
Chapter 401 The Lord Of The City

Chapter 401 The Lord Of The City

Millions of light years away,

The Earth,

In a city ruined by the after effects of the apocalypse,

Various corpses lay on the ground. The whole city had been destroyed beyond recognition and only a few remains of the city were as before and told of its grandeur.

Amongst the ruins of the once great city of New York, a few people patrolled around the area. They were the survivors who had fled the initial chaos and were now searching for food in the ruins.

"I heard the army will be taking complete control of the situation here," one said to the rest of them.

"It\'s good if they do but I don\'t think they would be able to do so. Although the monsters aren\'t appearing directly within the city as much, they are still in great numbers around the borders. Also, the city is riddled with lots of strange things and I don\'t think they would be able to deal with those," a man older than them all spoke, his eyes were heavy and his face ruff. With his hair tied by a pony and the unshaven beard, he looked like half a savage already.

Not to mention, his steps were eerily silent. As if used to traversing through dangerous routes in a forest, the man had great control over his own body and was able to utilize his every movement for the sake of killing.

Though, that was all that was there for the man as he wasn\'t the leader of this small group instead, the leader was a young girl around 19 years of age. She didnt look mature enough to be the leader and neither were her eyes cruel enough for the responsibility she had undertaken but still, the others respected her and obeyed to her every command.

If one were to see this from afar, they would think that either the girl was some big shot or the kid of some big shot and that these people were doing everything she asked of or either the girl had used some sort of techniques to charm them and take control over them.

However, the truth was far from that and in reality, the girl only had one super power and it was her ability to do meticulous calculations within minutes.

Using her system, she could calculate possibilities based on one\'s actions, words and the events that had occurred, in a sense; she could even predict the future to some extent and all those things, she could do within seconds.

And so, she naturally became the leader of the group and that made their whole group live peacefully for a long time and still now.

"Everyone, be careful. The signs show something strange ahead," said the girl as she slowed down her steps while the others also nodded and followed her example. Their bodies slowed down as they readied their weapons.

The group consisted of four people only, with the girl being there leader, there was another girl who held a bow in her hands and had a quiver strapped to her back. The quiver had a measly sum of arrows and with the arrows in it, it was clear that those arrows were made by these people themselves.

"Swoosh," something moved as the girl raised her bow and show. The arrow whistled through the air as it hit a wall, embedded in the concrete; the thing she had aimed at had run away.

Taking out another arrow, she put it in her bow and waited for the thing to show up again. The others also became more alert. The girl who was the leader crouched on the ground as she saw some sort of viscous surface on the ground. Taking it in her hand, she sniffed it for a second before her eyes constricted.

Raising her arms, she made a circle with her hands. Seeing the signal, the others turned even more vigilant.

Whenever near an enemy, they would communicate using the signals and the circle meant that a strong monster was nearby. The older man carried with himself a cub in one hand and a dagger in the other.

In various other scenarios, his system would have failed him but right now, in a city of ruins, his ability was perhaps one of the most useful. Having the street goon system, he could use various items a goon could use and with the unparalleled luck bestowed by his system, he could escape almost all situations unscathed.

"Screee," the sound of metal scraping was heard as everyone turned to look there but found nothing.

"Strange," the older man thought as he turned and saw that everyone was looking at him or more accurately, behind him, "Shit," he exclaimed and ducked, rolling on the ground; he rolled back and appeared right behind the monster.

It was a humanoid shaped monster, its face hideous and its body even more so. Strange liquid oozed out of its body and currently, the monster was looking dumbly at where his target had been.

"Splash," blood spilled as a couple of arrows were shot out in a flurry. They pierced through the monsters arms, forming two gashes that caused the blood to drip down on the ground.

The girl leading them looked at the blood for a moment before shouting, "Stay away from the blood, its corrosive," saying that, she jumped in the air and took out a sack from her pockets. Opening the sack, she threw it at the monster and signaled everyone to attack.

Right as the sack hit the monster, a strange dust flew out of it as the monster suddenly screamed in pain,


Seeing that the monster was in pain, the other guy took the chance and lifted the two steel rods in his hands. Throwing one at the monster and then using the other as a club to hit the monster.

His strength wasn\'t too much to speak of but it did the job as right after he hit the monster\'s leg, it\'s leg bent down unnaturally and the monster fell forward, its balance disturbed by the earlier hit.

The man behind the monster took his chance as he jumped in the air and attacked with his dagger. The dagger flashed in the air and pierced through the monster\'s nape, stuck there, the man left the dagger be and jumped back. Picking up the rod, the man hit it at the monster once again and let the monster fall flat on its stomach.

The monster was still immobilized as the dust it had come in contact with earlier on was messing up with it\'s systems.

"What did you throw at it?" Asked the girl with the bow.

"Nothing, just a bit of irritant. See those wounds on its body, its simply injured and had run away from the battlefield earlier on, so I threw some irritant to make the wounds burn even more. Though, there might have been some paralysis effect to the irritant," the leader said as she simply shrugged and walked to the monster.

Seeing it\'s body slowly twitch, she frowned before taking out a dagger from her waist. Then holding it up tight, she stabbed her dagger right at the middle of the monster\'s back,

"PItuiii," blood spilled as the monster turned limp once again.

"There you go, it wont be able to move anymore. It\'s paralyzed for good," the leader said as she walked away while the others simply looked at her,

"Why not kill it?" Asked the middle aged man, appearing a bit confused as to what she was trying to do.

"It wont be of any use and would only bring us more trouble. This is a troll and as far as I know, if I kill it, the other members of its pack would sense and immediately rush here. We might escape if we are lucky enough but it would only come to bite us in the future, these things are very concerned of their pack members," saying that, the girl signaled them all to follow her as she spoke again,

"There might be some food stores up ahead. Let\'s hurry and search, we should get back to base before night falls," as she walked away, the others only shuddered at the girl\'s calculating nature and wished to never face against an enemy like her.

As everyone followed the girl, the failed to notice that the commotion they had just caused was being looked at by someone. The man who looked at their battle was clad in a tattered black robe as he hid in the surroundings, masquerading as a dead body.

His disguise was so perfect that even the leader wasn\'t able to notice her, not to mention any other members of the group. The man smiled as he put the girl on his list and then continued to play dead.

Note:- Hellow everyone, lets consider this chapter the sixth of the mass release. Will update daily from now on. Also, I have been thinking of writing a new novel and from next year onwards, I will start that novel.

So be ready and do support the novel.

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