
Chapter 316 I’m getting married?!

Chapter 316 I\'m getting married?!

I\'m owing you guys one bonus chapter for hitting 100 golden tickets last month, will post don\'t worry...

Winter Break Arc Part I


(POV: Lumiere)


Only two days had passed since the labyrinth incident, but everything seemed to be going well.

The staff hostel provided a haven for me, shielding me from the outside world while the students enjoyed a well-deserved break.

Now, without sugar-coating it, my students got pissed at me because of what happened so I\'ve been hiding in the hostel ever since.

Stellaria occasionally came to give me me information on what was going on on campus, and one thing remained the same — Ophelia was still pissed.

Also, I\'ve been dodging Anastasia.

If she came to the hostel, I\'d piss Gunther off enough for him to throw a fit and then she\'d get scared and leave.

Ruri came one time too. I\'m not proud of it, but I used a curse summoning to scare her off.

So yeah, I was laying low for a while.

But to be honest, I was pretty relieved that no one was harmed given all the crazy stuff that happened.

Also, winter had unexpectedly arrived...

Normally, winter came when nearing the other half of the year, and could vary depending on what part of the hemisphere we were on.

But it was different here...

The mana in the air dictated the change in seasons rather than the calendar. Despite the biting cold, everything was in motion. The pyroapple plantation thrived, ensuring a steady supply even in the depths of winter. That was all thanks to Skarz, he was a capable guy. So I knew I could trust him when it boiled down to watching over the Silva Citadel.

I rose from my bed, stretching my tired limbs, and wandered over to the window to gaze out at the snow-covered campus. The scenery was breathtaking, the pure white canvas painting a serene backdrop for the few brave students braving the cold in their coats.

"These guys don\'t ever take a break do they..."

Just then, I saw Luna also walking in the snow.

Naturally, she wasn\'t wearing any coat, demons had a good level of thermofluctuation resistance.

"Doesn\'t she ever take a break...?"

As I stifled a yawn, a hint of a movement caught my eye.

I turned, surprised to find Ravenna standing before me, already clad in her black coat, a vibrant scarf snug around her neck, and gloves shielding her "delicate" hands from the chill.

"Hm?" I uttered in confusion.

No, I wasn\'t caught off guard about how she got into my room. She\'s Ben staying with me since we left the labyrinth because apparently she had nowhere else to go. Still though, it was fun having her around since we\'d play some board games alongside my spirits.

Initially, I was scared she\'d zap my life force accidentally but she told me she can barely use her abilities anymore.

Maybe that was the reason Klaus let her leave.


Ravenna\'s eyes sparkled with anticipation as she locked her gaze on me.

"Am I missing something?" I asked, puzzled by her excitement.

She frowned a little, placing a hand on her hip defiantly.

"You promised, remember? We were supposed to go out once you\'d rested for two days. Well, those two days are up."

I blinked, dumbfounded.

"Has it really been that fast? Jeez..." I muttered, my mind grappling to catch up with the passage of time.

She rolled her eyes, dismissing my lapse in memory.

"Well, it doesn\'t matter now. Get ready quickly, we\'re going out."

"I guess I did promise you..."

I went to my wardrobe, intending to grab my usual attire for our outing. However, before I could even reach for it, Ravenna swiftly intervened, shaking her head and rejecting my choice. "No, no, you can\'t wear that," she said.

To be honest, she was sounding a lot like Serena...

But I\'m sure her reason was something stupid.


Confused, I furrowed my brows and asked her why. I wasn\'t expecting a reasonable answer though.

She let out an exasperated sigh, as if my lack of understanding frustrated her.

"Do you really want us to look odd when we\'re walking on the road together? You in your casual clothes while I\'m the one bundled in a coat?"

The logic seemed backwards to me. It was winter, so wouldn\'t me being in casual clothes be the odd dressing while her bundled in a coat be the" definitely not weird one"? Still though, she was still weird.

If we decided to play a two versus two in our board game sessions, she wouldn\'t pick any of the spirits as her partners. Instead she\'d select her "friend". Yes, the same one she spent several decades talking to.

"Shouldn\'t it be the other way around?" I argued. "And I mean, besides, we have natural resistances against this level of cold, right?"

Ravenna\'s expression turned into a pout as she crossed her arms. "Yeah, but my resistances are barely working as it stands," she confessed. The disbelief must have been evident on my face, as I couldn\'t fathom how even her resistances were struggling.

It was something that usually occurred naturally.

So, most of the time one had no control over it.

"Even your resistances?" I asked incredulously.

"Mhm." She nodded gently.

"Well, I guess it\'ll recover at some point, right?" I suggested optimistically.

She shrugged half-heartedly, her voice lacking its usual confidence. "Uh, sure, whatever," she replied dismissively. Without another word, she headed towards the chair where she had neatly folded an outfit for me.

As she picked up the coat, scarf, and gloves, her confidence returned. She approached me, holding them out as if presenting a solution to all our problems.

"Here, wear these," she instructed firmly.

"But I have resistance against this cold," I reminded her, unsure why she was so insistent.

Ravenna sighed, her patience waning.

"Yeah, but my resistances are barely working, remember? And we need to match," she replied with a hint of irritation. "Just put them on for my sake."

I relented, willing to compromise for Ravenna\'s peace of mind.

"Fine, I\'ll wear them," I agreed reluctantly. "But only because you\'re being stubborn about it."

With a triumphant smile, Ravenna placed the scarf around my neck before I could protest. "No, no, I\'ll do it," she insisted. "It\'s one of those things a girl should do for guy right!"

"No! When has that ever been a prerequisite for womanhood?!"

"Lies! Stellaria told me it was!"

"Damn you, Stellaria..."

She continued to wrestle with me so as to wear the scarf on my neck.

"Now let me dress you up so I can tick it off my list!!"

Wait, she has a list?

I looked at Ravenna, taken aback by her sudden declaration. "Yeah, but only if we were married," I told her, half-jokingly.

It was the only reason a woman would dress a man.

When I was a kid Rhetessia was the one who dressed me up and bathed me. Because she did most of that naked I guess she was technically my first crush, especially with how big her knockers can be.

Damn it, perverted thoughts again...

Ravenna paused, her eyes widening slightly before a mischievous smile played on her lips. "I suppose you\'re right," she replied, a gremlin-like chuckle left her mouth. Before I could react, she gently placed the scarf around my neck, leaving it there.

"Thank you," I said, the warmth of the scarf bringing a sense of comfort. "Now I can finally breathe."

I wore the scarf myself.

As Ravenna balled her fists, a soft thud sound resonated in the room, muffled by the thick gloves she wore. "I got it!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling like jewels.

I raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Got what?" I asked.

"The solution to everything," she said triumphantly.

I leaned forward, urging her to continue. "Go on," I encouraged.

"There\'re so many things I can\'t do because of our relationship status," Ravenna explained. "But, if we get married, it could change everything. I\'ll be speeding through womanhood and reaching the peak that every wants to woman attain — getting married."

Startled, I blinked at her. "Eh?" was all I managed to utter in surprise.

"Yes, of course!" Ravenna exclaimed, her excitement growing. "It\'s perfect. If I get married, I\'ll unlock new possibilities and fulfill societal expectations."

I laughed at her enthusiasm, though a part of me couldn\'t believe what I was hearing. "So, we might as well start a family too, huh?" I teased, only half-serious.

Ravenna\'s smile faltered slightly, her eyes turning thoughtful. "I\'m not sure there\'s even time for that," she confessed. "But for now, let\'s focus on the marriage thing."

I raised an eyebrow. "Wait... You\'re serious?" I asked, hoping for some clarity amidst the whirlwind of her ideas.

Ravenna took a step closer, her hand reaching out to hold mine.

"Of course, I am," she replied softly. "Why would I joke about something like this?"

Was I really, getting married... Now?

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