
Chapter 301 - Demonstration. Part 1

"Imperfect of course since I have no one sided interest in the Sheik." Hal said.

Lucile turned away and made it obvious that she was working hard to ignore him completely, but the mere fact that she had not tried to intimidate him with her cultivation base or even make mention of the organization she belonged to told Hal she was not as opposed to his company as she looked.

"Gentlemen and Lady, might we adjourn to the Arena where the presentation will take place." Gavin completed his announcement and speech and walked off the stage to the curious mumbling of those in the hall.

They followed after the Sheik and Gavin who led the way and headed to where Hal had Rune dueled Master Fenrir who was most likely not present that night because he was tending to injuries or mild psychological trauma.

The Sheik and Gavin sat below the honor tent with the Gaug brothers and Lucile. He also insisted Hal sit there as well while other guests sat close together on one side of the arena spectating seats.

Once everyone was seated, the Sheik raised his hand, 

"Bring them in" he said and within the combatting ground of the arena, gates opened, and out of it walked guards who led two chained and fit men. 

Then they unlocked their chains and stepped back and out of the gates while Hal and everyone watched from above.

Hal\'s astral perception was out and was scanning around in preparation for the eventual arrival of the supplier but then the Sheik gave Gavin a signal with what was threatening to be a permanent smile on his face.

Gavin stood up and out of his spatial ring, he retrieved a small scroll before he began, 

"For reasons, he would not share, the supplier of the mutating technique has decided not to show up personally until the auction tomorrow but he gave us this demonstration scroll that is not only mediocre in quality and only worth one use but will also expire by midnight if not used.

However, he has assured us that this will be enough for an outlook and enough to show-off its potential.

And so without further ado, let\'s introduce our test subjects.

These two men are both in the same cultivation realm, at the mid-stage of the cosmic phenomenon realm and also in similar physical conditions but an acute observer will notice one is frailer than the other. 

It is to him that we will bestow the mutation"

Balancing the scroll, on one hand, Gavin carefully performed several hand signs while reciting them below his breath. Obviously, he had been carefully instructed and was trying to be very accurate.

Once the last sign was completed, the scroll shone a grey color as a beam of the same color targeted the slightly weaker of the two men and merged with his body.

Hal\'s eyes narrowed at the beam which he could tell were of demonic origins or more accurately, definite dystopian origins.

This had been done with the use of Demonic spells.

The one targeted by the beam began his mutation which started with blowing up his physique to times two of what it was before and then stretching his height a whole two feet and his clothes shredded off. However, before his privates could be viewed, they were covered with a thick grey crust that also proceeded to cover every inch of his body.

Hal sighed because he could tell it was very similar to what Arya had done with the Plebeians back at Salmon city.

The crowd watched on in admiration as the transformation told of good things to come.

But the transformation was obviously merely the first part of the demonstration as the monster turned his beady eyes on his partner who looked on in fear.

At least he did so at first before he gulped and folded his hand into a fist and condensed a cosmic attack but did not direct it at the monster before him but at the Sheik looking down on the scene.

Barely sparing the attack a glance, the Sheik touched the platform in front of him with a finger and released an immense amount of cosmic energy that activated the array of rune circles drawn all about the inside walls of the combatting area of the arena.

It created a dome that became transparent the next second, only being visible at the point the attack hit.

"You might want to focus your aggression on the eight Feet tall monster in front of you.

It\'s just a suggestion in case you want to live" the Sheik said in a lazy voice and so many on the scene chuckled.

Lucile glanced sideways at Hal and noted him staring intensely at the monster as though seeing through it\'s whole make-up and mutation process.

There was also something else about his gaze.

It was familiar, almost as though he had experienced something of this sort before.

Hal turned towards her suddenly and faster than she could look away. He held her gaze for a second before winking at her with a smile and returning to gaze at the monster.

It was true that he was trying his best to see into the mutation process of the monster and he had noted many differences and similarities with Arya\'s flame demonification.

Differences; there were changes in physical structure in this case whereas Arya\'s flame demons only got covered in dark crusts and did not grow more robust or taller.

Also, there was no evidence of Combustion.

As for Similarities; the mutation was clearly going to cause an increase in physical prowess just like Arya\'s flame demonification.

Also, the ability of rational thought was most likely lost in both cases.


Case in point, the monster let out a gruff and angry sound after no clear indication before dashing towards his one-time partner who took the Sheik\'s advice and condensed a second Cosmic attack which he tossed towards his attacker.



It barely took a second before the monster was dashing out of the cloud of detonation with no obvious physical damage to his body.

The man\'s eyes widened and he did what made sense to him which was to leap out of the monster\'s trajectory.


He did it at the last possible minute and thus the monster slammed into the arena wall but turned back immediately without any sign of disorientation before dashing towards it\'s prey.

"Note the resilience and its focus on its target. Right now, it is going after an obvious target but that is only because the technique is merely a sample, and the manner in which to control the creation as well as to give it targets has not been handed over,

But clearly the worth speaks for itself" the Sheik said with his ever-present smile.

At that time, the monster was bearing down on the man once again and he made the split-second decision to summon his bleak spear cosmic armament that was surrounded lightly by a Cosmic phenomenon.

Once his attacker was on him barely a second later, the man was stabbing at the monster\'s torso, only for said monster to grab the spear and stop him from pulling it back.

Then it raised its large fist and struck down on the prone man, however before his strike could connect, the Cosmic armament in the monster\'s grip exploded and tossed both it and it\'s prey far apart from each other.



So hard-hitting was the contact that the wall cracked under the monster\'s weight.

The man had obviously timed the explosion and also taken precautions to protect himself with Cosmic energy.

Now he shook off the cobwebs and stood to his feet shakily.

Maybe now he had a chance.

Maybe now he could turn the tables after his well-timed explosion.

But then the monster\'s figure vanished from where it had lain and then...


...it was punching the man in the face and sending him flying into the arena wall with a blood spurt and cracked ribs.

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