
Chapter 517 - Three-way Battle (I)

Chapter 517: Three-way Battle (I)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Not long after, the scouts who were closely following the movements in the two districts reported that troops were being gathered there.

Hearing the news, Jiang Pengji smiled cunningly and smugly.

If she did not make the Tsing Yi Army lose miserably this time, she would write her name, Jiang Pengji, backwards.

“Combine the team and muster the troops!” She said. “Call for the few officers and the lieutenant.”

Just as Wei Ci had thought, Jiang Pengji planned to divide the troops into two flanks, one of which would launch a surprise attack on Jiaoping District while the other would attack Maolin District. After the two districts had been conquered, the troops would then gather and return to Xiangyang District. They would work in collusion, flank, and launch a sneak attack on the rear of the Tsing Yi Army.

They had the guts to move in on her property. If she did not give the Tsing Yi Army a piece of her mind, they would really think that she was a pushover. Jiang Pengji already had a plan in her mind on the ways to divide the troops.

She had nearly 6000 troops with her back then. Jiang Pengji planned to make 1500 of them stay behind to guard Chengan District. She would take 1500 elites with her to storm Jiaoping District. The remaining troops would launch a sneak attack on Maolin District. Now they were betting on the time difference. The sooner, the better. Her chances of winning would also be higher.

“... Zixiao, you’re not feeling well, so it’s not suitable for you to be in a quick, long-range raid in the short term. Together with Meng Hun, you’ll lead the 1500 troops to guard Chengan District. Parts of the damaged city gates have already been repaired. In addition to the siege weapons, we should be able to defend against the Tsing Yi Army for some time. Wen Zheng and I will attack Jiaoping District in force. Han Mei, Nongqin and Xiaoyu will lead the remaining troops to storm Maolin District. We must capture the districts in the shortest time!”

Wei Ci secretly cried and laughed. She had chosen Qiguan Rang indeed... Qiguan Rang would not stop her from being wild at all... However, he had no choice. He could only accept the orders along with the others.

Jiang Pengji said decisively, “We’ll go out for war after night falls!”

It was hard to guarantee that no scouts from the enemy would notice their tactics if they marched during the day. It would be a lot safer to do so at night.

At the same time, Feng Jin who was faraway in Xiangyang District was still busy handling the official documents. Feng Jin’s recent daily routine could be summarized in 10 words.

He was very busy, extremely busy, awfully busy, super busy!

The usual workload of a few people had piled up on him alone. It was a lie that he could spend more time with his wife!

How busy was he?

Ever since the main forces had set out for war, he had not returned home once. Now there were only 4000 troops who stayed behind to guard Xiangyang District. Although it was not considered a small force, the 4000 troops would be insufficient if a large enemy force was bearing down upon the border. Fortunately, his lord still had some conscience.

What conscience? She did not take Zhang Ping, the treasure of Xiangyang District, with her. The woodworking workshop managed by Zhang Ping could produce all kinds of siege and defense weapons which could defend Xiangyang District more.

With Feng Jin’s hint, Zhang Ping asked the craftsmen in the woodworking workshop to urgently create a variety of defense weapons. He wished he could arm the entire Xiangyang District to the teeth.

Of course, in Zhang Ping’s opinion, the weapons were of such high standards that the teeth were almost made of copper and steel.

Feng Jin was so busy that he could not see his wife, but his wife could come over to visit him. She was even carrying Changsheng who could already speak clearly.

“Daddy... Daddy... Hold me...”

Seeing her father whom she had not seen for days, Changsheng asked for a cuddle with excitement. Feng Jin rubbed his sore eyes and made sure that his ears and eyes were not producing hallucinations. He heard his daughter calling for him for real. He also saw his wife and daughter standing at the door of the government office. They walked back and forth and did not dare to go nearer.

Feng Jin could sense Wei Jingxian’s concern. He said to her, “Come in. There are no important documents here.”

He lifted his daughter who had become heavier. Changsheng stepped on his thigh and gave him a peck when he had not even let out a sigh.

“Don’t do that. I’m dirty...” Feng Jin had been staying up late for a few days and had less than two hours of sleep every day. He was so busy that he did not have time to wash, so he looked a little shabby. However, his daughter gave him a peck right away. He was afraid that she would be stained by some dirt.

“Daddy?” Being given the cold shoulder, Changsheng tilted her head in confusion.

Her daughter was still little, so Feng Jin did not know how to explain it. He could only look to Wei Jingxian for help. His wife was still the best. She understood his embarrassment and extended her arms to carry her daughter.

She said gently, “Daddy is tired. Don’t bother him.”

Changsheng laid in Wei Jingxian’s arms. Her big, watery eyes were like a deer’s eyes, always making people feel softhearted.

“Liangliang...” Changsheng wrapped her arms around her mother. Glancing at the table, Wei Jingxian was suddenly shocked by the pile of official documents.

“Why are there so many of them?”

Xiangyang District was just a district. Why were there so many documents that had to be handled? Her impression was that the district magistrates were very idle. They either went for walks with their birds and dogs or abandoned themselves to nature. They were very free and unfettered. Her husband was just assisting Lanting and handling the official duties on her behalf while she was away for war. How could he be so busy?

Feng Jin rubbed his eyebrows and replied, “Now that the spring ploughing is over, the farming tools and cattle have to be recollected. These things have to be counted and brought to account... Now Xiangyang District is considered as a rare place for people to take refuge in the north. There are refugees coming from all directions who want to enter the city every day and we have to help them to settle down... In order to take refuge, many rich families have migrated here. They want to buy the good houses owned by the lord. They have to be dealt with too...”

The Xiangyang District today was still under construction. It became more and more prosperous. All kinds of minutiae were indispensable.

Seeing how clean and beautiful the new rental houses built by the government were, many locals in Xiangyang District felt uncomfortable. They wanted to rebuild their houses too. However, if they wanted to do so, they had to pay for the materials and labor costs themselves. It was expensive.

One could not always build such houses even if one had the money. They also had to go through the formalities of the district government. The construction of the houses could only begin after the baking of the flashed bricks in the brick kiln had been approved and the number of flashed bricks had been determined... At last, Feng Jin had to sign and approve everything. Otherwise the houses could not be built.

A few of them would usually divide the jobs. Now that he was the only one guarding the district, it was no surprise that he would be very tired.

In addition to the mess, there were also the local government affairs of Xiangyang District and all sorts of conflicts. They were trivial and troublesome. They were either rumors or fights about the uneven distribution of farmlands. Feng Jin really wanted to dump those matters to the female department in the government office.

However, the female department was already overwhelmed with work. As a man, he really did not have the audacity to trouble a group of young girls.

Seeing that her husband had bloodshot eyes and that his eyebags were greenish, she felt somewhat sorry for him.

She asked, “Are these documents very urgent?”

Feng Jin was startled. His brain which had not rested for a long time reacted somewhat slowly. He only understood what she meant after a while.

“They’re not, they’re very trivial.”

Wei Jingxian thought about it and reached out to take a few of them. Then she classified the various documents in accordance with their priorities. Changsheng stayed in her arms and wiggled in a misbehaved manner. She lifted her foot to grab her sleeves and played on her own.

After eating some custard in the afternoon, Changsheng sprawled across Wei Jingxian’s thighs and fell asleep. Her flabby calves could just reach the table.

The bamboo slips which had piled up like a mountain had only slowly decreased after they worked from noon to dusk.

“Thanks a lot.” Feng Jin rubbed his eyebrows and bowed to Wei Jingxian with a smile and his hands folded in front.

“Let’s go home,” Wei Jingxian said with a smile.

As the family of three was about to get up, a series of footsteps was heard. Luo Yue was in such a hurry that his forehead was sweaty. His footsteps were rapid and disordered.

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