
Chapter 680 Advancement


Like the tidal wave of an ocean, the  violent wave of fiery hot blood-like fluid surged with a berserk intent within him. David was an un moving mountain. Despite the pain, he didn\'t make a single sound.

As soon as the blood was deep inside his body, mixing with his own blood and body system, David smirked and made a move. Controlling his blood, he surrounded the blood-like fluid with his own blood and guided the trapped fluid into his Helix shaped Vampire DNA. The moment the blood fluid came into contact with it, David was given a massive jolt in his body.

As though an hammer had struck within him, he felt his mind going dizzy and his head ringing like a bell had gone off within his skull. Sweat dripped down David\'s face but after a while, the feeling started to fade. It wasn\'t something David couldn\'t handle with the amount of torture he had endured in the past.

The instant the blood-like fluid touched his vampire gene, it was as though he had taken more than a few tens kilograms of steroids in one gulp. David felt as though he was about to explode but David wasn\'t worried cause this feeling was extremely familiar to him. He had reached and even surpassed the Atman realm in his peak therefore, the advancement was extremely familiar to him. If it weren\'t for him ripping out his blood core, he wouldn\'t be this weak right now.

As the vampiric DNA reached its pinnacle of energy it could contain, it instantly exploded into clusters of stars and fog, clouding his entire gene and cell in the process. David felt as though his entire body was on fire. The violent explosion was as though lava had consumed his entire cells but it really wasn\'t so, it was the fiery heat coming from the clusters of exploded vampiric DNA along with the energy from the Flaming Fruit berry that came with agonizing pain although he seemed happy The process was still incredibly painful.

The mist of vaporized vampiric DNA turned into burning hot charcoal as they Began to imprint themselves into the bones of their user which is David. They expanded at first, occupying all of David\'s body and then started to constrict around his bones in a fine print, settling all pover his bones like a hot iron. David grunted but refused to let out the scream that was about to leave his lips. The process of imprinting DNA sequence into the bones was an incredibly painful process even after experiencing it for the second time, David couldn\'t quite get used to it yet.

After what it seem to be an eternity David was finally released of the pain. This made him gasp in relief, huffing and puffing in the process.

"Huff! Huff!! Puff!!!"

After a few seconds, David finally smiled as he came to. Seeing the DNA structure imprinted into his bones, he was relief and then filled with a different surge of power. If previously he could only rely on his strength, right now, energies from around his surroundings flowed in to him as though he possess endless amount of energies.

David had never differentiated them before as he had immediately used his strength to battle after advancing but now, he was able to notice the differences between the Atman realm and the Phaser realm.

Immediately, power filled his entire being and the feeling of hot iron being imprinted into his bones faded as a new found strength coursed though his body.

"Although astonishing =, it\'s not enough. If old man Plane sees me being satisfied with this miniscule amount of strength, he would be disappointed."

David whispered to himself and didn\'t dare slack off as he meditated, guarding the overloading power in the process to increase his strength.

Pools of sweat dripped down from David\'s body, staining the ground in his sweat. His clothes was entirely soaked in sweat as though he had been drenched in a heavy amount of water.

An hour passed and the pool  beneath his bed only kept on increasing. Even after three hours, the drench of sweat didn\'t show any signs of decreasing. It wasn\'t till the last hour of the night did David show signs of recovery.

One would have thought he would be entirely consumed by his greed to evolve but luckily, David wasn\'t the greedy type. As long as then power  works for him, and was compatibly with his body, why wouldn\'t he be comfortably with it?


The entire surrounding vibrated with the power of his roar. It wasn\'t one of pain but one of relief, satisfaction and one of overwhelming strength. It wasn\'t easy for one to reach the Atman realm but for David, it had been really really easy for him, at least, more so than the last time.

Feeling the new power coursing through his veins, as well as the familiar amount of strength his heart could release with his new and expanded veins, David clenched his fist and suddenly as though a black hole was within his fist, the room collapsed to the new found gravitational field within the vicinity.

The lamp warped and the antique bed instantly crumpled as it moved in the direction of David\'s clenched fist. Just when the entire room was about to collapse, the force of attraction from David\'s fist grew weaker and weaker until it was finally no more. To other mortal, it might have been an un explainable phenomenon, but to those who knew and understood, David\'s clenched fist was so strong it could destabilize the gravity of the world around him. Even the will of the world could do nothing to stop him!

David finally calmed down, reveling on his new strength before clapping his hands once.

Servants rushed into his room like a wave, awaiting his command. "Announce this message to all. Those without gifts that contains powers to heal Beast Force or Dragon force shouldn\'t bother as I would not accept them."


In the Mountains, behind the dojo, there were two refiner dummies in an open field. These dummies were worth 5,000 coins each, anyone below the meteor rank would absolutely be unable to harm these refiner dummies! Even if someone at the meteor rank managed to damage them, with its self-repair ability, the dummies would not be destroyed! With this ability, this type of refiner dummy was usually used by powerful individuals for their experiments.

These dummies were specially ordered from Water Kill Town, and was crafted by an expert master! Both of them were nearly impossible to budge. Even David\'s fist attacks couldn\'t shake it, indicating just how stable the dummy was.



The heavy fists struck light lightning. Sweeping, punching, chopping and thrusting. With every move, David\'s Fist strike become even more powerful.

Although he already reached the Atman realm and could afford to spend minimal effort to practice his fist technique, pushing his body to the limit with practice could still benefit him greatly. After awakening to the Atman stage, he possessed an amazing recovery ability. Every time he recovered, his muscle, bones and physique would slightly evolve. The accumulation of these countless evolutions greatly boosted his strength. In order for his exhausted body to recover, he would practice the "Ultimate Gamma Physique Technique". His exhausted state enabled him to absorb even more gamma rays from his surroundings.


He could comprehend the nature of the Heavens and the Earth while practicing his fist technique.

"Hu hu hu..." sweat damped his clothes as David felt satisfied. He could feel every part of his body became exhausted. When the exercise no longer made him exhausted enough, he would immediately increase the intensity.

Pushing his body to the limit like this, enabled him to continuously exploit his bloodline\'s potential.

A cycle of growth and withering grass on the dojo soil, meant another month passed. With every cycle things would come and go...

In a blink of eye, a month already passed.

"Hua hua hua~~~"

Spring water flowed into the pond, its sound harmonizing with the tranquil scenery.

A youth wearing black motionlessly sat cross-legged on a stone with his eyes closed. His face looked as if it was carved with a chisel, partially resembling his father. His looks were quite ordinary, nothing that could be regarded as handsome! But his poised demeanor which resembled a mountain, was obviously extraordinary. At the moment he breathed very slowly, making it  came rushing out of his mouth and directly struck the surface of the pond in front of him. The previously calm pond explode with a loud crash, its surface suddenly sunk, with large amount of water dispersing, and splashing into the sky.

With one breath, his prior calm and slow bodily functions started to slow down, his heartbeat also quickly returned to normal.  Like an ordinary human being, his loudly sloshing flow of blood slowed down to normal and the sound of a violent tide emanating from him receded back into him.

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