
Chapter 217 Little Mandron Soldier 40

It didn\'t take long for what happened at the Spaceship dock to spread all over the Federation Network. A lot of people were dragging Ding Wang and Xia Yueyu on the network, demanding explanations for their \'intricately weaved\' web of lies whilst a lot more others were calling out Yang Xue for acting self important and refusing to help their General all because of such a \'small issue.\'

Over in the Ding home;

"That ungrateful swine! Shameless seductress! Defective creature! Useless fool! Idiotic.... Idiotic mandron!" Xia Yueyu angrily paced about the living room, raining down whatever curse she could think of on Yang Xue. She absolutely could not believe the nerve of that mandron.

What did her Ding family owe him? How could he be so shameless?!

Ding Wang, on the other hand, was seated on the sofa and equally as angry but instead of throwing a tantrum like his wife, he was focused on his bracelet, sending out correspondence to his contacts to carry out damage control on the damage that had been done to their reputations.

Things weren\'t supposed to go this way. The Ding family soldiers were supposed to grab the mandron with no hassle and even if that was unsuccessful, things still shouldn\'t have developed this way!

Yang Xue had always been silent and that was why him and his wife had no reservations when they had said the things they did during the press conference. Who knew that the mandron would dare open his mouth to complain now?

And what was that about the mandron not helping out his son until the Ding family returned what they owed him? What exactly did they owe him? An apology? For what?!

Yang Xue had lived under their roof and had been fed by the Dings without payment. Just because they had mistakingly insinuated that Ding Weimin had recovered alone, the mandron was bitter?

Or was it because they had sent him away? Tsk. What did the mandron want? For them to hand over Ding Weimin on a platter and allow the both of them to indulge in debauchery just because Yang Xue had helped out a little? How bold!

Xia Yueyu slowed to a stop at that moment when an idea suddenly sparked in her mind. She quickly lowered her head to her bracelet and contacted the Fed police.

At this time, investigations were concluded and the date for Yang Zhi\'z and Yang Liqin\'s trial had already been decided. The same went for Yang Xiang bit hers was much earlier _with only three more days to go.

The law went by the \'Innocent until proven guilty\' rule so even though Yang Zhi, Yang Liqin and Yang Xiang were all in police detention, there was still a slice of freedom until their trial.

They were also housed in a special facility that had been made specifically for suspects awaiting trial. It had adequate entertainment facilities and the suspects were quite comfortable, the only downside was their limited freedom.

Yang Zhi, Yang Liqin and Yang Xiang were all housed in the same quarter even though they were facing different charges.

Both Yang Liqin and Yang Xiang had lost a few pounds from constant screaming, hunger strikes and throwing tantrums claiming they were innocent whilst Yang Zhi had sunken cheeks from the stress of handling his second and third daughters.

He had also been discreetly informed by a few close colleagues that his dishonourable discharge form from the Third army was already being processed and would be released after the trial. Yang Zhi sighed as he ran a hand over his face. He\'d reached out to Yang Teng about using Jin Yusheng but the boy hadn\'t gotten back to him yet.

The First Hospital had contacted him once to tell him that Yang Liu had regained consciousness and, just as they all feared, had received a heavy brain damage so she had to be moved to the psychiatric ward.

This automatically meant that Yang Liu was absolved from the drug trial but then it wasn\'t particularly good news as she wouldn\'t be able to function like a normal human being for the rest of her life.

All three Yangs took up different spots in the living room of their quarter, each lost in their own thoughts until the large holographic screen at the far end of the living room slowly blinked to life.

A uniformed Fed police officer appeared on the interface and said in a monotone voice, "A communication request from Mrs. Xia Yueyue for Colonel Yang. Accept or deny?"

Yang Zhi sprang up in his seat immediately. He didn\'t hear wrong right? Even Yang Liqin sat up straighter whilst Yang Xiang merely reacted with a uninterested blink as their father said, "Accept."

A soft electronic chime was heard and Xia Yueyue appeared on the holographic interface.

Yang Zhi frowned. "Mrs. Xia, wha-"

Before he could say anything more, Yang Liqin sprang up and rushed over to the screen. "Mrs. Xia... Madam Ding! You have to command them to let me go. I really didn\'t mean to drug the General\'s wine! It was all Yang Liu\'s plan. I was only a victim! She had been scheming against the General for a long time, not me.

-I was only joking around with the packets I found in Yang Liu\'s purse, who knew they would contain drugs?!" Her father stepped forward and tried to pull her away but she wouldn\'t budge. "I\'m really innocent!"

"Yang Liqin!" Yang Zhi grit out before forcefully grabbing his last child by the arm, dragging her over to the room she shared with Yang Xiang and shutting her in.

Yang Liqin banged on the door but, unfortunately, Yang Zhi had already returned to the the loving room. Yang Xiang was still at the corner, pushing around the pieces of a board game without a single care in the world.

Xia Yueyu looked from Yang Xiang to Yang Zhi. "There\'s a last chance for the case to be shoved away before the trial."

Hope sprang up in Yang Zhi\'s tired eyes and even Yang Xiang looked over with interest. "What do I need to do?"

Although he was very dissatisfied with the Dings for what happened to Yang Liu, if the case was dropped then he would naturally move past any grudge. After all, Yang Liu had been the one to sneak into the Ding home, they did not force her.

Xia Yueyue nodded inwardly at Yang Zhi\'s eagerness. "Yang Xue is currently at the Plexar Research Institute. Preparations would be made and you would be granted entrance to see him. I want you to convince him to carry out the extraction on my son and we would let bygones be bygones."

Yang Zhi frowned. Yang Xue had been found? But then... "What extraction?" He couldn\'t be blamed for not knowing, he\'d had his hands full dealing with his two daughters that there was very little time to keep up with the news.

Even now, he was unaware of the drama that had taken place at the Spaceship dock a few hours ago.

Xia Yueyu tsked. She did not bother to give any explanation. "Just convince him to come over to the Ding home. Also..." Her eyes flitted over to the crouching Yang Xiang and back. "Us Dings have a good relationship with the Jins..."

Yang Xiang finally had a reaction as she continued, "...So if you\'re able to make Yang Xue take back his words at the Spaceship dock and cooperate with us then convincing Jin Yusheng to let go of his case against your second daughter would be a piece of cake."

Yang Xiang stood up abruptly. "We accept!"

Before Yang Zhi could utter a word, Xia Yueyu nodded. "Good." And then the hologram flicked shut.

Yang Zhi locked eyes with his second daughter for several seconds before sighing. There was no other option anyways so he might as well give it a shot.

The next day He Yuan was at the laboratory of the P.R Institute, having his blood drawn for testing. Judging from the speed of the specialist back at the minor Planet, the scientists at the institute should get the results in three days or so.

This was particularly important because then they would notice the high amount of magnetic energy that belonged to the second Xor queen. The Ding family had unintentionally done him a favour by informing the world.

This way he didn\'t even need to speak up before people came to their own conclusions about the presence of second Xor Queen\'s magnetic energy in Yang Xue\'s body.

"All done." The scientist in charge of the phlebotomy said with a smile. "You may take your leave now."

He Yuan nodded with a small smile before leaving the lab. On his way to his arranged suite, he ran into an employee of the P.R Institute.

The young man had a pleasant smile on his face as he said, "Mr. Yang. Manager Liang would like to invite you over to her office."

He Yuan frowned slightly. Manager Liang? The woman who had led him to the Institute the day before, Liang Shu? He made a please gesture with his hand and calmly followed after the young employee.

In the office, Liang Shu looked at the two Yang family members seated across from her. They had suddenly shown up demanding to see Mr. Yang and she couldn\'t possibly refuse them on the mandron\'s behalf.

Yang Zhi glanced at at his second daughter before looking over to the door in impatience.Yang Xiang had insisted on coming with him and he couldn\'t think of a concrete reason to refuse. In fact, more was better if he wanted to make Yang Xue see reason.

He Yuan finally arrived at the door of Liang Shu\'s office. They were two uniformed Fed police officers stationed outside. His brows furrowed slightly but he simply nodded at them in greeting and walked into the office.

"Mr. Yang." Manager Liang stood up with a polite smile and extended her hand.

He Yuan walked over and accepted the handshake with a polite nod but his eyes were settled on the two people seated. He scoffed inwardly as he said as he said, "The Ding family sent you?"

Yang Zhi\'s eyes widened. "This-"

He Yuan shook his head. "If General Ding truly wants to get my help then he knows what to do. The both of you coming here is useless." And then he turned around to leave.

"Yang Xue!" Yang Xiang quickly stood up in alarm. If Yang Xue left then her chances of avoiding her trial in two days would leave with him. How could she let that happen? She rushed over to block the door with red eyes. "You have to listen to what the Ding family says! There\'s no way I\'m going to jail!"

Manager Liang blinked in shock and discreetly pushed a button beneath her desk.

He Yuan, on the other hand, quirked a brow. "That was the promise they made to you?" He looked over to Yang Zhi. "...To the two of you?" And then he laughed. "Are you both idiots?"

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