
Chapter 160 - Ruled By These Divine Laws

The Drakonits were one of her finest creations but they were far too powerful for this world, she had created them directly from the Eternal Fire and she had given to them a superior intelligence.

She had also made sure to code their genes so that all new Drakonits would inherit the knowledge acquired by their ancestors.

And as for what form she had given to them, they were simply the evolution of dragons, a Drakonit when it reached its adult size was 3 times bigger than a dragon and 5 times more powerful, a real wonder.

The Eternal Fire in which she had created them allowed them to regenerate almost instantly, like phoenixes, and wherever they were, the fire particles would be automatically attracted to them and they would obey and protect them on their own will.

It was the same if someone tried to attack them with a fire spell, it could never hurt them, the fire would instinctively feel attracted to them and protect them from their enemies.

With Cassandra in their second game they had used what the humans of this world after that had called the legendary creatures.

Cassandra had used Phoenixes and Thunderbirds, and she had used Drakonits and Griffins, but the game had been rather disappointing, as these creatures far surpassed the humans, the shapeshifters and the demons of this world, so they had mutually agreed to remove them for their futur game.

This was also why she had decided to decrease the power of this Drakonit by mixing his DNA with that of a Pure Demon.

She then had asked one of her servants, an expert in manipulating the human body, to make sure that the Drakonit wouldn\'t be able to his powers and to transform him into a human bomb that Cassandra would be unable to detect.

Her plan so far had worked perfectly fine, after she had guided this legendary wolf, who was one of Cassandra\'s main pawns for their new game, to this little Drakonit, she couldn\'t have hoped for better when she had realized that the divine laws that governed this world had decided to bind their two souls together.

It had been perfect, her human bomb had been placed exactly where she wanted him to be and she was just waiting for the right moment to be able to inflict the maximum damage on Cassandra side.

If she had known what would happen, she would have removed those needles at the annual capital\'s tournament last year when all the most powerful Mages and Fighters had been gathered in one place.

By this time, her little Drakonit\'s emotions were still unstable and he would have caused a lot of damage once his powers would have been unleashed, such a waste she thought.

But she had made a mistake in wanting to wait for the new bearer of the Pentagram Mark to appear, she had been too greedy, therefore she had missed this golden opportunity to inflict irreparable damage to Cassandra.

Now she couldn\'t use him to her advantage and worst of all, her creation was now fighting for Cassandra\'s side because of that damn wolf.

Lilith hadn\'t noticed the shadow that had suddenly disappeared from her palace, she was way too preoccupied with trying to find a solution to make up for this mistake.

Like Cassandra, she knew that the mark of the pentagram and the mark of the demon King had appeared again, but right now they both had no idea who they were.

It was one of the things they hated the most about this world, after each game they had to wait 1 000 years before they could start a new one.

It was the time estimated by these divine laws for this world to be able to repopulate itself properly.

And before each new game, they couldn\'t choose the king that would represent the humans or the pure demons, and unless they revealed themselves, it was impossible for them to detect them, it was as if they were protected by these divine laws.

This world had been created by the Creator himself who was a superior being compared to them who were simple gods and goddesses.

He had created it in order to observe how two different races could coexist with each other and when he had been satisfied, he had left this world unprotected, or at least almost unprotected, free to choose a new owner.

Each world created by the Creator and abandoned by him had its own will and would chose to submit to one god, Cassandra and she had fought for almost 4 000 years to obtain it but this world refused to submit to a new owner.

Since its creation, it was ruled by these divine laws that the Creator had put in place and that they weren\'t able to change no matter what.

And it was these divine laws that chose a human and a pure demon to be the new king of their respective race.

As her plan had failed miserably and that none of her spies had been able to find out who had freed her little Drakonit, it was time for her to take matters into her own hands and to go herself to this world.

Mykael in wanting to protect his son had provided her with a golden opportunity that she wouldn\'t waste this time.

She laughed then, a laugh that would have made anyone tremble with fear and with a creepy smile on her face she said : "It\'s about time that I supervise myself his training."

After that, she immediately disappeared and a second shadow came to report what he had just witnessed to his master.


Mykael, who had been following his son and son-in-law\'s every move, of course giving them the privacy they needed when they were alone, already knew that his brilliant son-in-law had succeeded in thwarting one of Lilith\'s plans.

It wasn\'t surprising that she was mad with rage, even he might not have been able to guess what she had done to this poor boy who was actually a hybrid.

Half Pure Demon, half Drakonit, hybrids were the most unpredictable creatures he knew, and Lilith had created one without even thinking that he could turn on her.

Mykael was really satisfied because this hybrid was now in debt to his son-in-law which made him a powerful ally, and soon with the birth of the phoenix they would have 2 extremely powerful creatures standing by their side.

Of course, he had protected his son-in-law by casting an illusion all around the area they had chosen to free his friend, so that no one would ever know what had happened there.

And while Mykael was still savoring this small victory his second spy came to report to him and his mood suddenly changed.

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