
Chapter 884 The Ones He Shall Miss...

Chapter 884 The Ones He Shall Miss...



—Centuries Later—

*Clack* *Clack* *Clack*

The sounds of footsteps on the polished floor of a massive hall could be heard as a figure approached the head of the hall and ultimately approached the one seated, on a throne, at that side of the hall.

"Your majesty," said the new arrival into the hall to the frowning, gruff-looking monarch on the throne but the respectful greeting was backed by the most disrespectful tone possible.

"Be as creative with your insults as you please but don\'t be so condescending... It\'s beneath you, I think," said the man seated on the throne, and upon further inspection, he appeared a bit uncomfortable as he leaned back into the high back of his throne and tried his hardest not to strain/move his neck.

The figure before him brushed all that aside with a smirk,

"You are a God-king, are you not? Sovereign over this world?" he said.

"You and I both know I\'m a glorified governor... A King in nothing but name... Authority is not even truly mine," said the God King.

"I am aware... But it is a title you still very much hold." the figure said and there was a few moments of silence before he continued,

"Would you not like to make that authority truly yours... Would you not like to claim that Sovereignty for yourself?" he asked.

"Sovereignty is for one being and one being alone. I\'ve heard of beings like you," said the God-King who then took a few seconds to groan and appear uncomfortable before he continued,

"I\'ve heard of fools who have tried going against the Emperor\'s Infinite Sovereignty and I have also heard of how you have all perished along with all those foolish enough to ally with you."

"Oh, but where was all this caution when I was here just yesterday? When I spoke of overthrowing the Emperor, you were all for it!" the figure said.

"No I was not!" the God-King said with eyes wide with fear.

"Yes, you were! Your eyes brightened at the thought of grandeur when all that was required of you is that you let your world be the access point for the grand invasion.

It was only this morning, that you began to show signs of getting cold feet..." the figure suddenly paused and perked his senses,

"Ah, of course... They got to you. Someone is here," he said in realization as his entire body tensed in caution.

"Took you long enough," said a feminine voice,

"Yeah, we\'ve been waiting, listening to you drone on and on and on hoping you would have the good sense to notice us," said another.

"Maybe this won\'t be as boring an assignment as I thought," said a third with this voice being accompanied by the cracking of knuckles.

"Who is there?" the figure asked with his eyes focused on the God-King whose discomfort he now understood.

A dagger was first to appear right at the God-King\'s throat and then a hand holding that dagger appeared followed by the arm the hand was attached to after which the full body of an absolute beauty appeared floating effortlessly at the side of the God-King\'s throne.

Others began to make their appearances and although there had been three voices the figure had heard, there were revealed to be four ladies in the hall all with mysterious nightmarishly dark hair and a similarity in their looks that went beyond the fact that they were World-toppling beauties.

"Who are you?" the figure asked and the one with the dagger to the God-King\'s neck gasped,

"He doesn\'t know? Herold, you didn\'t introduce us?" she asked with a tone of outrage.

"My Lady..." Herold began but the lady quickly interrupted with her sapphire blue eyes flashing,

"In between conversations of a coup, you couldn\'t educate him on the very reason his plan was doomed to fail? Tsk tsk tsk, this is bad for you Herold," she said and pressed her dagger even harder into Herold\'s neck,

"Your highness, please," Herold began but was interrupted by a single word that struck him dumb,

"Quiet," said the only voice that had not spoken so far which belonged to the most mature looking of the four ladies. She roamed her golden eyes over the scene and while she chose to focus on the tensed figure, her following words were directed to the lady with the dagger,

"Nelie, we don\'t need to be introduced, we can just do it ourselves,"

"Right. Very smart, Sylvie," Nelie said and faced the tensed figure,

"We are the..." she began to say but was promptly interrupted,


The explosion originated from the very floor of God-King Herold\'s throne room and created a partition between the figure and the ladies.

"He\'s trying to get away, the sneaky bastard," said a voice the figure recognized as the \'Third voice\' from when they had still been invisible.

The lady, whose hair was styled in a back-length braid, flew at the fleeing figure who had hoped to use to explosion to buy himself time,

"You are not getting away! Taste the fist of Thereze!"


Her blow made contact against the crossed forearms of the figure who found himself sliding back uncontrollably.

"Heavy!" he said with a groan while he struggled to control himself.

"Hmph," Thereze said and clenched her fist to cover the figure in her divine energy which she used to pull him close for a strike with a massive broadsword she had summoned.

Before the broadsword could make contact, the figure conjured a shield of divine energy for himself only for it to be broken instantly by Thereze\'s broadsword after which there was nothing to protect him as the broadsword cleaved him into two halves.

*Thud* *Thud*

The halves fell to the ground and Thereze groaned in annoyance,

"Damn it! Another boring mission! This is the sort of nuisance we shouldn\'t even be needed for!" she said.

"Thereze," called one of the three other ladies but Thereze was too much on a roll to stop just for her name being called,

"I mean, how many times and how much longer do we have to do this sort of crap before we have \'proven ourselves\'" She said.


"Go to this world, it will be a challenge, go to that world, you will taste the thrill of combat and it is never true. I mean we were born powerful, sure but at this point, it\'s almost like a punishment to be his..."


"What? What is it, Appoline? Can\'t you see I\'m on a tirade?" Thereze said,

"Your kill isn\'t bleeding," Appoline said and only now did Thereze realize her blade was indeed spotless.

"Actually he IS bleeding, he\'s just not bleeding blood," Sylvie said now bent close to halves that were now leaking a dark and chaotic goop.

Sylvie stretched her hand towards it,

"Don\'t touch it!" Appoline said.

"I can\'t. Even if I wanted to, it\'s moving away from me," Sylvie said.

She was right, every time she appeared to be about to make contact, the goo would shirk away from her.

"It doesn\'t like Infinity," Thereze said and then a chill spread all about the hall.

Herold the God-King shrunk hard into his throne with sweat beads spreading all over his forehead so that his Royal robes were quickly drenched and then a chilling laugh sounded from the separated halves of the dead figure.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The ones he shall miss... His darling Princesses... But where is the Fifth? Ah, No matter, I shall start with you four..." as the voice spoke, the chaotic goo connected the separated halves and healed the figure who then stood to his feet in the most zombie-like fashion.

A wave of energy pushed the Princesses back and the zombified figure became clad in dark and chaotic armor with constant expulsions of destructive energy that threatened to destroy the entire throne room.

"Alright! Now things are finally getting interesting!" Thereze said while gripping her broadsword even tighter than before.

The zombified figure was unfazed as it took a stance,

"Come at me and fall,


\'Sapphirine Princesses\'"

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