
Chapter 151: Hidden help

Chapter 151: Hidden help

"Uh, last time was with the other mission. The one where we fought a horde of wolf beasts." Eldrian said, deep in thought as he tried to figure out what was the same. The first thing coming to mind was that he nearly died, or rather. He did once, and this time was really close to dying. Having even lost concussions again.

Maybe that\'s it. I don\'t think I died last time right as I lost consciousness.

To try and figure out what happened Eldrian explained what he remembered, including the fight and what happened after.

"So, both times was an intense fight. The last time you died for real and got a different debuff than normal, something no other Chosen got. Do you have one now?" Floyd asked in curiosity. He might not be an academic, nor a researcher. But he was curious about the Chosen.

At Floyd\'s prompt, Eldrian looked at his stats, failing to find anything strange. Other than having Fatigue at level 5 and magical Fatigue at level 4.

Wait, how do I have fatigue. I mean, the first maybe. But not so high, and I did not cast any spells. Eldrian felt that something was going on here. There was no way that fight should have tired him that much, it was far too short. He could train for hours, as long as he took some ten-minute breaks between.

I reacted really quickly, I mean I had managed to keep up with the Oni... Eldrian realized something. That was what happened during his fight with the Alpha, he had managed to react far quicker than was normal. Managing to do more than any Tier 0 should be able.

Then he died.

This time, he did far more than a Tier 1 should be able. Keeping up with a Tier 6, Eldrian did not know the Oni\'s specialization. But he felt like keeping up with a Tier 6 as a Tier 1 was insane, no matter what.

Then he fell unconscious as soon as he confirmed the kill.

This is linked, somehow. I think the difference between my death and others is also due to this. Eldrian thought as he searched for what this might mean. Both times he had been able to move faster due to his reaction speed increase. While not really moving faster, rather he was able to react with almost no delay,

He might not know how relative the Alpha\'s speed compared to this Oni. But he felt it was comparable when also taking into account his heightened speed due to having his agility at 150.

Not really knowing, nor what it would mean. Eldrian decided to keep this to himself for now. He would certainly try and talk about this with the representative on Tuesday. But before that, he wanted to think it over more and hopefully experience it again when they enter the caves.

"I don\'t have a debuff. Let\'s drop it, for now, I am really hungry." Eldrian said, feeling his stomach growling. Which caused the others\' to also growl, all the food being in Eldrian\'s inventory.

This led to everyone laughing and joking as they climbed down from the platform and headed to their camp. Where they quickly started a fire and grilled the meat Eldrian offered. Snacking on some cold pieces as they waited for the fire to reach the correct temperature.

"Do you think that was the strongest creature in the caves?" Eldrian asked everyone, hoping that that would be the case. He felt that a Tier 6 was really high, yet he could not say. This was not a normal game where quests were reasonable.

You just got them due to circumstance, it did not matter if you were ready or not.Something which was very clear when looking at Inglas, a kingdom where almost no players were staying.

The others were all unsure of Eldrian\'s question, which made everyone apprehensive of going into the caves. They certainly could not fight a Tier 6, not inside the caves where they could also be surrounded.

After a while of silence, everyone decided to rest. Eldrian stood up, feeling like taking another bath. As he left the group he saw Cephaphyr a bit away, curious he headed over. Seeing that Zamia was also there as he neared.

"Hey," Eldrian said, causing him to quickly be added to the conversation by Cephaphyr.

\'Cephaphyr, you should remember to run when in danger.\' Zamia said with love, not stopping her conversation just because Eldrian had been added into the loop.

\'But! He needed my help!\' Cephaphyr shouted in protest, not understanding why it was wrong. It had worked out alright, hadn\'t it?

\'And if I had not helped you, you would have failed to save him and been left at the Oni\'s mercy.\' Zamia countered, wishing that her son would understand just how much danger he had been in. If she had not been looking over them he might have really died. Certainly injured once the Oni regained his senses and approached the battle with intelligence.

She herself had been surprised when seeing the Oni. The last time she had checked the caves there had only been one Tier 6 shaman. The rest had all been weaker, with around 4 Tier 5\'s and 20 Tier 5 goblin knights. She did not even care for those weaker than these.

She had reasoned that these numbers were safe for the party. While safe might be overstating it, Cephaphyr would have been safe. The humans might have died, but they could also have lived. It would have depended on them. On how well they worked together and if they could think of some ingenious plans.

Oni though, that ruined her plans. They were not weak monsters like goblins, who would always be weaker than other monsters at the same Tier. Oni were instead at the top. While most Oni were weaker than Unicorns and Pegasi, some managed to actually be as strong as the latter two. Where no one would be able to tell who would win in a fight of same Tiered individuals.

\'How did you help us?!\' Cephaphyr shouted in protest, believing that it had all been Eldrian and his doing.

\'Yes, how did you help us?\' Eldrian questioned, also wanting to know what she was talking about. He could not remember her sweeping down to save them. He certainly would not have complained if she did, it might have saved Grace.

\'The spear you threw. Did you think it would have done anything?\' Zamia asked with patients, she did not care that they had missed this. But she needed to inform Cephpahyr about the fact that he was too weak.

\'I did not know, but I had to do something. It was a gamble, which paid off.\' Eldrian replied, truthful that he had not thought it would do much. He had simply acted to try and save himself.

\'It would have just splintered, but I had used it to cast my spell. Bringing the wood to life and binding the Oni in place. I had planned to kill it with a wind spell right after, but... Then Cephaphyr rammed it, something which was really irresponsible!\' Yet while saying this Zamia could not keep the pride from leaking through the connection. As a mother, she was afraid for her son, as a leader she was proud of what he managed to do at such a young age.

\'Zamia, I can try to understand your feelings as a mother. But as a combatant, as a party member. I think what Cephaphyr did was not irresponsible. I feel it was the best thing he could have done, to fight to the end with me.\' Eldrian countered, feeling like Zamia was belittling what they had done.

He did not care about the fact that they had received help. He cared that she was saying fighting to the end with another was wrong. That was not something he expected to hear from someone so strong and knowledgeable.

Hearing this caused Zamia to go deep into thought, realizing that it was indeed the best thing. But only if they had been bound together when their lives were linked. She felt that it was not necessary to go so far before that had been done.

Unable to overcome this train of thought. Their kind would live for thousands of years, while an elf might be worth fighting with. A human certainly had nowhere close to that worth. She felt that Chosen would have even less than humans since they would resurrect. Hence there would not even be a loss.

Naturally, this was not the only thing keeping her from thinking objectively. She was not able to separate her thoughts as a mother. Not when her only child was mixed into things.

Cephaphyr instead was brimming with pride, happy about what he had accomplished and the fact that Eldrian praised his actions. He also agreed with what Eldrian had said, that he should fight to the end with his friend.

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