
Chapter 128 The Rebellion [9] - Consequences

Several tiny runes on Silas\' axe began to glow with a milky white light before turning fiery red, and eventually, blue.

This was one of the axe\'s active skills. No, it was one of its best skills that almost worked the same way as the dimensional bags.

The ability to store spells within the axe itself. Sure, Silas could create spells just as fast as activating the spells stored within the axe, possibly even faster, however, it gave him an advantage in this situation.

Because right now, Silas didn\'t have any spells inside the axes... He had runic spells, each and every single one of them being at a tier-4.

On the other hand, there was Greed who had seen the attack coming and had quickly retracted her attacking arm.

Instead of forming arms into an X above her chest to protect herself from the flames, she used her arms to protect her face before several runes on her armor activated again.

The runes shone, and in the blink of an eye, a bubble appeared around her.

She had retracted her attack the moment she saw the runes on Silas\' axes shining brightly. That\'s why she immediately stepped back and decided to defend instead of attack. 

However, due that that, she lost several precious milliseconds in which Silas used to attack her.

Silas\' axe ripped right through the bubble in an X shape. He felt a bit of resistance, but it wasn\'t anything that would have made it significantly tough to break through the bubble.

\'Tier-4 Spell\'


Silas slashed in an X shape and unleashed a powerful pale blue flame that shone with the brightness that would have blinded anyone who saw it and couldn\'t protect their eyes through toki or other similar methods.

However, at that moment, there was no one around to see it except Silas and Greed, and in this situation, Greed was the one who had to take the full brunt of the attack.

As the pale blue flames erupted from Silas\' axe, they engulfed Greed in their scorching embrace. The intense heat radiated through the area, causing the air to shimmer with ethereal energy. The force of the attack blew back Greed\'s lustrous hair, revealing a flicker of surprise in her mesmerizing eyes.

Silas watched intently as the flames licked at Greed\'s armor, its protective enchantments struggling to contain the relentless assault. The surrounding landscape became a sea of destruction as the flames consumed everything in their path, reducing small houses to ashes and scorching the earth beneath.

Greed\'s lips curved into a wicked smile, a glimmer of excitement dancing in her eyes. "Impressive, Silas," she purred, her voice laced with a mixture of admiration and amusement. "But do you really think a mere flame can overpower me? No... You should fear me... Yet, you don\'t." She asked with a soft and melodious voice.

Silas maintained his focus, his eyes narrowing in response. "Why should I fear someone so much weaker than me?" he retorted, his voice dripping with malicious intent.

"You have no idea how small you really are."

With those words, Silas channeled his mastery over the elements once more. Silas\' energy surged through his body and the wind element invigorated every cell in his body and made everything around him feel like it was moving in slow motion.

He darted forward with lightning speed, closing the distance between him and Greed in an instant.

Greed\'s eyes widened briefly, her alluring facade momentarily faltering. She gracefully sidestepped Silas\'s initial strike, her body contorting with feline grace. But Silas anticipated her evasive maneuver and adjusted his attack trajectory with astounding agility, striking again with a series of precise and calculated blows.

The clash of Silas\'s axes against Greed\'s armor echoed through the battlefield, each strike resonating with the sheer force behind it. Sparks erupted from the collision, painting a dazzling display of ferocity and resilience. However, unlike the rest of the attacks that had hit Greed that day, these ones were actually doing damage.

Dents and scratches could be seen on the armor. Silas knew that most armor at the same level or grade as Greeds would have the ability to restore itself back to its peak, but that would most likely need time.

And that was something that she simply did not have.

Greed, her seductive allure now mingling with frustration, attempted to counter Silas\'s relentless assault. 

Her claws danced through the air, seeking to rend his flesh and leave him vulnerable. But Silas was no stranger to being the weaker one in a fight. Every important fight he had fought until now was one where he had been on his back foot the entire time... But now, things were going to change.

All those times he felt powerless because they were so much stronger than him, but in this situation, Silas didn\'t feel the sense of dread within him.

No... It was quite the opposite.

He felt excitement.

Excitement to fight. Excitement to kill the person in front of him.

She was a horrible person, and so was he... But he was going to change.

No longer would he be the kind of man to kill everyone and everything before him without reason. No... Now, he had things to protect.

He had people to protect.

He had his own life to protect.

And so, with that thought in his head, he decided to give it all he\'s got.

His instincts and reflexes were honed to perfection, allowing him to deftly evade Greed\'s attacks while simultaneously launching his own.

The battle between Silas and Greed intensified their movements a mesmerizing blend of grace and perseverance. 

Each clash of steel and clash of wills pushed them to their limits. The landscape continued to bear witness to their fierce struggle, the remnants of their power leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

Through the ebb and flow of the battle, Silas gradually gained the upper hand. 

His analytical mind allowed him to exploit Greed\'s weaknesses, finding openings in her defense and capitalizing on them with calculated precision. He moved with a purpose, his attacks growing more ferocious and strategic with each passing moment.

Yet, Greed was not one to be easily defeated. Her alluring charm remained intact, her movements fluid and deceptive. She continued to taunt Silas, tempting him with her seductive allure, trying to break his concentration and turn the tide in her favor.

But Silas remained steadfast. 

Even Greed could see that.

She could see the flame in his eyes, burning as bright as ever with more ferocity than she had seen in a long time.

Flipping from building to building, Greed narrowly avoided Silas\' strikes.

Each one of his swings destroyed one or two houses. It was a little terrifying from her perspective, but she continued to dodge to the best of her ability.

From what she could see so far, while one of those attacks wouldn\'t do much to her if they landed on her armor, a couple of them could probably break through the strong metal they were made from.

·ƈθm However, she knew that, if she wanted to win, she\'d have to fight back at some point...

And that was exactly what she was going to do.

The crystals on her armor shone even brighter, yet that only made the crimson thread within more noticeable.

However, that didn\'t matter right now as a sudden surge of mana shot out of her body in every direction.

The ground under her crumbled while the air crackled.

Mana surged around each and every one of her body parts, creating a vortex-like flow of mana that shone with the emerald color.

However, this one was a little darker, indicating that it wasn\'t the color of healing, but instead, the color that the cores in her armor had produced.

The armor itself had separated slightly too while also becoming skin-tight.

If before, her armor looked like a golden skirt, now she looked like an actual knight. The only difference was the fact that her armor looked much smaller and righter than normal armor, as well as the fact that the metal itself bent around her body to make it as flexible as possible.

At the same time, mana formed behind her two creates a pair of transparent green wings.

"Why are you defending this city, Silas." She finally asked after dropping her seductive persona.

"Not acting any more, I see?" Silas sneered while landing on a building in front of her.

She was confused as to why he wasn\'t attacking her immediately, but this worked in her favor so she didn\'t care.

"Answer the question." 

"That\'s none of your business." Silas replied in a relaxed almost mocking tone.

"Oh really? Because, before this, it seemed like you couldn\'t care less about this city, but now, you\'re trying to save it?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

"Let\'s just say that I owe Archie a few things." Silas smiled.

"Oh really? So... He told you about your siblings, right?" She asked before appearing in Silas\' building at such a speed that he felt like he almost couldn\'t follow it.


Yet, he still took out both of his axes and pointed them at her.

"Oh? He didn\'t tell you? I thought that you two were friends, or at least companions."


"Your family... What are they called? The Skyparks or something? After finding out that they couldn\'t get you, they took your siblings." She smirked.

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