
Chapter 265 I met an Earl?

"Have you made your choice?" Josip asked.

We approached Earl Goldcrest, who turned to face us with a confident smile. "Indeed, I have," he affirmed.

Eager to see his selection, Josip urged, "Well then, show us which one you chose."

The man carefully opened the box.

A soft gasp escaped my lips as I saw it.

Nestled within the plush velvet lining was a breathtaking ring, adorned with the most delicate blue gem I\'d ever seen.

It kind of reminded me of Lucretiaʼs blue eyes, almost the same color, just almost.

Josip remarked, "Ah, Earl Goldcrest, you\'ve chosen the [Blue Eyes White Gem]. A remarkable choice indeed."

The [Blue Eyes White Gem], I\'d never seen it before, but I\'d read on it.

It was a stunning piece of jewelry.

Its deep blue hue was captivating and its clarity, impeccable.

The gem was cut in a rectangular shape, allowing the light to reflect off its facets and create a dazzling sparkle.

Whether worn as a pendant or set in a ring, this gem was sure to catch the attention of anyone who saw it.

Earl Goldcrest nodded, his voice filled with certainty.

"Indeed, it spoke to me. I knew it was the perfect gem for my beloved."

"Excellent choice, as always," said Josip.

"And how much did this extraordinary piece cost?" the Earl asked.

Josip chuckled knowingly. "For you, Earl Goldcrest, a mere 5 platinum."

Earl Goldcrest\'s eyebrows furrowed slightly, the weight of the price settling on his shoulders. "Hm, that\'s a bit pricey," he admitted.

5 platinum was a crazy amount of money.

It could about six to seven sprawling estates and here he was spending it on something that\'d be worn on a single finger.

Then again, this was one of the three most expensive gems in the world.

As far as I knew, at least.

Josip\'s smirk widened, his confidence unwavering. "Not for you, Earl Goldcrest. You deserve only the best."

Earl Goldcrest chuckled nervously, his eyes darting to the magnificent jewelry around us. "I suppose you\'re right. This special room is where I\'d find the finest betrothal gift for my fiancée."

Makes sense now, he was trying to get a perfect betrothal gift.

If this really was Lanceʼs father, that also meant he was likely taking a second or third wife.

There was a rule in each kingdom or country.

That no one was permitted to have more wives or a larger legitimate harem than the ruler of their place.

Since my father had four wives, no one was allowed to have anything more than four. You could have concubines, but not a higher "legitimate" harem than the king.

It was another way of stating one was better than the king.

A glimpse of sadness flickered in Earl Goldcrest\'s eyes as he continued, "She\'s not particularly fond of me, so I\'m hoping this exceptional piece of jewelry might sway her heart."

I doubt it.

Moved by his candid confession, I spoke up.

"I hope it works out for you, Earl Goldcrest."

Even if it won\'t.

He turned to me, a grateful smile crossing his face.

"Thank you."

Unable to ignore a nagging feeling, I mustered my courage and offered a suggestion. "May I propose an alternative? Perhaps what your fiancée needs is something more sentimental than financially extravagant."

With a puzzled expression, Earl Goldcrest inquired, "What\'d you have in mind?"

I paused for a moment, gathering my thoughts.

"Why not try giving her flowers? It may seem simple, but if it comes from the heart, there\'s no way she could turn it down."

Earl Goldcrest stroked his chin as he pondered my words.

"Flowers? Isn\'t that a little...."

"Cheap? Yes," I admitted, "but sometimes, the thought matters more."

Girls love expensive gifts, that\'s a fact.

But here\'s the thing, I don\'t even need to lay eyes on his fiancée to know what she\'s like.

Let me break it down.

The Earl is loaded and has a bunch of other fancy people under his command. So naturally, his fiancée should\'ve been impressed from the get-go.

If she\'s not still head over heels for him despite his status, then no amount of flashy jewelry is gonna change that.

It\'s just a waste of money.

The smarter move would be to go for something cheap but meaningful, like a bouquet of flowers or a cozy little dinner that he cooks himself.

That\'s the way to her heart.

Of course, I couldn\'t tell him this for two reasons.

(1) It\'d come out as disrespectful.

(2) And I\'d make Josip lose 5 platinum.

The Earl stroked his chin, deep in thought, and eventually, a nod followed his actions.

"I can\'t say for certain if she\'ll like it, but I\'m willing to give it a try," he declared, a confident smile spreading across his face. "This\'ll be the perfect addition to our date tomorrow."

Delighted by his response, I added one more advice.

"Perhaps it\'d be best not to make it too extravagant," I suggested, hoping to guide him in the right direction. "Focus on what she truly enjoys, rather than what you think she might like."

The Earl chuckled, appreciating my input.

"Excellent idea, hm, what do I call you?" he asked.

"Lumiere, Lumiere Del Silva..." I told him.

"I shall keep that in mind."

With a nod of gratitude, he turned towards Josip.

"We shall proceed with the usual payment arrangement," he informed.

Nobles mostly consulted their financial advisors when it came to making payments. So most likely, the Earl would send his financial advisor to make the payments.

They rarely ever made payments in person.

If they had phones in this world, I doubt the Earl would even be here to make selections.

A simple video chat would handle the matter.

After finalizing their business matters, the Earl bid us farewell and took his leave.

Once the Earl had departed, Josip refocused our attention back to me.

"Shall we turn our attention to the jewelry you desire?" he asked kindly.

I nodded eagerly.

Now that five platinum was surely entering his hands, maybe he\'d be more generous when we discussed prices... Maybe...

"Certainly," I replied. "But first, what\'s the average cost for the jewelry in this special room?"

Josip considered my question for a moment before stating, "Nothing here costs more than two gold pieces."

"Do you have any rings that feature a brilliant blue gem? And perhaps another with a captivating green gem?"

In other words, something like a sapphire and an emerald.

Josip smiled as he grasped my intentions.

Without hesitation, he rushed towards a nearby display case, returning with two elegantly crafted boxes.

Placing them gently in my hands, he revealed the treasures within.

"These are definitely what you want..."


Grateful, I carefully opened each box, revealing a mesmerizing ring in each one.

One boasted a vibrant blue gem, while the other showcased a stunning green jewel.

"Ooooooooh," I uttered.

"These gems alone are worth approximately 10 gold pieces each," Josip informed me. "But, if you\'re buying both I\'m happy to bump the price down to seventeen."

"Hah~ you drive a hard bargain. Eh, could you lower the price to fifteen gold pieces? It\'d be much appreciated."

Josip\'s eyes narrowed, his shrewd negotiator self coming to the forefront.

"Ah, Lumiere, you surely know how it is here. Let\'s meet halfway, and agree upon the sum of sixteen gold pieces for both of these... Excellent rings."

I mean to be honest, he was already kind enough as it was.

Me drawing the price down to fifteen was just trying to get "lucky".

"I\'ll take it," I decided. "Can you have it wrapped up and arrange for someone to pick it up for me?"

Josip nodded. "Of course," he replied smoothly. "Consider it done. I\'m actually glad someone decided to purchase this set."

I asked, "Why\'s that?"

Leaning in, Josip revealed a secret to me. "The initial price for each ring was around twenty gold pieces," he disclosed. "But I decided to cut it in half to make it more appealing to potential buyers."

"So, the ring the Earl just purchased must have been here for ages," I deduced.

Josip nodded, a hint of relief in his voice. "Indeed," he confirmed. "I was starting to worry that it\'d never be sold. In fact, I even considered reducing the price further, but the blue eyes white gem was just too valuable to let go for anything less."

Anyone who sold the blue eyes white gem in the gold standard was looking to get insulted by other merchants.

"I completely understand. Besides, your rings are worth every piece."

With a gracious bow, Josip took the cases back from me.

"I\'ll keep them safe until you\'re ready to retrieve them," he promised.

I nodded, grateful for his assistance. However, a sheepish smile played on my lips as a thought crossed my mind. "Oh, if you could do me one small favor," I hesitantly requested.

Caught off guard, Josip cocked his head to the side. "What is it?" he inquired.

Scratching my head nervously, I confessed my worry. "Could you make sure Ruri doesn\'t find out how much the rings actually cost?" I implored. "I have a feeling it wouldn\'t sit well with her."

Josip bowed his head respectfully. "Consider it done," he pledged. "Your secret is safe with me."

Relieved, I beamed at him. "Awesome sauce," I exclaimed.

A warm smile graced Josip\'s face as he extended his hand towards me.

"Pleasure doing business with you," he said graciously. "Feel free to come back anytime."

"I will.."

But then, something else came to mind.

"Uh, I think I\'d like to buy a few more things..."



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