
Chapter 115 - Brute Forcing With My Fist

The employee who stared shocked at those two quickly turned around and left the room running.

"..." Glancing solemnly at the closed door, Danzel realized that he went too far.

But he wasn´t feeling any concerned at all.

As long as this guy lived in the end, I could call it the result of the spar.

Thinking along those lines, he walked closer to his sparring partner.

Compared to the other times where his life was on the line, fighting against such an opponent felt refreshing.

Though the guy had the muscle power and a quite annoying skill, it was nothing compared to the opponents he had faced before.

The goblin magic caster that he faced before had quite the handy spells on his fingertips which made him difficult to approach.

Raphael and the assassin in comparison had both skill and technique in their arsenal that required all his focus to fight against.

If he were to choose what the most challenging fight was he would have to choose either one of those two.

Although that Bald Fist was stronger than those, Danzel found the way he fought to be barbaric.

I mean...who would fight a person with a longsword in his hand with just their two fists?

Even if one of the punches were to hit, he wouldn\'t have been being able to pass through his armor.

With the exception of his head of course.

Since it was one of few undead body weaknesses of his.

If we weren\'t to count the weird barrier that he was able to manifest, the Bald Fist could be seen as a slightly stronger man compared to the others.

And now him facing against someone with mediocre strength with no ability to be wary of, Danzel could focus on the small details that he would usually miss in a battle.

Such as the man\'s body language, his breath, and eyes who showed that this man was nervous.

Things that usually one wouldn\'t pay attention to in the middle of a fight.

The man was no doubt strong, but in Danzel\'s hollow eyes he seemed to be of no threat.

Compared to the feeling of urgency that he got when the Alpha wolf bit his hand, he could finally enjoy and understand the instincts of the undead with no further concerns.

"I told you that the test is over! Any more and you will be considered as-"

Having cast my spell, two arms made of mana appeared beside him and shortly after flew and brought his training sword to his hand.

"You-!" Karl said with his voice full of anger.

But Danzel paid him no need.

After all, even if they were to reject him in the association he wouldn\'t mind it too much.

In the first place, he only joined out of curiosity and for the sake to sell Alpha\'s body for a bit more pocket money.

He could also give the body to Serran and Hannes so that they take the money of the quest for me.

Although according to Serran that way would be more troublesome, the option was there.

Moving towards Karl, I swung the sword at him.

Seeing that I wasn\'t listening, grinding his teeth, he quickly pulled out a dagger from his back, barely blocking the incoming sword.

But something unexpected happend.

With life force running through the dagger, it cut 3cm deep through Danzel\'s sword.

"What..?" Withdrawing his sword, he swung at the now standing Karl again.

The current him had now more strength than his guy.

But the weapons they used were at a different level.

Upon the clash with both blades, the sword that Danzel was holding snapped, with the half blade flying right past him towards the ground.

"Seriously..." Looking dumbfounded at the broken sword, he couldn\'t help but curse internally.

\'That sword is worse than one of the daggers that the goblins were using!\'

And that couldn\'t be helped, since the swords were made from just iron, they couldn\'t possibly handle the strength of a 3rd-tier with life force put into it.

Compared to the dagger that Karl managed to retrieve from his friend\'s corpse and the life force enchanting the force of the dagger.

The blunt iron sword was nothing in comparison.

\'Crap...\' Danzel thought as he dropped the broken sword.

He was too used to Veren\'s durability.

Looking through the side of his eye, he looked at the weapon stash where Veren lie down.

As he was about to command the mana arms to go there and pick it up, Karl who regained his confidence move forward to stab Danzel.

Pushing the shield in front of him, it blocked the dagger to go any further.

At least that was the idea...

The dagger pierced through the shield, almost hitting Danzel\'s arm that was holding the shield.


Staring at the dagger going out of the shield and how far the mana arms were, I abandon the idea of getting Veren to deal with this guy.

Sometimes you have to brute force your way out of tricky situations.

And what better way other than brute forcing with my fist was there to use?

Dragging the arm equipped with the shield to the side, he threw a punch aim at Karl´s face.

Seeing that, Karl managed to take a step back dodging experiencing getting punched again.

"Ha! As if something like this will wor-" 

But as he wanted to scoff at him, Danzel hand equipped with the shield grabbed the fist that Karl dodged, pushed his own arm forward which resulted in a painful elbow right in Karl´s face.

"Bagh!" Karl screamed from the pain flowing through his nose.

Perceiving through this pain, he caught himself from falling down while glaring at Danzel full of killing intent.

`I will kill you!´ Grabbing his dagger as hard as he could, he jumped at Danzel with life force coming out of his legs.

"Die!" With cracks showing in the floor, he pushed his dagger forward with the intent to kill.


"Too obvious..." Stepping to the side a moment before Karl\'s attacks, Karl passed through Danzel\'s side bewildered at how the knight managed to dodge his attack from his speed at that range.

He quickly turned around, to attempt again, but the moment he look at the knight, he already grabbed the shield frame and forcibly removed the shield from his one arm so that he could swing it at Karl´s jaw.

"Gah~!" teeth and blood came out of the man´s jaw upon the impact of the shield and he felt the world going to circle´s.

As he was faltering taking three steps back, on his four-step he fell to the ground like a puppet who had his strings suddenly cut.

He could only stare at the ceiling with hazy eyesight.

The fact that he was still conscious with his jaw still attached to the man´s face showed the resilenced of the 3rd-tier.

If it was someone weaker they would be lucky to survive that.

Walking in front of the downed Karl, he looked at him with an ice-cold gaze.

"..." Staring at the Veren sword that was being held by the mana arms, he grabbed it while still staring at Karl.

`Based on that guy\'s strength, he should be worth 10k to 15k XP in total...´ Danzel thought as he rubbed the handle of Veren with his fingers.

In the past, that would even be a crazy amount of XP, but now with the recent increase of the training XP, that amount was like nothing.

Sure, it was three whole hours of training, but the trouble that killing his guy would bring wasn´t worth it.

*Pah Pah Pah~

"They are coming..." Danzel said as he heard small footstep sounds coming from the door.

"It should be the employee with the help..." Calming himself down, the effect of [Sin of Wrath] lifted from his mind.

Gazing towards the dagger from that guy, a sudden idea came to mind.

"Ugh...I begin to regret my actions." Gripping the dagger that Karl had, he pierced his armor around the shoulder area while placing some blood from him around the dagger and the armor.

Since most of his armor was hollow, the only pain that Danzel felt was him further damaging his armor voluntarily.

As he grabbed the broken training sword from the ground, the door was slammed open by armed men followed closely by the employee.


One of the men said pointing his spear in my direction.

Looking at that, I pointed at Karl on the ground while pulling out the dagger from his armor.

"That guy over there pulled an actual weapon between our spar, which made me put him at his place. Here is the evidence..." He said as he throw both dagger and the broken training sword.

The man looked at both the dagger coming from his shoulder and the broken sword.

Looking at Danzel\'s bloody fist and then at Karl´s face he put a frown on his face.

"Lies! That guy continued fighting when he was told not to!" The employee who run away said while pointing his finger at Danzel.

Hearing that, the men\'s expressions got complicated as they couldn´t decide who was saying the truth.

Staring coldly at the employee, Danzel scoffed at the man.

"Do you really think that I would stapped myself near my heart just that I have an excuse?" Danzel question as he pointed at his armor where the dagger came out.

"Stop this farce imminently." The employee who tried to say the truth was quickly interrupted by a harsh voice.


Hearing that voice, all the armed men and the employee were startled before making a way for an elderly figure with many wrinkles on his face and a long white beard with a holding staff came in the room.

The elderly man looked at the lying-down Karl and then at Danzel before asking.

"What happend?"

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