
Chapter 456 Getting ready for the tattoos

“Let’s walk, want to get a bath ready.” Cain stood stretching his arms. He was still in his dirty clothes. A bath should help him relax as well.

“I will get it ready.” Ellie stood with a smile on her face.

“Wait, I was about to explain vampires to you. Let’s get another one to handle the bath.” He stopped her from rushing ahead.

“Understood.” She replied.

Both of them walked out of the room.

“First, a vampire, zombie, or any being of similar nature isn’t considered evil until they harm someone. God of the afterlife won’t just be silent if they did so.” Cain looked at her.

“Hold up, what?” She glared at him unable to understand what he meant.

“Simply, put. Holy magic won’t harm a vampire who hadn’t drunk blood directly from a living human. It’s the same with the zombies, turn undead won’t work on one that hasn’t harmed people.” Cain explained.

“Won’t the church attack them?” She asked.

“Usually the church detects such entities when they do something bad, also those are stupid humans, you can’t blame them for acting rashly.” Cain looked at the desk on the corner of the hallway, on it was a talisman of Chauntea that must belong to Jemima. “Humans are like that.” He added.

“So a vampire or a zombie can’t be purged until they do something bad?” She asked.

“That also depends, they must be conscious and not under anyone’s control. Otherwise, they can be purged from the start.” Cain waved his hand.

“I still can’t understand, if what you say is true, why aren’t humans treated the same way? A killer or thief should be treated the same.”

If a vampire is innocent until they attack a person, then they can be affected by the sun and holy magic. Then why aren’t humans suffering from the same punishment? That was a valid question.

“Humans and dragons are a special case, gods can’t just mess with them. Dragons have killed their own god, and the god who created humans isn’t someone to be messing with.” Cain explained with a serious face.

Divine retribution, there is an easy way to explain it.

High elves who tried to burn the world tree Yggdrasil, they all burned by the sun and banished to the Underdark as Dark elves under Corellon Larethian’s command. The same with dwarves who got morphed into Duergar by Moradin the soul forger. The same story happened to the gnomes who became Svirfneblin (Deep gnomes)

Only humans got spared, the dragons just killed Tiamat when such a thing was to happen.

“How is this going to help me?” Ellie asked.

“Simple, when you need food, come to me. Never ever attack someone or drink directly from them. Unless you don’t want to walk in the sun again.”

They reached the living room and spotted Jemima cleaning there. “Jemima, could you find someone to get the bath ready?”

She slowly lifted her head up, “Can’t she do it? All the maids are busy to my knowledge.” She replied.

“Are they? Lost order when Gracie wasn’t around?” Cain stared at her.

“It’s embarrassing to say but that’s true, need someone to manage us when Headmaid Gracie isn’t present.” Jemima bowed slightly.

“I will see to it, later.” Cain turned around with Ellie heading toward the bath. “Should I go get the bath ready for you?” Ellie asked.

“No need, I will set it up. You head to my room and grab a new change of clothes. Something cheap and disposable would be best.” Cain smiled.

“Why?” She gave him a weird look. From when did people ask for such a thing?

“I can’t rest, still have work to do in the lab afterward.” Cain knew he was running out of time since the first Great wyrm has attacked, the next time shouldn’t be that far away. He needs to turn Zaleria into an absolute monster of a dragon witch. The first thing he needs to focus on is to enchant all of her nails and get the tattoos ready.

~Zaleria, can you hear me? ~ He called her immediately. His first brain was dealing with the conversation while his second brain was controlling the bath’s control panel he created long ago for the maids.

~I can hear you, what did you need, I’m exhausted~ Zaleria replied, she was lying on the rooftop bathing in the sun.

~Nothing important, just wanted to play with your nails a bit. Probably give you a tattoo or two~ Cain replied.

~Wait, finally. I’m coming right up~ She stood up, and all her exhaustion evaporated. The main reason she stuck by Cain’s side was finally happening, the tattoos, what she was looking for.

Zaleria reached him just as Ellie did with his clothes.

“What, you’re going to take a bath?” Zaleria asked as that wasn’t what she was expecting.

“Yep, you’re coming in as well? Need you clean as a newborn baby to get the tattoos,” Cain replied.

“Fine, let’s get in then.” Cain and Zaleria both entered the bath, and Ellie followed them in to help.

Ellie helped Cain wash first and then went to Zaleria, after a while of watching them, Cain had to step up. “You’re not putting much strength in it.” He took the sponge from Ellie’s hand.

“You’re focusing too much on her back, that’s important but it’s better to focus on shoulders, chest, and thighs,” Cain said as he started scrubbing Zaleria’s shoulder.

“Why?” She asked, “I did clean them myself.” She said.

“Where I’m going to inscribe the tattoos.” Cain said, “Magic comes from your hands to your nails, a tattoo on the shoulder would be perfect to control the flow of mana. Same for thighs. Chest is a good place to inscribe tattoos meant for your Draconis fundamentum.” He explained.

“I’m not following…” Ellie didn’t understand anything.

“It’s just magic stuff…” Cain thought about it for a moment, he could use a vampire witch. “It’s a type of drawing witches can use to amplify their power.” He said.

“Witches, she is going to use them?” Ellie stared at Zaleria. She thought she was a dragon versed in magic.

“Of course, I’m a witch after all. You should do the same, night spawn.” As Zaleria glared at Ellie, her eyes flashed green, a wave of heat coming from her body.

“You…” Ellie took a step back.

“Thought I didn’t smell you, I knew since the first day I stepped in this mansion that something was off about you,” Zaleria said.

“Really?” Cain stared at her.

“Hold up, you didn’t know?” Zaleria thought Cain knew all along, it was true that Ellie wasn’t a full vampire until recently, but he should have figured it out earlier.

“I can’t sense them before they fully transform, since I use a magical appraisal,” Cain replied.

Vampirism is firstly a biological transformation before it becomes racial or magical.

At the start, a person needs to get adapted to use blood as sustenance. This is the reason that people who consume blood to regenerate magic end up transforming into vampires. And then they started gaining the vampire’s unique magic imprint from doing it too much.

People who got bitten on the other hand are different, like dog madness, it’s an illness transmitted by vampire saliva. After getting bitten, the disease will settle in the intestines. Some sages said it’s a very small type of bug or monster, it’s alive. For it to survive, it needs blood. This is the first stage.

In the second stage, the disease starts evolving when the host starts consuming blood. Using Mana stored in the consumed blood as an energy source, the disease starts fusing into the host’s digestive system and slowly transforms them into a vampire.

That process usually needs a lot of Mana, meaning, the host needs to consume a lot of blood. Fortunately for Ellie, Cain’s blood is rich in mana which caused her to fully transform after just one bucket.

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