
Chapter 44 Lonest

Chapter 44 Lonest

"Good to see you, too, Melzer," said Arthur, bending over to caress the cat\'s head. However, at that moment, white smoke encompassed the area, and the cat morphed into what seemed like a hobo.

With tattered clothes and a squalid scent, Melzer didn\'t seem to be at his peak considering hygiene and presentability. Instead, he seemed like a homeless person or a beggar on the streets.

With a calm expression, he approached Arthur before extending his arm for a handshake.


It was a firm and quick handshake, but the two understood extensive information within that moment. Melzer\'s hands were coarse, rough and filled with calluses, while Arthur\'s hands were similar yet a lot smoother. It wasn\'t a massive difference, as both fought using weapons.

"How\'ve you been doing in Arcadia?" Melzer asked, revealing a friendly smile.

"All right… I guess," replied Arthur, scratching his head in embarrassment. He couldn\'t simply reveal his misfortunes immediately after their first meeting in a while. It was a sensitive topic, anyway.

Rather than that, Arthur was more interested in the development of the village. Instead of its regular appearance, the village was now bustling with enthusiastic residents that held gatherings and parties every day.

Lights surrounded the streets, providing ample warmth and illumination to those wandering the village. A giant signboard rested near the entrance of the village, revealing its name to wanderers or tourists.

The giant, wooden sign board said, "Lonest."

Lonest was a name that translated to, "The Lonely City of the Forest," and accurately described the village before the drastic change. However, now, the name was more of a representation of the founder\'s peculiar taste.

Currently, the villagers seemed to be celebrating a festival Arthur wasn\'t aware of.

"They\'re celebrating the ample warmth they receive during winter," explained Melzer. "I forgot the name of the festival, but it\'s quite popular among the old people. The elders have been preparing for a week."

"Was my face that readable?"

Melzer nodded before letting out a chuckle. "You seemed like you were begging to know."

"Does \'old people\' include you?" Arthur asked, raising an eyebrow. "Considering you\'ve been alive for who knows how long, they should include you in the festival. Hell, they should start worshiping you as the guardian deity."

"Say one more word about the subject and they\'ll be mourning your death tomorrow," said Melzer, baring his fangs. Arthur let out a chuckle, but didn\'t speak further, as that would only cause enmity to form.

"Did you invite these people?"

"Yeah," replied Melzer, brushing his bangs. He tied them back, nullifying the obstruction of his vision. "My acquaintances from other cities wished to visit, and I simply suggested they move in, instead."

"Lonest is bustling…" Arthur muttered, observing the scenery of the village.


The two remained silent for a few seconds, admiring the development of the village. It was large enough to be referred to as a town, now. Instead of 50-60, the population of the village was now in the hundreds.

It was a massive improvement.

"So, what did happen in Arcadia?" Melzer asked, admiring the chilly breeze that swept across his body, causing his silky hair to flutter. It was winter, now, and snow had almost arrived. The atmosphere was becoming colder.

"You realized…"

"How wouldn\'t I?" Melzer asked, raising an eyebrow. "I may have known you for barely a month, but I\'m not unbeknownst to such obvious tricks."

"It wasn\'t a trick, you know?"

"Whatever, it was, let\'s talk about it inside," said Melzer. His eyes darted across the area before narrowing. He then led Arthur inside his home, which was as luxurious inside as it was hideous outside.

Arthur plopped down on the couch while Melzer sat on the bar table.

"What happened, Arthur?"

Biting his lip, the crimson-eyed man recited the events of their departure. It was a decent visit during the beginning, but it soon morphed into a downward spiral after Jamie shoved Lily onto the floor.

Then came the incident where Arthur sliced his finger.

During the intelligence and knowledge text, everything was relatively peaceful, but during the practical exam, Arthur allowed himself to receive a bad reputation. Furthermore, he twisted Alisha\'s arm after a certain incident.

Then, with the disappearance and alliance with the Ainsworths and Jester Organization, it took too long. After that, his family…

Following that development, Gary was suspected to be a spy. And finally, Jake was permanently crippled due to the attack of an unknown assassin. Although the assassin had been killed, it didn\'t reverse his acts.

By the end of it, Melzer was patting Arthur\'s back while he calmly recited the events. Although the latter seemed indifferent to the events, internally, he was screaming. Not only would he be prevented from meeting his family until he entered Heaven\'s Spire, but the plan established at that cost had also been destroyed.

Well, it could still be reconstructed, but it only showed by a tiny, unexpected variable could absolutely destroy a well-crafted plan.

"How long are you staying?" Melzer asked, preparing two glasses of juice before sliding one over to Arthur. The crimson-eyed man\'s eyes flashed before his arm moved unconsciously to prevent the juice from spilling.

After that, he chugged it down instantly. Its cold texture was pleasant on the tongue, providing it with a well-needed switch in temperature. Once the juice had gone down his throat, Arthur raised his head to look at Melzer.

"Maybe a day or two?" Arthur speculated in a questioning tone, counting mentally. The days were based on the amount of time Arthur could be away from Arcadia Academy before Flecker reported him to the principal.

Since Arthur assisted Flecker in managing his theories, the latter allowed the former to skip school for a few days as compensation. Using the leeway of time, Arthur immediately visited Lonest.

Suddenly, a knowing expression blossomed on Melzer\'s face. Arthur gazed at his expression with a complicated expression, uncertain of what the hobo was imagining.

"What are you really in Lonest for, Arthur?"

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