
Chapter 91 Obstacles (4)

Looking at the golden rope wrapping around my arm, I turn to look at the idiot who owns the rope. It is a brown haired handsome dude, who has a face that says I am the ally of justice.

He looks naive enough to be the stupid fuck who will shed a year of blessing when someone fucks his wife right in front of him. Nonetheless, he reminds me too much of Mark, and that further makes him irritating.

Yanking the rope powerfully, the idiotic priest is pulled closer toward me, and that forces him to let go of his lasso. He looks at me with shock, and I wish I didn\'t wear a mask so I could show him my shit eating grin.

"H-How could you break free from the Lasso of Judgement?!"

"Well, it\'s because I know how to handle the Lasso of Honesty."

"What is that?!"

Blinking my eyes once at the stupidity of the idiot in front of me, I snort in amusement. Never have I thought I would encounter an idiot of Vibiane\'s caliber on the same day I met her—it is irritatingly surprising.

Gripping Rexorem tighter, I channel my Mana into it, and whip it to send a Mana Blade at the Priest. I am still wielding Rexorem with one hand at this point, since the other hand is busy figuring out how to use the Holy Power imbued lasso.

"Luxia, can\'t I use it?"

"You can—stop being a Demon."

"I\'ll take that as a no."

Nodding my head as I got Luxia\'s confirmation, I keep the lasso in my Spatial Storage for a future purpose. Life is unpredictable, so I am sure I will find a day when I need to use it.

"Oh, yeah, the idiot."

Turning my head to the brown haired Priest who has splendidly blocked my Mana Blade, I wield Rexorem with two hands this time. I can already wield it with one hand, but I am more comfortable holding it with two hands.

Looking at the Priest as I wonder if I can pierce through the golden Barrier protecting him that has managed to stop my Mana Blade, I ask Luxia if she can somehow help.

"Luxia, can you take care of that annoying Barrier?"

"That\'s mostly unprocessed Holy Power, so I can somehow do something."

"What can you do?"

"I can disrupt the flow of Holy Power—I can weaken the Barrier."


Dashing at the Priest as soon as I channel my Mana into my feet, the Priest crosses his hands, reminding me of a bastard of a priest character in one of the Japanese animations I have watched, Destiny.

This idiot doesn\'t look like a lunatic, unfortunately, but he is irritating enough. Raising Rexorem high, I make a preparation to chop down.

The golden Barrier wraps around the Priest now, and it shines more intensely than before. He seems to be sure that I am really intent on cutting him in two like that, and that\'s what makes him an idiot.

Changing Rexorem\'s course in an instant, I swing Rexorem horizontally. The idiot who has believed I will cut him vertically widens his eyes, and at that point, he can\'t do anything anymore.



Luxia has done a really good job at disrupting his Holy Power. Rexorem cuts through the golden Barrier covering the idiotic Priest like a hot knife cutting through a butter—he is bisected cleanly.

"God, I beg thy mercy! Forgive this servant for failing his—"

Irritated by the Priest, who is in the middle of saying his last words, I cut his head even before he can finish his words.

"This dude is really loud," I remark in irritation. "He has lost half of his body, but he seems to have gained an extra 50% of energy instead."

Turning my head away from the headless body of the Priest as soon as the head touches the ground, I look at the direction where I can feel the strongest fear is being exuded.

It is coming from a little kid about 9 years old, and I can instantly tell the identity of the kid. He must be the one that Velucan has told the others to let go—it really surprises me how the kid can be here.

Dumb as they may be however, I know the Priests won\'t be dumb enough to leave such a kid prone to danger. Looking around to find his possible guardian, I find a middle-aged Priest not far away from the boy, who is looking at me calmly.

Upon being looked that way, I realize something. "Now that I think about it... Why none of theses bastards spams their Iudicum at me?"

I look around to figure out why none of the Priests has any interest in attacking me anymore. It turns out, my troop mates, who have survived their ordeal, have finally joined the battlefield.

The Priests are occupied by them, which is the reason why none of them can concentrate on me. From how things are going, I can confidently say we will win the battle easily even though we are not as many as them.

Turning my gaze to the middle aged Priest once again, I find him still looking at me calmly. The kid is now hiding behind the Priest in fear, and that somehow makes me become more eager to end his life.

"No one seems to mind this old man, so I\'ll take his head myself." I smirk. "He might be strong, so I guess he will be a good subject to use my Origin on."

Channeling my Mana into my feet, I dash at the middle-aged Priest. I sense an even bigger fear coming from the boy the moment I do so.

Sending my Mana wave at them, I try to gauge the Priest\'s power by seeing how he reacts to it. The only one who reacts, unfortunately, is just the boy, so I can\'t really tell how strong the Priest is.

That indicates the Priest is strong though, so I am quite elated since that means I can finally get stronger again.


10 feet—it is the remaining distance that needs to be eliminated to reach the Priest. At this exact moment, the Priest launches his Iudicum at me.

"Watch out, Layland! This man is a veteran!"

"... Thank you for the warning."

I am not being sarcastic to Luxia—I am being genuine. If she didn\'t tell me to dodge just a second before the Priest\'s golden arrow pierced my chest, I would have already lost my heart by now.


Something warm suddenly enters my body. It heats up my Mana Pool, and widens my veins. I know this feeling well—this is the feeling of having a power up. Still, I don\'t know whether I should rejoice or frown.

"This is... Damn! I don\'t know whether I should laugh or cry."

On the one hand, I am excited at how much of a cheat my Origin is. It has, after all, allowed me to get a tenth of the Priest\'s power simply by dodging his Iudicum.

On the other hand however, the increase in my power, although not dramatical, is still apparent to me. This indicates one thing: the gap between me and the Priest is wide enough for me to be extra careful of him.

"Back away or proceed?" I ponder. "Proceed it is!"

No matter how risky it is, the feeling of having a power up is intoxicating. I don\'t want to stop feeling that, so I am determined to cut the head of the Priest off.

"Luxia, I am going to kill an innocent child ... Are you willing to help me?" I ask as I look at the Priest and the boy who have teleported—I guess—40 feet away from me.

"Sure. Humans are not born a saint—even saints have to kill in this world, so why not?"

Given the green light, I smirk to myself. "I will leave ruining that old fart\'s Holy Power to you."

Dashing at the old man again, I pay my attention closely to the surrounding this time. I also check the ground while wielding Rexorem with my two hands, so I can be ready the moment the bastard launches a sneak attack on me.

Nothing happens even after I am 20 feet away from the Priest however—that makes me slightly anxious. I can see his flow of Mana through my mask, but he doesn\'t show any sign of wanting to launch an attack.

Clicking my tongue as I realize he is up to something, instead of aiming for the Priest, I change my target to the boy. Casting [Ignatio] when I am 10 feet away from the two, I send five fireballs the size of tennis balls at the boy.


That finally makes the Priest move. Eyes widen in surprise at the thing he didn\'t expect me to do but I do, he covers his hand with Holy Power and swats the fireballs.

The fireballs are dispersed immediately and the kid is saved. He is distracted however, so I manage to eliminate the distance between us.

Channeling my Mana into Rexorem, I swing it diagonally at the Priest.


"Do you think you will be able to hurt me with such a weak attack? You are looking down on me too much, Demon!"

The middle-aged Priest\'s face turns fierce as soon as he catches Rexorem with his bare hands, and that\'s the moment I know I have fucked up ... Actually, that\'s the moment I know I have hit a jackpot.

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