
Chapter 886 Worldwide Outbreak!

Chapter 886 Worldwide Outbreak!

Elsewhere, Nellie allowed herself a few seconds of rest before she stood back up. Her dagger had fallen from her hand all through her flight away from the God-King\'s palace but with only a flex of her wrist, she called it right back.

"Let me guess," a voice said from behind her, and instantly able to recognize the voice, Nellie just rolled her eyes as she turned to face the speaker,

"You made everything worse," said a lady with brown hair styled with a Sapphire blue streak right down the middle.

"We didn\'t plan to, Loretta. Besides, I\'m sure we have everything under control, we were only caught by surprise," Nellie said while storing her dagger in a spatial space signature to her.

The lady called Loretta was floating a few inches in the air with impressive power steaming from every part of her body. There was no similarity in her and Nellie\'s looks that would signal a Familial relationship between them but the look Loretta had as she looked at Nellie was like that of an Older doting sister.

"You know, you could have come with us to the Palace," Nellie said as she floated upward and flew back towards the battle still going on.

Loretta caught up with her almost immediately with hardly any look of strain and said,

"Sylvie said it wasn\'t necessary and I agreed with her. You were killing a God-King suspected of betraying the Emperor, I didn\'t think you would need any help,"

"We didn\'t," Nellie said "At least, I didn\'t. I killed Harold the Sweaty but then he got infected,"

"Infected? Infected by what?" Loretta asked.

"Infected by..." Nellie started to say but they were now more than close enough to not only feel what was happening at the God-King\'s palace but to see it as well and so Loretta did not need to be told what had infected Harold the God-King,

"Chaos," Loretta mumbled in realization and then said more loudly, "Oh this is bad,"

She and Nellie were now standing in mid-air watching as Sylvie failed to destroy the Chaotic spell circle which then allowed every powerhouse in the vicinity to become infected with Chaos.

"This is really bad. The Emperor won\'t be happy," Loretta said with wide eyes of worry.

Unlike her sisters, Loretta had been alive Seven hundred years ago when the Cosmic Emperor repelled both Chaos and Order to truly take control of the part of the Cosmic realm they now knew as Nirvana.

Loretta had been young then but she could still remember the fear of destruction she had felt knowing all of her cultivation that she had strived hard for with the resources gifted to her by Hal himself, was pointless in the face of such a threat.

Since then, Loretta had grown, and received even more blessings that allowed her to very easily stand at the apex of authority in Nirvana but Chaos still scared her.

"Is this what you meant by having it under control?" Loretta asked Nellie angrily.

"I only saw one person get infected, I swear," Nellie said with wide eyes of surprise.

"The Emperor won\'t like this," Loretta said and joined her hands together to cast a spell.

"Call him Dad like a normal daughter," Nellie said to Loretta with a roll of her eyes just as Loretta\'s spell finished charging and out of it shot a powerful attack that moved too fast for any of the eyes present to follow.

The attack struck the Eldest Prince standing at the very front of the crowd. The attack purified the Prince of the chaotic energy within him and also left a seal of Infinity to stop any further infection.

As the body dropped to the ground, Sylvie\'s head snapped up to look at Loretta after which she flushed,

"Loretta, you\'re here," she said and instantly, Loretta was in front of her observing her face and body as though searching for any injury,

"Are you alright, my love?" Loretta asked even though she saw no injuries.

Nellie was fake gagging as Sylvie nodded before then saying,

"I messed up,"

"We\'ll handle it," Loretta said in assurance before looking at Nellie who was still fake gagging,

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Trying to vomit even though I know I can\'t. Curse my perfect body!" Nellie said before turning her sights to Appoline and Thereze who were barely hanging on in their fight against the Chaotic figure this whole time.

"I\'ll help them, you two face the horde of brainless nobodies," Nellie said with a gesture back at Appoline and Thereze.

"Since when did you give orders?" Sylvia asked.

"Since you, two were too busy making goo-goo eyes at each other," Nellie said.

As daughters of the most perfect being in all three realms, the Jade Maidens were perfect in looks by default. In fact, although they still had to work for their cultivational strengths, that journey was made infinitely easier (pun intended) by the Bloodline they inherited from him, and then came the issue; They were so perfect that no one could match them.

They had been exposed to a certain level of perfection in their Father and each other that they became distant from the zillions of other beings in the three realms and whenever it came the time to scratch the quite frequent sexual itch they would get, they looked to one another.

Every one of the five had been with another of the five sexually and on occasion, after a particularly exciting success on one of the missions given by their father, they had their wholesome fivesome in a special spatial space just for their delectable comfort.

The reason Nellie gagged at the show of affection between her sisters was that the whole thing with pairings had never really set with her... She could be with any of her sisters whenever she wanted and none of them would ever turn her down so why even show an inkling of one-on-one commitment?

"Let\'s go!" Loretta said and conjured a bow.

Sylvie gripped her sword and went into a fighting chance before them whizzing at the massive army before them with Speed that surpassed the concept of time and space in the region, they were in.

Loretta pulled the string of her bow and a spell took the shape of an arrow that she let loose and hit a target right when Sylvie stabbed her first victim.

They both successfully cured their targets of the Chaos that had infected them and also went further to make sure it didn\'t happen again but that was the only success that would come easy for them.

Now with three of their fellows stopped, the other Chaotic zombies charged at their enemies with the full might of the Chaos energy they had been granted.

Their speed went against the very principles of speed... Their strength went against the Ordinance that should have governed it because wherever chaos went, Order (the governing force of well-established principles) succumbed.

It was the principle that had always governed how Chaos and Order opposed one another.

Thanks to the bit of Infinity that the duo had been granted by their Father, they still had a chance at victory but that chance dwindled constantly in the face of the odds against them.

With her body shrouded by her Infinite Sovereign Bloodline energy, Sylvie charged into the midst of the enemies, she swung her sword and decapitated an infected consort and then plunged her sword into the middle of the bouncing bosom of another making sure to cleanse them both along the way. She succeeded but was quickly clobbered from behind,


The strike disoriented the Princess and while she tried her absolute best to regain her orientation barely a second later, an arrow from Loretta saved her from the strike of an enemy.

"Thanks," Sylvie said while feeling annoyed she had been in a situation where she needed help in the first place and then the situation got even worse.

The forces they were facing divided into two halves, one to continue to push back against the sister duo and the other to cast even more Chaotic spells.

The spell the infected God-King Harold had cast had been to use his connection as ruler over his immediate subjects to share his curse with them and the spells the separated half of the infected subjects cast were the same.

The people of this world looked upon them to govern them with the law of the Cosmic Emperor, the Sapphirine Prince, and that proxy faith the denizens had in them made it possible for the infected subjects to further spread their curse.

"Oh no," Loretta said, and considering the Worldwide outbreak already happening, \'oh no\' seemed an understatement.

Before either of the two sisters could think to even try to stop the many spells being cast, denizens of the world began to receive the infection of chaos.

All who were corrupted did not move but rather stood in place and cast their own individual chaotic spells to ensure the corruption continued and was unstoppable.

Even if Sylvie and Loretta broke free of the half they were battling to kill the spell-casting half (there was a very slim chance of that happening), the infected denizens would just carry on the work...

"This World is doomed," Sylvie said not with despair but with resolve.

Loretta had that same resolve as she said,

"You\'re right... It must fall!"

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