
Chapter 398 - If You Ever Get Tired...

"Ignore them" Hal said and Karmen shrugged, never really one to fuss over a little extra attention. Rita was more preoccupied with the re-familiarization of her taste buds to Doxon\'s delicacies.

Then a large carriage pulled up right outside the restaurant and out of it stepped a young man and a young lady.

The young man had the look of a classically charming look with dirty blond hair and brown eyes and in a location where Hal was not present, he surely would have been the main focus of attention. And the lady with him was very beautiful as well with her back-length brown hair and warm amber eyes.

However, while her eye color was warm, the same could not be said for her expression which was cold as could be.

Upon the entry of the two, many looked over in their direction and there was clear recognition in their visage. The recognition was because of the clothes they were both wearing.

They were the same midnight blue with an intricate castle etched into the front of it with three stars above it.

The crest and attire color of the Sensual palace.

Not to mention that this dress belonged to inner disciples who were only lower in status than those belonging to the Antonov family which was the family that had always been at the helm of the palace and this deficit could very well be solved partially by becoming personal disciples of the Palace Elders.

Anyway, even before they were fully inside the restaurant, they were already approached by a waiter and the mannerisms of said waiter made it clear that this was hardly the first time the two would be visiting.

"Delaney, what would you like to order?" The young man asked with a bright smile.

The lady picked up a menu and looked through it with the same cold expression before she ordered something.

The young man said he would like the same dish and ordered the drinks and the waiter left them after a deep bow.

And who could blame him for being so enthusiastic?

This two were inner disciples of a power in the Duchy only second to the Doxon family so he would be a fool to treat them with anything besides complete deference.

Hal smiled to himself at this classic scene of two lovebirds out on a date. While it was happening at noontime as opposed to evening dinnertime, it was still quite similar to dating in normal relationships on earth.

He knew what was happening of course. This was a technique of sorts in regards to Dual cultivation. It was a regular belief in the Doxon Duchy capital that adequate time should be made for cultivating partners to perform these acts.

It was said to strengthen their bond and enhance their dual cultivating experience. Since even after centuries it was still being practiced quite efficiently, Hal guessed it must indeed be helpful, or at least it was not too much of a hassle.

That said, it was definitely good for the Duchy in terms of revenue and must have contributed quite nicely to the economy.

Anyway, talks were still going on among those who had been in the restaurant before the arrival of the two Sensual palace disciples and as the two awaited their orders, they could not help but overhear and their attention turned to Hal as well.

The Lady called Delaney roamed her eyes over every part of Hal she was privy to, apart from his face and she could not help but admire it.

The young nan noticed the cold look of his date thawing a tad bit and he knew that at the very least, this black-haired young man had piqued her interest.

Which considering the level of manly beauty she was used to seeing as a member of the sensual palace where looks were quite as important as cultivation foundation as well as sexual potency, that was a big deal.

However, the word in the restaurant was that this young man had the distinctive eye color of a Doxon.

The young man suddenly stood up and his date looked up at him from her seat, 

"Vihaan, what are you doing?" Delaney asked him but he ignored her and walked up to Hal.

Then he took a look at the ladies he was with and was quite impressed. Rita especially caught his eye with her quiet but sexy looks as she ate her meal.

"Hey, you" he called to Hal who actually looked over at him with a light smile.

"Hey, you too" he said and returned his attention to eating his meal.

However, since Hal had already looked at him once, Vihaan could confirm that the eyes were indeed the same sapphire blue shade of the Doxon family...

Also, he easily won in the looks department and struck a blow to his overinflated ego.

"Are you a Doxon?" He asked.

Hal frowned slightly at how annoying he found Vihaan to be. After all, here he was having a nice meal with his ladies and this stranger comes up to him, even though they know nothing about each other and have so far not crossed paths, to ask him a question.

And he could not even introduce himself?

That was just plain rude. 

Not to mention the demanding tone of that question.

Needless to say, Hal ignored him and so did Rita and Karmen who had not even given any indication that someone was speaking to Hal from the very start.

"Well, are you?" Vihaan asked again when Hal did not answer him.

Eventually, he scoffed, 

"Of course you are not. If you were I would have been able to tell." He said.

Hal paused and then looked up at Vihaan with a light smile that suggested he was enjoying a private joke, 

"Oh really now" he said.

Vihaan adopted a smug pose, 

"Well, of course. You don\'t spend as much time meeting members of the Doxon family and not be able to tell apart their elegance from the poise of an... Ordinary man.

I do wonder though how you came to have eyes like theirs. It\'s quite curious..."

Vihaan paused and took the time to look like he was deep in thought before he shook his head, 

"Anyway, I hope you never attempt to impersonate a Doxon. That could have severe consequences. Think of it as my advice to you" he said with his same smug smile.

Hal nodded while Rita and Karmen looked between him and Vihaan and wondered how long Hal was going to let this man continue to spout drivel.

"Well, I\'m not a Doxon and will keep your advice in mind" he said in a humble tone.

Vihaan made a smug gesture with his head and scoffed before returning to his seat.

Karmen looked at Hal closely, 

"Master...?" She began but Hal dabbed his chin with a napkin and stood to his feet with an amused look and walked over to Vihaan\'s table, 

"Oh, you don\'t have to thank me..." Vihaan began but Hal ignored him and looked over at Delaney with a smile, 

"Hi, unlike your partner, I have manners and so I will introduce myself first. My name is Hal" he told her and picked up her hand to kiss it.

Delaney did not resist as she was quite captivated by his looks which she had not really paid attention to when Vihaan had conversed with him.

"I\'m D-Delaney" she said as her heart beat even faster.

"Beautiful name. Anyway, if you ever get tired of settling for what I can tell is sure to be mediocre..." He gestured at Vihaan with his eyes, 

"... Then I\'ll be more than happy to introduce you to the real pleasures of Dual Cultivation."

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