the Andarbani territory."

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