
Chapter 405 - Anton Antonov And His Partner.

Just looking at the carriage they were in was more than enough for the guards at the Sensual Palace gates to at the very least lessen their guard and once the designated driver showed a special seal, the carriage was allowed entry unto the palace grounds.

As they rode along down a broad path that led to the amalgam of buildings, Hal stretched out his Astral sense to observe the great number of disciples in the sensual palace and it brought a smile to his face.

Of course, being a pervert, Hal could care less about the structure and was instead sighting the beautiful ladies this magnificent structure contained.

Looking at his smile and the relaxed manner in which he had his cheek resting on his fist as he looked out the window, the ladies knew what he was thinking about.

"My, my. You can never be satisfied, can you?" Emily said and folded her arms beneath her breasts but Hal only smiled wider while he acted as though he had not heard her.

"Rogue" Amelia said and turned her head away from him.

"He\'s always looking out for new prey" Rita said with a cheerful scoff.

At this point, Hal could hardly ignore them, 

"My goodness. You all say this as though I only just started acting this way." He said with his eyes widened mockingly.

Karmen perked up, 

"Well, I don\'t know what the attacks are all about? My master is so wonderful and it would be a sin if he doesn\'t spread those wonderful qualities about."

With her sitting beside him when she said this, Hal reached over and patted her on the head, 

"Well said, Karmen. At least I still have someone on my side" then he looked over at Emily who was now smiling lightly at him, 

"Why don\'t we suspend my meeting with your father? I mean as the head of such a magnificent structure such as this, he must be very busy. Let me just take a quick tour." He said in a monotonic tone of voice as though it hide his excitement at the very thought.

"There\'s no time for that. Besides, Father is always delegating and has a lot of free time. How else would he have enough time to spend with his partner?" Emily said.

She had already explained certain things regarding her family to him and so Hal was not surprised with her using the word partner as opposed to mother which was that the ones who gave birth to her and her brothers were maids.

Think of them more as surrogates.

They had hardly any cultivation talent and their life span was very low. The same surrogate was used for the conceiving of her two brothers and another surrogate gave birth to Emily and both surrogates were long dead.

Of course, the children were born through intercourse but the process came with an agreement that made sure the surrogates had absolutely nothing to do with the children and could never call them theirs.

Anton Antonov was the first in the long line of Antonovs to make use of surrogates to have children and that was because his partner did not wish to have children. In fact, her Dual cultivation technique made it completely impossible for her to have children.

His partner had already proved herself capable enough to become an Elder on the Sensual palace and even then the two did not consummate their relationship with a marriage.

"The only issue is that while meeting with him, she\'s likely to be there as well." Emily said and was carefully studying Hal\'s eyes.

Hal, knowing what she was looking for, rolled his eyes, 

"I won\'t make a move on her." he said.

Honestly, why did they always act as though he found not control himself? Greedy and lustful as he was, he knew certain areas to draw the line. Besides, who was to say Anton\'s partner would even be someone he would be interested in.

"Oh really? Even if she came on to you?" Emily said.

"Even if she begged me" Hal said and pushed his face closer to Emily.

Rita and Amelia rolled their eyes at those words as they felt it was as empty as a statement could ever be.

Soon, the carriage deviated from the road that led to where disciples were congregated and instead followed a path that would lead to the core of the sensual palace which served as the main home of the Antonov family while also being the headquarters of the sect itself.

Soon, they were alighting the carriage and Emily led the way with Amelia close behind as they went to where she expected her father to be. If he was not there, then he was indisposed and could not be spoken to for now.

Hal was really hoping he was not available as he had an ominous feeling about the whole meeting.

The guard at the door bowed to her and Amelia, 

"Lady Emily. Lady Amelia"

"Is my father in?" Emily asked and the guard nodded, 

"Yes he is and so is Lady Noelle" he said and made way for her to pass.

Emily and Amelia walked forward as the door was opened for them by the other guards while those guards observed Hal and the ladies with him.

First, his eyes were peculiar. Who would not know that the sapphire blue eyes were a trait of the Doxon family? Was this young man a Doxon?" And who were the ladies with him?

Hal ignored it all and followed after Amelia into a beautiful high ceiling lounge with designs quite similar to the ones in the fictional throne room which had been in Emily\'s Mind space the first time they slept together.

In a large sofa to the right upon entry was a black-haired grey-eyed man who was smiling at the entry of Emily and Amelia.

He looked like a fit, middle-aged handsome man, and with him was a beautiful woman dressed according to the Doxon customs and it accentuated her curves.

The middle-aged man who was clearly Anton was spotted while the lady had her head on his shoulder and her legs lying on the sofa.

She was beautiful and there was something warm about that beauty of hers. A motherly warmth which Hal found peculiar since she did not want children.

"I heard you left in a rush and with my dear granddaughter as well... You must have gone to bring these visitors."

Noelle acknowledged the presence of Emily and Amelia and then her whole attention was focused on Hal and then the women with him. She took in his handsome face but what really intrigued her as was now becoming common among those who reside in the Doxon Duchy capital was his eyes...

"Interesting eyes you have there..." She said.

"True. Sapphire blue... Very interesting" Anton said.

It was as though her noticing it and saying something about it was what caused him to notice it but the truth was that it had caught the Sensual Palace head\'s eyes the moment he was in the room.

"But... You\'re not a Doxon" He said in an affirmative tone that caused Hal to smile inwardly before he nodded, 

"I\'m not. I was born and raised in the Silva Duchy so how could I be?"

Anton was about to speak but someone else spoke first,

"Oh really? You\'re Silva-born and yet you made quite an impression on my niece." Noelle said.

"Your niece?" Hal asked confused, 

"Oh yes, Delaney. You met her today so don\'t tell me you\'ve already forgotten who she is"

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