
Chapter 1037 This is me Part 13

Chapter 1037 This is me Part 13


She has such beautiful skin, scared or not. He finds everything about her perfect.

Sumire\'s body tensed when he placed his hand on the scars.


"I know they are old scars, but do they still hurt when you touch them?"

"Sometimes." Sumire admitted. She laughs weakly. "It\'s okay Toh, being in the underworld means getting scars. No matter how strong I am, being in this industry means I will get hurt."

"You never told me exactly how you got these."

"Mm, they are whip lashes from when I got kidnapped."

\'By kidnaped, is she talking about the incident after he left or the one before? Because if it was the former, then I would feel incredibly guilty.\'

"It happened before I met you."

Toh sighed in relief and Sumire giggled. "You don\'t have to feel so responsible with everything that happens to me."

"It\'s hard not to."

It\'s hard not to, because he left her during her most vulnerable time. \'I should have stayed by her side.\'

"I know, you\'re a kind person Toh."

"I don\'t think that\'s it. I wouldn\'t feel like this if it was another person. I\'m doing this because I\'m selfish, and I\'m in love with you."

"Mm, I know that too." Sumire said softly. "I know how much you care for me, and I care a lot about you too."

If anybody else overheard this conversation, they would assume that Sumire was confessing. But, Toh knew better. She is being very evasive with her words. She cares about him, a lot it seems but she isn\'t admitting her actual feelings.

"I\'m sorry, I know you want me to say more." Sumire mumbled.

Toh shakes his head. "I will admit that I am frustrated."

Sumire laughs. "Of course you are."

"But, I would like to think that I know you beautiful. I know and understand you." Toh trailed off seeing her eyes widening. "Am I wrong?"

Sumire\'s cheeks suddenly coloured. "N-No your not, you do know me well. It\'s just-"

Toh reached over and caressed her cheek. "I know you beautiful, that\'s why you don\'t have to explain anything."

"Mmm." Sumire sighed in content. "Toh, this is nice."

His gaze softened. "I know, but let me help you finish bathing. We can do more of this on the bed."

At those words Sumire suddenly moved away from him. "I-I can finish off on my own, get out."

Toh blinked at her sudden change of topic. But, seeing her back turned. Toh knew he wasn\'t going to get any answers as he stood up and exited the bathroom. Not before catching how red her face was.

\'I understand beautiful, and that\'s why. I am being careful around you.\'


Time, time.

Mamoru often says that time has been cruel to him, \'I have so many things I wish to say and do with her but time will not give me the chance.\'

Recalling Mamoru\'s words. Toh exhales deeply. He is starting to understand Mamoru\'s feelings now. Indeed, time?is cruel. The moment Terashima returns, his time with Sumire would end. He won\'t be able to stay by her side as often without drawing negative attention. Moreover, she will have to move out.

Although he never planned for the second part to happen, Toh has to admit that he has?enjoyed living with her. He doubts they would have gotten so close to each other again, if they lived apart. Considering how Sumire sometimes tries to avoid him under his own roof. No doubt she would do the same when they lived away from each other.

He understands why she does it. There are days where she is very comfortable with him and naturally gets close without thinking. But, there are also days where questions why she gets close to him. Why she allows herself to do that. During those days, Sumire falls asleep in the living room or the kids room.

"Are you even listening to me Mashima?"

Toh turned his attention onto Nagawa Sano. "I am."

Sano exhales deeply. "Is it just me or have you been spacing out a lot?"

"It\'s lack of sleep doctor, I\'m sure you can recognize that."

"I can, and that\'s why I\'m scolding you." Sano shakes his head. "You need to get some proper sleep Mashima. No matter how invincible you think you are, you need rest just like any normal being."

"-and here I thought you called me to talk about Sumire\'s condition."

"I did, her re-opened wounds are healing nicely. She can be discharged in a few days. But, she should still stay at home and not do any work."

"I see."

"She can start to consume more meat, but not too much. I\'ll give you a detailed meal plan from the dietician." Sano explained.

"Anything else?" Toh wondered sensing there was something Sano wasn\'t saying.

"I wasn\'t going to say anything, but seeing you so distracted recently. I can guess why. Terashima is returning soon isn\'t he?"

"Mamoru blabbed."

Sano sighs. "Even if he didn\'t, it\'s all over the international news. M5 has succeeded in their goals in just a few months. The japanese media are hyping their return."

That explains why they haven\'t reported Sumire\'s return too much. There was one or two articles but those were immediately taken down before anybody could view them. If there was any doubt of Takahashi Yumi\'s interference, there isn\'t anymore. Only she has that much power.

Takahashi, no Ahoji Yumi. Since the first day Sumire was hospitalized, Toh noticed that someone had been leaving Sumire bouquets of different purple coloured flowers. At first Toh joked with Sumire about having a secret admirer, but as the flowers continued to come. Toh started to do a bit of digging, after questioning the staff. He learned that a woman had been leaving those flowers.

"He is." Toh confirmed. "What about it?"

"It\'s good for me since I don\'t have to worry about her living with you anymore. God knows what you two have been doing."

Toh frowned at Nagawa\'s words. He didn\'t say it directly, but Toh immediately understood. This guy really is a bastard. Just when his impression of him was changing slightly.

"What do you think we have been doing?"

Sano raised his eyebrows. "Isn\'t it obvious? You\'re living with her. No doubt you two have been fucking whenever you got the chance."

The moment Nagawa said those words, Toh punched him.

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