
Chapter 25 The CEO's Runaway Omega And Three Little Buns 3.0

Now back to the special ones and their all encompassing love. He Yuan had the urge to puke blood.

Li Shiyu had slept in a hotel room and in the middle of the night, a strange man had barged into his room reeking of alcohol and instead of calling the cops, hotel security or something, he decided to wipe him down because he looked \'pitiful\'.

The heck?!

It didn\'t just stop there. The strange man clearly took advantage of him but he decided it was him \'indulging\'. But if it wasn\'t rape then what was it? You could say Zhang Jun was drunk to stupor so he had no idea of what he was doing but that would be clearly impossible.

Whisky dick was a thing and a man who was drunk to stupor would never be capable of getting and maintaining an erection so even if Zhang Jun might have been drowsy, he was still aware of what he was doing!

What domineering CEO? This was clearly a rapist!

If the man had a beer belly and looked like a wild pig, He Yuan was sure Li Shiyu would have wasted no time in running out, screaming and suing the hotel for their lax management. How could a random man suddenly have his room key card?!

But since the stranger was quite handsome, it was okay. After all beauty was everything. And a beautiful person could get away with anything, even murder. They were above the law.

What a fool.

Now to the products of this shady union. A financial genius, a genius hacker and a cute little goodwill attracting prop. All five years.

He Yuan groaned and rolled all over the hospital bed. He was just too dumbfounded.

He could allow the little girl as it was quite normal for children who are adorable to attract the goodwill of other people but where on earth did the mini hacker and mini business guru come from?

888 laughed. [It seems this realm is a bit confused.]

And He Yuan found himself agreeing. The special ones should be those two kids instead because, what the heck?! Where did they get the skills from?

You can\'t say Li Shiyu guided them on that path because he was basically useless and couldn\'t even nurture a rubber plant even if he tried. It was so bad that he needed his five year olds to make money for him and babysit him whilst he was abroad.

Seriously, where on earth did they get the skills from? Especially that business guru. You needed years of failures, set backs and experience in order to reach that level so how did a five year old get there?!

He Yuan pulled at his hair in frustration. Did the kid stumble upon some sort of wisdom ginseng and have an old man get attached to his soul like some books he\'d read? How exactly did he do it? The kid was just overpowered for no reason!

At his age, He Yuan was fighting with other street kids for a piece of stale bun discarded by the side of the road. He didn\'t really know which emotion he should feel more. Shame? Or alarm?

Now for the hacker, He Yuan could understand that technology was developing nicely in this realm and talented kids could do a lot with computers but how did the little criminal never get caught?! So you\'re telling him that in a world full of millions of grown up hackers who had spent years mastering their craft, no one could beat a five year old who probably got cognitive awareness at just two years?

Technically, the kid had been hacking for just three years but apparently three years was all it took for one to master a craft as long as you were a snot nosed product of a dumb, white lotus, omega father and an adulterous alpha father.

Li Yexi was truly pitiful. He loved Zhang Jun with all his heart but what did he get in return? Being branded as a mistress in his own marriage, schemed into a divorce, hated by the entire populace, his family sent to jail and being sent off to become a forced prostitute in the end.

Li Shiyu, the real mistress on the other hand, got everything in the end. The power, the admiration, the love, the company. He Yuan really wanted to smack something right now, preferably Li Shiyu\'s face.

How could anyone describe Li Shiyu as innocent and naive? He was clearly just dumb and a white lotus with a PhD!

After processing the leaser\'s information, He Yuan looked around the fancy hospital room once more. He had arrived at the point in time when Li Shiyu had already returned with his power puff kids. It\'s also been more than two months since Li Shiyu started living with them as a \'caretaker\' and Li Yexi\'s reputation in the Zhang family had hit rock bottom.

This was the second time Li Yexi had ended up in the hospital. The first was when he had been given an overdose of laxatives and, up till today, the Zhang\'s never bothered to find the culprit.

The reason he was in the hospital this time was because Li Yexi had gotten in a car accident. Good thing he managed to brake in time else he would be dead.

He Yuan remembered this period in the storyline. Someone had messed with Li Yexi\'s car and it was that mini hacker, Zhang Ye, whilst the other two watched on in excitement.

The three of them always acted aloof but were so quick to show excitement when committing wicked acts. They were so smart so they clearly knew their actions could lead to the death of someone and yet they did it anyways. Just how did Li Shiyu raise his kids for them to be so vicious at their age?

888 suddenly materialized next to the door, arm crossed and then he cocked his head to the side like a bird. "Your thoughts are quite amusing and all but you need to compose yourself and correct your expression. There are footsteps approaching."

He Yuan eyes widened. So soon? And then he took three breaths to brace himself. He was never married in his origin world but suddenly had to live as somebody\'s partner. If he had to perform any bedroom duties then he swore to any entity above, he was going to cripple Zhang Jun\'s manhood.

888 dematerialized right before a voice came.

"Li Yexi, what is the meaning of this? I truly underestimated you. You would fake an accident just for attention, you\'re so vicious that you wouldn\'t even spare yourself. If you think you could get my attention this way then you\'re wrong. You would only end up making me hate you more and more!" Zhang Jun said as soon as he stepped into the hospital room.

He Yuan felt the beginnings of a headache. Was this man a dog? What was he barking so much for?

Li Shiyu quickly rushed in and held Zhang Jun\'s arm. "Jun don\'t be mad, I\'m sure Yexi didn\'t mean to do this. He was just a bit muddleheaded for a short while."

He Yuan wanted to remain silent but he just couldn\'t help himself. "Jun? Wow, referring to your cousin\'s husband by his name. Do you feel no shame? And please whilst you\'re at it could you take your paws off the married man? People are watching, we can\'t have them thinking that the Li family is full of loose omegas now can we?"

Li Shiyu\'s eyes reddened and he quickly took his hands away from Zhang Jun\'s arm. Zhang Jun was livid. "Li Yexi how can you be so shameless? Li Shiyu was only speaking on your behalf!"

He Yuan laughed. "My behalf? Saying that an accident that almost cost me my life is due to muddleheadeness is him speaking on my behalf? Is there a hole in your brain?

-Did I even ask for his help? And if he wanted to speak sensible words, then no one would stop him but what was he getting so handsy for? Zhang Jun, Li Shiyu is unmarried. Doing this would give his potential suitors the wrong idea."

Zhang Jun fully exploded. "What potential suitors?! I\'d like to see who dares!"

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