
Chapter 753: leader

“Sir Cruz, the ink pen you bought has arrived.”

The servant said to Count Cruz, who was in the room.

“Arrived? It was delivered by an owl?”

Count Cruz came to the side of the window and looked at the owl standing on the balcony outside the window. The Owl’s sharp and powerful claws were holding a small wooden box.

“This is the benefit of shopping on the magic net, Count Cruz… you only need to stay at home and shop on the magic net, and you can buy half of Nolan’s goods.”

A merchant wearing a top hat was standing behind Count Cruz. He was the manager of the Nolan Clia Chamber of Commerce, FRIET.

“Even the biggest goods can be delivered?”

Count Cruz wanted to reach out for the box under the owl’s sharp claws, but the owl used its sharp claws to force Cruz’s hand back.

“You need to sign the mailing list with magic power first,”Friet said immediately.

All the Owls in this world had been nourished by magic power. They were birds of prey that lived up to their name. Their sharp claws were like mini daggers that could pierce through a person’s arm.

Some magic power flowed out of the tip of Count Cruz’s finger and he signed his name on the specially processed mailing list. After the owl confirmed that his name was correct, it flapped its wings and left the balcony.

“Some large-scale goods still need to be transported through specialized delivery personnel. However, things like potions, food, and some household items are handled by owls.”

Count Cruz listened to the merchant’s explanation and opened the package in his hand. Under the package was an exquisite black wooden box. He opened the lid of the box and a pitch-black ink pen lay quietly inside.

He picked up the pen and handed the box to the servant beside him.

“This kind of transaction is impossible to inspect the goods in person. How can I confirm that the quality of the goods I bought is passable, or even that I did not buy a fake one?”

Count Cruz looked at the ink pen in his hand. Just by touching the surface of the material with his finger, he could confirm that the quality of the pen was not a problem.

“There are comments under every shop on the magic net. Moreover, you can also give positive and negative comments based on the quality of the goods… The credibility of every shop is completely open to the public,”Friet immediately explained. “If you are cheated and can report it on the Magic Net, the Nolan law enforcement team will send people to investigate.”

Count Cruz opened the magic net shopping interface and skimmed through the comments under the ink pen.

“It’s perfect.”Count Cruz gave this comment after closing the magic net.

“The alchemy factory that built this pen is the best one under me. The quality of its products is also the best.”

Friet seemed to think that Count Cruz was praising the ink pen.

“I’m referring to the business model of magic web shopping.”Count Cruz came to the window, from time to time, he could see one or two owls flying by with goods in their hands. “It has overturned my understanding of trading and shopping… Friet, I think you should be the richest man in Nolan now.”

The Clia Chamber of Commerce ranked in the top three in the sales volume of magic web shopping. Just by converting the sales volume data into money, Count Cruz could only use the word envy to express his inner thoughts.

“I really don’t dare to claim to be the richest in Nolan.”Friet immediately shook his head and said, “At least in front of Mr. Joshua… Magic web shopping was created by him.”

“Is it Joshua Arnold again? The one who established the rules.”

When Count Cruz came back to his senses, there were already too many things around him that had been changed by Joshua,

among them was the life of his son, Edko. Edko was supposed to be one of the most outstanding gladiators in the country of steel.

But now he had joined the cast iron and defeated all the enemies in the world to win the World Championship.

From the moment Edko stood on the podium and raised the trophy, Duke Cruz knew that he could not escape the rules set up by Jose. The only thing he could do now was to win more benefits from the new rules.

“Count Cruz, Empress Yekana wants you to go to the reception room. There are important guests coming to visit.”

A maid ran to Count Cruz and said.

“Important guests?”Count Cruz pondered for a moment. In Nolan, other than the Seven Sages, there were only kings of various countries who could be regarded as ‘important guests’by Empress Yekana.

“Friet, I can only excuse myself.”

Count Cruz immediately followed the maid to the Embassy of the country of steel. When he pushed open the door of the embassy, he found many familiar faces sitting inside.

Of course, the most eye-catching person was the figure standing in the middle of the reception room, Joshua Arnold.

“Is this the last artisan under your command?”Joshua glanced at Queen Yekana who was sitting below.

Jose came to the Embassy of the country of steel and directly asked for the best artisan in your country to do a job for me.

Queen Yekana enthusiastically summoned the five master artisans who were temporarily staying in the embassy of the country of steel.

Nolan’s portal was not closed yet. The last week was a vacation for these master artisans.

“Orson Castle is one of the most developed cities in our country in the magic machinery industry. Earl Cruz should know some master craftsmen who can meet your needs,”Queen Yekana said.

“Well, I’ll skip the step of self-introduction.”

Jose glanced at everyone present and officially began to draw the cake.

“This time, I hope to commission you to build seven to eight kinds of super-large magic machinery. They have never appeared in this world before, and some of them may be very difficult to build.”

There were still many things that Joshua did not know about the industrial system of this world. However, some of the alchemy workshops had already completed the epic level of assembly line production, so it should not be difficult to construct entertainment facilities.

“Is it for the daily use of civilians or military purposes?”

At this time, Empress Yekana asked the question that all the master craftsmen present were concerned about.

“Of course it’s for civilian use, but the difficulty of building it might not be as simple as some military magic-guided machines. First, I’ll use an illusion to show a relatively simple magic-guided machine.”

Joshua handed the stage to Hiri, who had been standing next to him. Purple runes overflowed from Hiri’s hand, and magic power began to gather on the stage.

Count Cruz also held his breath at this moment.

No master craftsman present looked down on Joshua because of his age. After all, the one standing in front of them was the creator of the magic net.

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