
Chapter 864 Dainty And Massive Reinforcements.

While the Haron army division spread apart ready to attack the Blood Knights and Emissaries who were a tad busy with the rampaging Monsters, the Elders let loose their cultivation pressure before going on to combine their pressures that at least was at the seventh stage of the Cosmic saint Realm, and also charged a powerful cosmic saint attack with which they used to shatter the unison of Legion ladies who had so far held back the monsters from getting to the Denizens of Sapphire City.


The ladies of the Legion were all tossed to the side as the monsters poured further into Sapphire City and as they charged, the six Elders aimed another attack at Rita, Emily, and Karmen.

Emily instantly took to the air and with a massive wave of her Warhammer, she unleashed an attack that combined her cosmic energy with her reality warping and struck the combination of attacks.

The Reality warp was to reduce the actual effects of the attack and the cosmic energy was to cancel out what was left.

Emily succeeded in stopping the attack from hitting either Rita or Karmen or any of the denizens but it had her sail away from Sapphire City and even towards the end of the Duchy capital and when she landed she was limp and unstirring.

Both Rita and Karmen glared in anger at the Elders with the clear wish to charge but they both knew they had a responsibility to be on the defense in the protection of the denizens of Sapphire City who they were still ushering through the portal.

Melinda would have immediately attacked the Elders in defense of her harem sisters and the denizens but her battle was with Tanya who left all else to the Elders and the Harons while she charged at the white-eyed Dane Beauty.


Tanya slammed against Melinda who immediately reached for her go-to move of seeking her opponent\'s Life force but found that it was not as easy a task as it would have been the last time they met.

"You feel it, don\'t you?" Tanya said with a wide grin before she headbutted Melinda with her Monument gem,

"YOU FEEL MY LIFE INTERTWINED WITH A FORCE BEYOND YOUR INFLUENCE, DON\'T YOU?!" the Princess\' yell resonated across the sky as she used her gem making contact with Melinda to drive energy directly into the white-eyed beauty\'s head.


Melinda shattered into green, white and gold flecks that Tanya recognized as the diversion and escape technique that it was.

As soon as the flecks got blown away by the wind of their altitude, Tanya felt herself get pulled towards a cloud that revealed itself to be Melinda who had a smug grin on her face,

"See, you\'re not as out of my influence as you might think,"

Melinda had her white sword at the ready and she made to stab Tanya but the Princess did not wish to take the risk of getting stabbed and having her life sundered, as intricate with the Monument as it was, so she created a weapon of the energy of the Monument to parry the sword.

After the parry, Tanya tried to pull away from Melinda but found that she could not and so she aimed at cutting off whatever Melinda was using to pull her but there was nothing to cut.

Melinda\'s comprehension of the Ordinance was already past what Tanya could comprehend even with the backing of the Monument.

Tanya did manage to pull herself a foot or two away by sheer force of will but that was it and the two began to revolve in that little radius, crossing weapons and trying their hardest to hit each other with their attacks.

Tanya quickly found herself at a disadvantage because what Melinda had used to pull her close (Life force Attraction) was also being used to interfere with her weapon swings as well as her aim with her cosmic attacks but the Crown Princess did well to hold her own while still awaiting an opening to truly gain the upper hand.

Meanwhile, down below,

Once the two had taken their fight up high, the monsters that had managed to break through the barricade the legion ladies had put up, made their way ever closer to the denizens.

Rita and Karmen immediately sprung into action against the monsters and as they did, Karmen called out to the Blood Knights for a division of their forces which they could not really spare as they were already entangled with a batch of monsters.

"Ah, so I finally get to gaze upon the faces of the silly tots who think they can end hundreds of Thousands of years of Haron Dominance," said a black-haired middle-aged-looking Elder who surely had many millennia under his belt.

"They look so unassuming," said a female Elder as she flicked back her hair.

"Look at them scurry," said a third.

The fourth was quiet and just had his eye on those he was here to deal with.

The four, being powerful and important fellows of the Haron Family surely had names but their names are less important than their titles.

The first to speak was the Forty-Seventh Elder of the Haron Family, the third was the Forty-Eight Elder, the only female of the four was the Forty-Ninth while the silent and gazing one was the Fiftieth Elder.

The numbering was all about their ranks in the Elder circle which usually had more to do with experience than it had to do with actual cultivation strength.

Fiftieth was Fiftieth because he was the last to join the ranks of Elders so far and the only way he could rank up was if someone ahead of him died or ascended out of the Nexus World. Death was more likely.

Anyway, there was only a star separating the present four Elders with the strongest of their four being at the Eighth star of the realm and the weakest at the seventh.

The seventh star was the lowest an Elder of the Haron family could be at and the Fiftieth Elder had been at that level for hundreds of years.

Anyway, all four of the Elders had an Ordinance and while none of them had Abstract Ordinances, they all had gotten the Elemental Ordinances they had to the Harnessing Level of comprehension and with the little they had seen so far, they felt relaxed and confident.

Anyway, when it looked as though the monsters would break through the forces of the legion with numbers overwhelming the individual strengths of the ladies, reinforcement arrived in the form of a dainty body that jumped our lives of a portal that suddenly opened.

The dainty body was Sassy\'s but it was not dainty for long as she transformed into her gigantic serpentine form and with a swing of her tail, she swept the large majority of the monsters back and away from the Legion.

As she did, Sassy opened her maw wide and out charged toxic arrows that struck the chest and heads of the monsters causing them to combust into irreparable pieces.

There was a little balance gained in favor of the Legion and the Blood Knights but Sassy had not come alone.

Out of the portal she had just jumped out of charged humanoid beings with devilishly crusted skins.

Every one of the humanoid creatures was sporting the horns of their Devil Beast forms and at the forefront of them all, was a large almost bearlike man by the name of Borus the Ex-Tretch King and he led Hal\'s Devil Beasts on a quest for experience and more empowered bodies to devour.

Borus roared as he charged and as he moved, he appeared to be stomping on air. The first monster he grabbed, he bit its neck and chewed it up before proceeding to ravage as much of it as he could in a second before going for another.

All the other Devil beasts acted similarly.

After his gaining of Infinity and especially after progressing into the Principle stage, Hal had made tweaks to the Devil Beasts, and no more would they have to curl up and spend days assimilating what they gained from their cannibalism. All digestion and absorption of gains were instantaneous and so, the more monsters they ate, the stronger they became to eat more.

With the Devil Beasts doing very well to handle the monsters and Sassy doing well to use her massive size to keep them away from the denizens, the Blood Knights, Emissaries and Legion were able to get back into control of the situation and face the army of Harons.

While that was ongoing, Rita and Karmen set their sights on the Four Elders of the Haron Family...

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