
Chapter 563 - He Is Not Deserving Of You.

It was many hours within the Harem space before Hal and Emily finally reached the end of their session.

An end that was marked with Emily falling unconscious with a smile of satisfaction. Such a high level of satisfaction could only be due to the long hours she had spent in Hal\'s sexual care.

Hal stood from the bed and stretched his hardworking muscles before moving to the mansion\'s pool to freshen himself up.

When he was done with that, he put on a fresh set of clothing and left the Harem space.

Leaving Emily within it to recuperate from the grueling session.

He had somewhere to be if he wanted to keep the reunion going.


Many heads turned.

Whether it be male or female, the young man walking the streets of the magnificent dual cultivating sect called the Sensual palace garnered the attention of all.

Maybe it was his tall, lean, and muscular physique that called their attention, or maybe it was his unbelievably handsome face...

... Or maybe it was his deep blue eyes that told he was a Doxon.

It could also be because everyone knew him to be the only child of their Duchess.

Whatever the reason was, Hal enjoyed their looks as much as he enjoyed not acknowledging it.

He had a destination in mind.

And at the moment, that destination was one of the most populated areas in the entire sect.

The battle arena.

Being a Dual cultivating sect did not in any way mean that the Sensual palace was not a place for brutal conflict because the fact that it WAS a Dual cultivating sect is one of the reasons conflict occurs quite a good number of times and with an intensity to match.

Whether it be to establish territory and showcase prowess or for time cards required within the Sensual Chamber, conflict is always generally guaranteed and disciples of the Sensual Palace who were not busy cultivating and not too far away from the arena would always show up to watch.

Whether to learn something from the battle or simply to just be entertained.

Today, the source of said entertainment was a young lady with black hair and the grey eyes of an Antonov and she was opposite a buff young man who was smiling lightly and spinning his wicked-looking spear in his hand.

"This really is unnecessary. Become my partner and we can just skip all this" the young man said.

He had shoulder-length brown hair and warm brown eyes. He was roguishly good-looking and had a muscle-bound jock look about him.

The kind of look that was sure to have many ladies of the Sensual palace seeking him out as a partner. After all, he genuinely had a virile look about him.

Anyway, it was his words that had the newly arriving Hal raise a brow.

His arrival caused many heads to snap in his direction but he wasn\'t enough to steal attention away from the soon-to-commence battle and the heads snapped right back soon enough.

\'Well well, what do we have here?\' Hal asked himself with a mild smile while he spotted the rest of the ladies in Amelia\'s clique.

Vanya, Jelena, and Delaney stood close to the arena managing to keep their eyes on the battle that was about to begin while at the same time, they also looked around and kept an eye out for any funny business.

It was not uncommon for dual cultivators to use tricks and any opportunity that was to present itself to achieve their aims.

Usually, things like honor and \'fighting fairly\' were usually absent in their vocabulary and they were really ready to do all that they could to achieve victory.

The trio of ladies was not having that.

There would be no funny business.

At first, Hal considered interfering but eventually decided against such a course of action.

This was Amelia\'s business and so far, she did not need his help.

Speaking of Amelia, she was eyeing her opponent with a confident smile as she said,

"No, this is perfect. I need to drive it home that no number of attempts at winning my favor or stating yourself a more than capable lover and cultivator will make me take you as a partner. Plus, WHEN I win, I get your time cards and hence your time in the Sensual chamber.

But you can still back out now though. As I said already, I have a partner. We all do" Amelia said and gestured to the trio of Vanya, Jelena, and Delaney.

The buff young man smiled and there was something about the smile that told Hal that this was not the first time he had heard this and this remained undeterred,

"A partner I\'ve never seen? A partner I doubt is even a disciple of the Sensual palace?" he asked to which Amelia raised a brow,

"Do you doubt his existence? Ethan, are you suggesting I don\'t have a partner?" she asked with a wicked smile as she stretched her hand to summon her war hammer Cosmic Armament as was custom of an Antonov.

Ethan\'s lips twitched as he realized the insinuation of his words and the manner in which he had phrased them.

The lack of a partner for any disciple of the Sensual palace was usually seen as insulting and undeserving of a disciple of such a great deal cultivating sect.

Even if whoever it was is physically attractive, the lack of a partner insinuates that there is something undesirable about the said person and whatever it was would hinder their ability to dual cultivate.

An example of such a situation would be Emily Antonov, Amelia\'s mother had been incapable of successful dual cultivation due to her condition.

"That\'s not what I meant. Of course, you have a partner. Surely, you must. I just meant to say that with your partner being so unavailable and rarely present, he might not be deserving of you" Ethan said and gripped his spear even tighter in his hand as though he expected Amelia to attack any minute now.

Amelia took on a battle stance with her hammer held in preparation to attack as she said with confidence,

"That\'s for me to decide and quite frankly, it\'s none of your business"

Almost as soon as she was done talking, she dashed forward and swung the large hammerhead at her opponent who swung his spear artifact to meet the hammer and actually keep the contact at a stalemate.

The spear being a high tier phenomenon grade Artifact and the fact that Ethan had a large and muscular physique added up to make this result possible.

But if there was anyone to be commended in what was quickly turning into a test of strength, it would be Amelia.

Her swing of the war hammer which retained its incredible amount of weight as well as her dexterity in pulling it back upon a collision stalemate only to attempt a swing once again was impressive.

Of course, Ethan was more than acutely aware in the battle to defend himself just as fast.

Deflecting the hammered strike.

However, the force behind the strike had been even more than what he had previously blocked and it caught him by surprise when he was sent sliding away from Amelia upon an attempt to deflect.

And while he was still trying and mostly failing to keep himself grounded and end the slide, Amelia was already upon him but this time, she had a Cosmic phenomenon charged in her left hand while her right hand still gripped her Warhammer cosmic armament.

As she charged the Cosmic phenomenon, her cultivation at the mid-stage of the Cosmic phenomenon realm was revealed in an outburst of cultivational pressure.

Cultivational pressure Ethan sought to match and surpass by releasing a pressure that put him at the late stage of the Cosmic phenomenon realm.

Feeling the pressure of his cultivation being a stage higher than hers, Amelia\'s expression remained unchanged.

Her attack continued.

Ethan knew instinctively to not underestimate the young lady and rather than face off against her attacks, he leaped back just in time to avoid them.



Both of Amelia\'s attacks; The hammer strike and cosmic phenomenon charge hit an unoccupied spot that used to be where Ethan was standing.

Right at the moment she missed, Ethan sought to take advantage before Amelia could collect herself.

He swung his spear in an attempt to strike her with the shaft but a swift transition by Amelia who had not been in any way disoriented by her miss saw the buff young man get kicked in the side of his head.

His spear swung harmlessly beneath an airborne Amelia who now shot her newly charged cosmic phenomenon against her opponent\'s chest at point-blank range.


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