
Chapter 178 - Reconciliation.

There was a piece of news now passing through the City and needless to say, it caused quite a wave of reactions.

It had come as an announcement from the Payne Estate and announced with loud voices imbued with Cosmic Energy; The Payne Father and Son had reconciled!

They were no longer after the lives of one another and were now all about letting the dust settle and leaving the past in the past. 

According to the announcement, they were ready to bury the hatchet and look forward to a bright future. They would not let all that the Payne ancestors have worked for go to waste by ruining the Payne Family\'s chances with their feud.

"What a bunch of horseshit!" Hector said in anger and it was a little uncharacteristic of him to swear so hard.

Karon who stood behind him in the study, could not help but feel that this was why Hal had not been truly worried about the One-year immunity being rescinded.

One way or the other, the One-year immunity no longer had any use!

Could it be as so many had suspected and the Payne Father and Son had always colluded and this was them finally showing their hands?

After all, Karon and the Edgars were the only ones who knew Hal had quite a capable force and the only drawback was likely the fact that they were a meager bunch.

If he teamed up with Gregory and somehow made the Payne forces as formidable as his Knights, would that not be terrible for the other families in the coming war?

This must have been a ruse! 

Karon did not know when it started and did not know for sure if Rad\'s death was what caused it to happen, what delayed the plan or simply an unexpected glitch.

However, he could not help but wonder if a father would really let the son he doted on the most die, just so he could win a war.

When he reiterated his thoughts to Hector, the older man shook his head in disagreement and pinpointed the parts where Karon\'s logic completely fell apart.

"Rad\'s death was a genuinely heartbreaking moment for Gregory. I know that because he\'s not really a good actor. Also the young man Hal also loathed Rad and his father, I saw that in his eyes when he came to request for the Deathmatch order from me with Melinda Dane.

That said, I have no real idea as to what is going on and I can only say that there is more need to be very vigilant. It is clear that whether we like it or not, I was used.

The Deathmatch order and the subsequent immunity were simply to buy Hal Payne some time to put his plans together and I cannot help but be worried about what else he has in store.

All this talk about letting the past remain the past and look to the future was only sugar-coated words to say \'We\'re coming for you\'"

Karon looked a little uncomfortable as he said,

"Should we call off the ceremony?" 

Hector sighed, 

"No, we can\'t. Even if do, we will only be delaying the inevitable. Instead, we should make use of the ceremony to lay a trap, should they attempt to do anything funny.

Besides, you still have me" He said and clenched his fist, the motion alone causing a distortion in the air due to the strength behind it.

There was a fire burning in his eyes and Karon could not help but shake his head in pity for the enemies of the Edgar family,

The Mayor was finally serious!


The Master\'s Den, 



"That\'s impossible" Lillian said in anger as she also heard the announcement.

The master stood in the archway of the room she was in and eyed her with their crimson eyes, 

"What\'s impossible?" They asked and there was a hint of mockery in their voice.

It was something Lillian did not miss but decided to ignore. She might as well entertain the question, 

"Because, while Gregory does have a lot of faults, he will never reconcile with the one who killed his son" she snarled.

"Are you sure? Not even to have the upper hand against his enemies..." The master let the words hang there as though expecting Lillian\'s input but the lady simply glared.

So the Master continued, 

"The whole city now knows just how resourceful your stepson is. I mean, he was able to fend off the ambush of the Plebian alliance. What if Gregory finally recognized his talents?

What if he finally saw Hal as his hope at finally becoming Mayor?"

Lillian looked down at her hands as she heard those valid points. 

While Gregory truly was a vindictive individual, he was also an ambitious one. The fact that she was no longer by his side might have finally let the Ambitious side win over the vindictive side.

It was while she was thinking on this that another possibility came to mind, 

"What if he was threatened?" She asked.

The Master\'s Crimson eyes narrowed to slits, 

"By Hal?" They asked with a hint of disbelief.

Lillian shrugged, 

"Why not? You said it yourself, Hal is very resourceful. If he could trump the Plebeian alliance, then it stands to reason that he could do the same to the Payne forces.

He might have found out the hideout of the Payne Family elites and somehow used them as a bargaining chip to draw Gregory to his side" she said.

The Master stroked their chin, 

"That\'s a definite possibility. Very smart of you, Lillian" They said and turned away but Lillian spoke up, 

"That\'s it? You are not even going to do something about it? You are just going to let this happen?" She asked.

the Master sighed, 

"Lillian, like I once told you, you are way too impatient. I have already provided you with the means to grow stronger and have your revenge on those who wronged you, but here is a need for you to be cautious and not be too hasty.

Also, I have grown weary of interfering, from now until the harvesting, I shall simply observe and let things move in the direction I have already directed.

It seems to me that you still harbor feelings for that son-killing husband of yours and it is already clouding your judgment. You might want to let go of any lingering emotions if you want to stand by my side on the day of this City\'s reckoning."

With that the Master left and Lillian, who could not deny she still loved Gregory wondered if she could actually do what needed to be done once the time was right.


Meanwhile, at the Payne Estate...

The guards and servants stood together in the courtyard as Hal regarded them with Sapphire blue eyes and made them feel like lambs for slaughter.

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