
Chapter 888 Impossible Challenge?

Chapter 888 Impossible Challenge?

The sisters protected themselves from the blowback of the destruction of the World while they also combined strength to pull Loretta away from the midst of the destructive ripple that threatened to tear her apart.

Once Loretta was free, the Sisters put as much distance as was required between themselves and the ongoing destruction that shook celestial bodies light years away.

It took barely a second before they realized there was a sound they could hear within the destruction that did not quite match it... Something was trying to pull itself free of the destruction.

"It\'s not dead," Thereze said grimly.

"It\'s not," Sylvie frowned while cradling a comatose Loretta against her chest.

"ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH------ YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!!" the Chaotic figure yelled with its size now even more massive than the destruction of the world it had pulled free from.

With incredible manipulation of chaotic energy, the Chaotic figure warped its gigantic self away from the destroyed world trying to pull at his heels, and charged at the sisters while sending out a chaotic scythe in front of himself.


Thereze had a look of focus and determination as she used a broadsword to split the attack apart before then using her broadsword like a pen with which to draw a blood pentagram that she slammed toward her opponent.

The Chaotic figure avoided getting hit by the spell only to discover it had never been meant to attack him, at least not in the physical sense. Blood-red tendrils of energy charged out of the pentagram and stabbed into the figure.

Their speed was meta-physical in a manner than made it hard to avoid... It would have to be fought against.

The Chaotic figure strained against the pull of the spell because, for all the chaotic energy it had been bestowed by its Master, it still required a physical body as a foundation to build on and it was the physical body, that foundation that Thereze\'s spell attacked.

Thereze\'s eyes were bloodshot and she began to bleed from her nostrils at the level of strain the spell she had cast, and the struggle of the Chaotic figure against that spell had caused her.

She always had the spell in her arsenal but would never have used it if not for Loretta having given all she had to give them a fighting chance.

The spell was dangerous and to even have a chance of casting it, Thereze had to burn the blood running through her veins and use it as fuel to power it.

Yes, she had inherited her father\'s bloodline but she was nowhere near his level of expertise with it... The power she and her sisters could draw from the Bloodline relied a lot on their Cultivation and personal talent.

The good news was, the well of power in the Infinite Sovereign Bloodline was -well-? Infinite. No matter how much of it Thereze burned to fuel her spell, she could never use it up, however, her body had a limit to how much blood burning it could handle hence the bleeding and the continuous weakening of her body\'s strength.

Even though the Blood spell was pulling at the foundation that allowed it to exist, the Chaotic figure still struck out at Thereze.

The disparity in size between them alone was fear-inducing but Thereze was fearless as she parried an attack with her broadsword just in time for her Sisters to arrive and provide support.

A Blue and black colored trident flew over Thereze\'s head to stab into the chest of the Chaotic figure before flooding said figure with energy aimed at destabilizing the chaotic core it was rampaging with.

The chaotic figure dislodged the Trident from its chest only for it to rip itself from its hold to return to Appoline\'s hand.

Appoline spun the Trident and tendrils of devil energy charged out to tie a noose around the Chaotic figure\'s neck in a choke hold that was meant to keep the figure contained long enough for Thereze\'s spell to fully take effect.

Appoline was using every bit of strength left in her body and was rapidly running out but of course, she soon had support.

Nellie appeared above the gigantic figure and used her dagger as an anchor for a piercing spell of her own. The spell stabbed downward into the head of the figure and passed a tremor all over its massive chaotic body to pull it down and keep it down.

It didn\'t take long for Nellie and Appoline to begin to bleed from all their orifices at the strain their attempts against the chaotic figure was having on them.

And then things got bad...


The dagger-piercing spell was dislodged from the Chaotic figure\'s head...

And then got worse...


The tendrils of devil energy cracked and imploded with their blowback damaging multiple of Appoline\'s inner organs...


The physical foundation that Thereze was successfully pulling out of the enemy was reabsorbed and Thereze\'s mind was slammed with a recoil that wracked her mentally and physically to the point of coughing up blood.

As she was tossed back, Thereze had a sad smile on her face,

\'Father, when I said I wanted more of a challenge, this impossible one was not what I meant,\' she thought just as the Chaotic figure let out a field of chaotic energy all around the region they were in to make all ordinances useless within.

It trapped them without any means of a quick getaway.

Sylvie looked around at her injured sisters floating around her not only feeling physically powerless but also mentally.

Victory is a Mindset, they say, well, the Sisters had lost that mindset at the moment.

Sylvie pulled her Sisters close and put a large ring around them to make sure they did not float too far away from each other and then she armed herself with her sword before pulling from the deepest reserves of energy she had from both her Father and Mother in hopes of one last stand-off against the enemy.

"Do you even realize how long the plan you just ruined has been in motion? Well, of course, you should, seeing as it\'s always you five that RUIN IT!" the Chaotic figure said while taking its sweet time moving its gigantic body towards Sylvie.

"What are you talking about?" Sylvie asked.

In all honesty, she could guess what he was going on about or at least did not care enough to listen but she felt it wouldn\'t be too bad if she could get her opponent talking and give herself time to think of a possible solution.

Of the Five, Loretta was the oldest but in the order that actually counts, the order of children born to the Cosmic Emperor, Sylvie was first. Plus, she was not born of any average goddess either but rather she was the daughter of the Cosmic Empress, the first in his legion of guesses.

Sylvie always felt pressure to be the more mature of her Sisters... To be the one who spoke less and thought more... She always felt like she had less of an excuse to screw up and truly, with the power she inherited from both her parents, that was indeed the case.

It could get tiring to keep the others in check but Loretta was always there for support whenever she began to feel overwhelmed, however, currently, that was not the case;

Loretta was unconscious and the hopes of ever surviving this ordeal lay on Sylvie\'s shoulders... At least that was how she felt.

"What am I talking about?" the Chaotic Figure said with a sneer,

"Nirvana is protected by that bastard\'s Infinity... The gods cannot infiltrate so the plan has always been to pick those considered worthy in the Mortal Realm, and provide them with the required resources so that they can advance into Nirvana as powerful experts able to contend for rulership of the world they arrive in,"

"That\'s what you did to Harold," Sylvie said. It was not a question just an attempt to keep the conversation going.

"Yes. But, Harold is a different case in the sense that, he was helped behind the scenes. His rise to power in his world was secretly aided and he genuinely saw promise in unseating the Cosmic Emperor," the Figure said.

"A foolish dream," Sylvie said.

"I agree," the Chaotic figure said, "Harold never had a chance but he was only a means to an end. I wanted him and his world corrupted so my Master could use that to set up a chain to slowly take control of Nirvana.

It was supposed to be a silent affair right under the bastard Emperor\'s nose but your arrival disrupted that.

No worry though, you five will do nicely and will be a massive blow to his ego.

I know you are protected by his Infinity but no protection lasts forever... I will break through eventually."


"What was that?" the Chaotic figure asked in surprise as the field it had created began to show cracks all about.




The field shattered, and the sisters were free of their entrapment but none of them thought to run,

Why would they?


They were saved.

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