
Chapter 430 Confirmed

Betting two hundred pounds was enough to get the players hyped up, and Norman liked that, but even after giving everyone three tries each, none of them were able to put the ball into the hole.

"Uhh, damn it." Dave damned after watching his third effort hit the crossbar before flying over the bar.

"Well, it looks like none of you will be getting that two hundred pounds, but you all did pretty well, good job," Norman remarked before slowly turning away from them.

"I really needed that money," Minino muttered with a sigh before getting up from the floor.

"Seriously, you really needed two hundred pounds?" Merino expressed with his gaze on the midfielder.

"I think want was the right word to use there," Gregory said.

"Shut up, you two, I know what I\'m saying."

"Whatever you say," Merino muttered before slowly walking away from him.

Before bringing the training session to an end, Norman talked to his players about some of the tactical decisions he was planning for the match against Villarreal and see what they thought about it.

After some minutes of speaking with his players, the players were allowed to head home and rest up.

They still had two days before the match, and they were going to be using those days to train.

[ +10 exp received ]

That was the confirmation reward for completing another training session, and the goalkeeper received it just as he made his way down the tunnel.

It didn\'t take long for the players to change out of their training outfits, and before long, they were all in their cars heading straight home.

\'Today\'s training session was pretty enjoyable even if I failed to get the ball in the hole even once.\'

<You weren\'t really trying hard enough>

\'Yeah, but it doesn\'t really matter, a lot of times, these kinds of target practices require luck, I just wanted to see how well mine could work for me.\'

<Yeah, you\'re right external factors, and just like you said luck play quite the roles in football, just like Roland who isn\'t even among the top five players with the best accuracy in the team was able to put the ball through>

\'Exactly, he put in the work required and got a touch of luck, you can\'t get lucky without trying.\'

It took him just a few minutes to get home, and after parking his car in the usual spot which was just randomly, he got down from it and made his way to the building.

It was already 4:55 in the evening so he assumed that his wife would be home, and he was right because just a few seconds after he closed the door, she popped up from the staircase.

"Oh, hey, you\'re back, welcome back!" She said in excitement before taking a step down.

"Uh, am I missing something?"

"No, I was just wondering…."

She wasn\'t able to finish that statement as she suddenly missed one of the steps, stretching her right too far away from the other one and causing her to fall right on the stairs.

She held onto the rails right on time to prevent herself from tumbling but she wasn\'t looking okay now.

"Emma." Dave gasped with a horrid look on his face before quickly making his way to her.

"Ugh…." She groaned before slowly shifting toward the wall to relax her back on it.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked with his hand on her back as soon as he got close enough to her.

"I think so." She responded with a weak so.

"What do you mean you think so, are you feeling pain anywhere, is there blood?"

"Blood? I think I feel a little wet down there." She said before dipping her hand into her cloth.

When she pulled it out, there was just a tiny bit of blood stain on her finger.

\'No, no, no, this is how it always happens in those movies.\'

<I think you\'re a little way over your head>

"Emma, we have to visit the hospital now."

"Okay, that\'s a good idea."I think you should take a look at

He didn\'t hesitate in picking up, but he knew he had to be gentle especially when heading down the stairs.

After getting off the stairs, he quickly made his way downstairs and to his car, he started the engine as fast as he could and zoomed off toward the hospital.

______ ______

He drove as fast as he could to get to the hospital before it was too late, and right now, he was busy pacing up and down in the waiting hall.

<You really have to calm down man>

\'You know this is really one of those times that I wish I could just turn you off, just let me be.\'

<Well, an option for that does exist, you just have to find it by yourself>

The goalkeeper just ignored her and continued his pacing, but he eventually had to sit down well, because he had been standing for a while and so far, no one had come out to give him any response.

A few minutes after sitting down, the doctor opened the door and stepped out of the room.

"Hey, doctor, is she okay?" He sprang up from his seat as soon as he saw the doctor.

"Calm down, Dave, your wife\'s okay, but it\'s a good thing you decided to bring her here."

"She\'s really okay?"


"Oh, thank goodness." He said before letting out a sigh of relief. "Can I see her?"

"Sure, go ahead."

As soon as he got the go-ahead order, he proceeded to make his way to the room where he found Emma lying on the bed.

"Hey." She smiled as soon as she spotted him.

"I am so glad you\'re okay." He muttered under his breath as he made his way to her and sat down beside her.

"Me too, I don\'t like seeing you worried."

"Don\'t worry, I\'m not worried now that you\'re okay." He stated before grabbing her hand.

"He said I\'ll be okay if I just don\'t move around too much."

"Okay, that means you\'re not going to work tomorrow."

"Yeah, I guess."

"I\'m glad you and my little girl are okay."

After hearing him say that, Emma didn\'t say anything for a while before suddenly bursting into a feat of laughter.

Each time she tried to say something, her words ended up getting drowned in her laughter.

"Hey, what\'s so funny?" He asked with a confused expression on his face.

"Why don\'t you ask the doctor behind you?"

\'I see where this is going.\' The goalkeeper said subconsciously before turning his gaze to the doctor.

"Oh, yeah, Dave, I forgot to tell you, I did the ultrasound scan, and it turns out your wife is carrying a male child."

"Oh, I see." He said before turning his gaze back to his wife who had a smug look on her face now.

"See, I told you so, I knew what I was carrying."

"I guess you were right, we\'re going to have a son, that is so awesome." He chuckled before leaning closer to hug his wife who seemed a bit confused.

In the end, she shook it off before placing her hand on his back.

"Yeah, so awesome."

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