
Chapter 233 Transmigration: I Will Rule This World! Part 1

“Flying metal boats without magic!? That’s crazy!” And here, Adel was eating it up. Although I must admit, I am curious as to see how they envision how things would be on Earth. It has piqued my curiosity.

“Now then, which one interests you the most? If you want a mix of romance and fantasy, I recommend this one novel about a fluffy beastkin and a Domineering CEO.  Although….” The young woman’s cheeks flushed red as she leaned over and whispered into my ear. “It might be a bit too much for girls your age.”

My cheeks began heating up. Why was she suggesting such a book!? “We don’t need that kind of  book!” I  yelled out.

The young woman pursed her lips as she looked at me. “But it’s a good….”.

“We are too young!” I interrupted her. “Let’s go with the PURE fantasy novels for now.” I made sure I emphasized the word pure. I mean, I do not need Adel reading some skankily written book about adult things right now. I might wake up to something I am not ready for.

“Okay! Okay… But if you are interested, just let me know.” The young woman replied with a strange smile. I just shook my head and looked up at Adel and the others, who all had confused faces on their faces.

“Umm, Faith, what were…” Adel seemed to want to ask what I was just told, but I quickly began speaking again, ignoring the question she was about to ask so that she would hopefully forget about it. “Where can we find the fantasy section?”

“Take the left staircase. It will bring you to the floors with only fantasy books.” The young woman replied with a smile.

“Thank you.” I gave a slight bow before taking the lead and walking up the stairs. I figured I would be interacting with her a lot from now on. Although I did forget to get her name, but that can come later.

The stairs leading to the floating island were really strange. While they seemed skinny at first before you stepped on them, when you did, they seemed to expand left and right to kind of give you the security that you will not fall off if you take the wrong step, which was nice because I was slightly nervous as to what would happen if I did fall off. I mean, the area below was just a thick, dense layer of clouds, after all, with no way of finding out what lay beneath them.

It took a few minutes to reach the island. When I looked around, I saw many different kinds of flora and fauna growing out of the stone ground amongst the tall wooden bookcases. Now to me, this was truly fantasy like. It was a very pretty sight and gave off a nice calming feeling.

There was even a small stream trickling by that flowed into a small pond that had a pavilion on it for people to sit and read in peace. It was definitely a serene place, and to be honest, I really liked it. “Let’s split up and find something to read.”

“You seem excited,” Sei whispered.

“Of course, I love books. Reading is something I do not have much time to do, but it is one of my favorite things to do.” I replied in a hushed tone.

“Then we shouldn’t keep you from doing it,” Adel said while pushing me from behind. I smiled and ran off. I really wanted to read the stories of this world. I wonder if they could meet my expectations.

There was row upon row of books all lined up on their shelves neatly. There was no dust to be seen, as if someone took very good care of the books here. For some reason, I could envision the young woman downstairs diligently cleaning the books here every day. I do not know why I think this, but I just get the feeling that she was just that kind of person.

I scanned the books and read the titles, and to be honest, many of them reminded me of the Japanese novels with the unnecessarily long names back on Earth. It made me chuckle because I used to read such novels myself. I really loved those days when I would sit back on my bed and read a novel until I was dragged out of my room by my mother. I used to long for the fantasy worlds where I could use magic and fight monsters. It was just a fantasy lover’s dream, but now here I am in such a world. I wonder if some god decided to give me what I longed for? At any rate, I do wonder how the fantasy novels of this world read.

After scanning the books for a while, I finally found one that seemed interesting. I, of course, was one of those who read the novel title before even looking at the synopsis. If the novel title is bad, I won’t even try to read the rest. “Transmigration, I will rule this world!”

I really wondered just how they were going to rule a planet like Earth. I mean, it is a world of machines with no magic whatsoever. Unless they come up with a way for them to use magic, at any rate, I will give it a read.

I took the book and walked back to the pavilion with my tail wagging back and forth. I was really in a good mood. I  sat down and opened the book, and began reading the synopsis. ‘My name is Telnos. I was once a magic knight who worked day in and day out. I once had a dream of rising through the ranks and making a name for myself to gain my own land and rule over it like a king. But sadly, to rise in the ranks takes a long time. But one day, that all changed. While on a mission, one day, I was transported to another world. A world where no magic could be found.

‘Just looking around at the awe inspiring buildings, I couldn’t help but have one thing flash across my mind. And that was….. I will rule this world!’

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