
Chapter 124 Who Let The Zombies Out 31

With Du Jian free from his \'constraints,\' the human-zombies became more frenzied and attacked with even more brutality. The new human base inhabitants were increasingly pushed backwards and their numbers were reducing drastically.

He Yuan felt his heart shudder. Although he\'d managed to slip his energy into Du Jian earlier, the man was on guard so there was nothing much he could do. He decided to try to wrest control of the human-zombies from Du Jian\'s mind but there was no success.

Du Jian was strong. Freakishly strong and the only reason he hadn\'t blown all of their brains to bits was because he was high strung from controlling his human-zombie army.




The fighting was intense all around. He Yuan shot three bullets at Du Jian, which the man dodged seamlessly, before he suddenly had an idea. Instead of trying to wrest control from Du Jian\'s hand. A much better option would be over flooding the man\'s mind with multiple different energies.

This meant that He Yuan had to get his own army to a safe area because once Du Jian\'s mind was flooded, the human-zombies would be out of control.

There were about ten psychic ability new humans left in the base so he mind linked all of them to turn their focus to Du Jian\'s mind. Once he received their confirmations, he mind linked the inhabitants of the new human base.

[Everyone. I want you all to slowly retreat -as subtly as you could, towards the base. All earth ability users pay attention. As soon as I give the go signal, I want you all to work together and erect the biggest wall you possibly could, separating us from the monsters. Am I clear?]

There were grunts of approval in He Yuan\'s mind and the inhabitants of the new human base slowly began to retreat. Du Jian saw this and took it as a sign of weakness so he imbued more of his energy into his army, controlling them to fight even harder.

The psychic ability new humans slowly gravitated towards He Yuan and together, they began to pour copious amounts of energy into Du Jian\'s mind.

At first, Du Jian didn\'t notice a thing as he was focused on fighting He Yuan -after all, he was already receiving a huge load of chaotic energy coming from controlling so many human-zombies at once- but soon enough, his head began to pound excessively and he realized that a certain group of energies seemed to be specifically targeting his mind.

"Du Ling!" Du Jian shouted as he loosened his control on some of his human-zombies and blasted He Yuan\'s mind with his energy.

He Yuan\'s head snapped to the side but he firmly shook it off. He ignored the bitter headache and went back to overloading Du Jian\'s brain with his energy. The other psychic new humans were also relentless and drowned Du Jian with their energy after the man\'s attack to their leader.

Du Jian released more and more human-zombies from his hold but it did little to help. His mind was getting crowded and he was beginning to become confused with the strong headache clouding his thoughts.

He Yuan saw this and increased the pressure to the highest level possible.

Soon enough, Du Jian held his head and began to groan. " STOP! MAKE IT STOP! I\'LL KILL YOU DU LING!"





[NOW!] He Yuan projected firmly and the earth ability users began to erect a wall as Du Jian collapsed in the ground, tossing and turning whilst pulling at his hair in abject pain.

The human-zombie monsters tried to tear down the forming wall but the ability users on He Yuan\'s side did everything in their power to push them back.

"BROTHER JIAN!" Lu Ming shouted as him and the former base leader of the military base rushed over to Du Jian\'s side. "What\'s wrong?! What\'s happening?!"

Du Jian only clutched at his head in response and soon enough, his head began to swell. Lu Ming was horrified by this development and scrambled away quickly. The former base leader also tried to move away but Du Jian extended one of his hands and caught him before he could.

"Help... Me..."

Before the former base leader could utter a word or activate his ability, the wall around the base was completely erected and at the same time,


Du Jian\'s head exploded and the brain matter and bloody bits landed all over the former base leader.

He Yuan made his way up the wall using the stairs that had been set up next to the wall and when he arrived, he personally witnessed the former military base leader, who was frozen from shock, being grabbed by a nearby human-zombie.

The monster inserted its gagged teeth in the man\'s throat and tore out a huge chunk of flesh. This happened so rapidly that the base leader had no time to react before he was discarded on the ground, bleeding profusely from the gaping hole in his neck and choking on his own blood.

With the wall protecting the inhabitants of the new human base and without Du Jian to control them, the human-zombies turned on each other and started tearing themselves apart.

Lu Ming, the only normal person amongst the chaos, was stumped. He erected a shield of ice around himself to protect himself from the destructive human-zombies as he looked for a way out of his precarious situation. How? Just how did Du Jian\'s head suddenly explode? This wasn\'t supposed to happen!

He couldn\'t go back because he was right at the forefront of the army with hundreds of crazy human-zombies behind him. He felt pure terror but when he looked at the top of the wall and spotted He Yuan, he calmed down a little and rushed forwards.

Du Ling wouldn\'t leave him to die here... Right? They dated for three years after all.

Du Ling used to love him the most. If he, Lu Ming, promised to behave and never leave him and if he should apologize profusely then Du Ling would probably forgive him. The man had always been easy going after all.

He Yuan watched as Lu Ming shakily stumbled his way over to the erected wall and looked up with pure fear in his eyes.

"B-BRO-BROTHER L-LING P-PLEASE HELP... LET DOWN THE WALL FOR ME!!!" There was tears streaming down Lu Ming\'s face and He Yuan raised a brow. This was actually the first time he\'d seen Lu Ming cry so genuinely. It was almost pitiful -almost.

He Yuan mocked a distressed and pitiful look in return. "It\'s tearing my heart out to leave you but the thing is, I am the only hope for a vaccine for the whole world and the people behind this wall happen to make up 80% of the country\'s population at the moment.

-If the walls are let down then me -the hope of humanity- and the rest of the people -the hope of repopulating this country- would all die. How are we going to completely undo the mess that the research facility had caused then? Lu Ming, you wouldn\'t be so selfish and blame me right?"

Lu Ming began to shake as snot as tears marred his features. He couldn\'t believe his ears. "NO! DU LING PLEASE DON\'T DO THIS. I\'M SORRY!!" A bunch of human-zombies were already gravitating towards him so he began to bang on the wall.

He Yuan gasped dramatically. "Lu Ming! We dated for three years, three whole years. Do you think that meant nothing to me? But, a sacrifice must be made for the survival of humanity. Don\'t worry, once you die, I would make sure that every single one of the human-zombies is wiped out in order to avenge you."

888 reached the top of the wall in time to hear He Yuan\'s words and then he directly burst out laughing. With the monsters beyond the wall and the people shivering in fear behind, it was quite inappropriate but he couldn\'t help himself.

His host had shamelessly used all of Lu Ming\'s own words and excuses against him!

"NOO!!" Lu Ming screamed when a group of human-zombies got to him and he began fighting them off with all his might. He didn\'t last long as one of the human-zombies finally grabbed him by the head and split him in two, from top to bottom. It was a bloody mess.

He Yuan flinched slightly and looked away, the sight was quite disturbing.

888 tsked. "It\'s quite a shame. I wanted to kill him myself."

He Yuan narrowed his eyes at his system but remained quiet. Although he would have left the revenge to Du Ling -as the leaser. He just could not forget waking up in that building and almost dying at the hands of zombies when he had transferred over. Du Ling probably wouldn\'t mind anyways.

Since Du Jian was dead, his task was complete so he needed to return Du Ling\'s soul thread to his body and leave the realm. He looked over to 888. "Let\'s go?"

888 nodded and they both walked down the stairs and headed over to He Yuan\'s residence. There was no need to worry about the human-zombies outside the gates. They would kill themselves off anyways.

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