
Chapter 153 - 153 - They Can Smell Me

Through the stark white corridors stained with blotches of red, Tian and Hary ran. Behind them a huge hoard of zombies chased after with their claws out.

Tian glanced back. "I don\'t see him! We have gone too far." she slowed down a bit.

"Idiot! Don\'t stop," Hary grabbed her and dragged her away.

"No, we have to go back!" she cried, clenching tightly onto the gun.

"We don\'t have enough bullets! And your ability is limited."

Hary did not bother with her resistance anymore. He simply threw her over his shoulders and ran on the slippery marble floor. His shoes squeaked with each step.

And with each squeak, the zombies behind them roared.

"Can\'t deal with this stupid zombie attracting shoes."

"Can you let me down?" Tian softly whispered.

"Sure," he let her down and swiftly removed his shoes. "We can outrun them and hide in any rooms in the way. Maybe we can escape out of the windows or something..... feel like climbing some pipes..."

Tian did not even look his way.

"Don\'t tell me you are upset with me? Come on Tian. Yue is powerful and intelligent. He can easily deal with these zombies. If he is outnumbered, he knows how to hide."

"I know.... but he is my brother. I... I can\'t abandon him like that."

A small intersection came up front.

Tian glanced at him and nodded to the right.

"Cover my back.." He sped up and took a sharp right. He opened the room right next to it corner.

Tian rushed in after him, gingerly closed the door and locked it from the inside.

"It\'s clear...\' Hary whispered close to her.

"Good... lest wait until these zombies pass us. We can backtrack our way and find Yue." She anxiously pranced in front of the door.

"Yeah, we can do that,"

Hary walked into the VIP room. It had a small visitor\'s area with chairs and the patient\'s room. The room was not empty, though.

An old rotting corpse of an old man laid on the bed right next to it was a rotting corpse of an old lady. Their bodies did not have any kind of signs f attack. It looked like they just fell asleep holding their hands.

"They went peacefully... that\'s all I hope for in the future...."

"Don\'t talk about death..." Tian pulled the sheet form under the bed and gently tied both the corpses inside.

A sudden sharp pain came from her stomach.

Tian gripped her stomach and leaned over. White spots covered her vision. She could barely keep herself up.

"Whoa, what is wrong?" Hary placed her on the bed. "Did you get bit?" he checked her thoroughly but there did not seem to be any visible wounds. "Maybe it\'s because we haven\'t had lunch yet,"

Hary pulled up his heavy bag pack up. "Ah, I have snickers or mars? Which one?"

Tian just gave him a look.

"Come on, eat," he shoved a snickers in her hand. "It will make you less grumpy,"

That comment did not sit well at all. All he got was another glare.

"Tian~ come on, don\'t be angry," he plucked the small candy from her hands and pealed the cover. He held it close to her pursed mouth. "You need energy,"

She just chomped on it like a cute puppy.

"Aw so cute,"

"Shut up..." she chewed loudly. "I did not like the look Yue had on his face when we got separated. He looked so scared. He hates zombies, especially those smaller ones." She gulped down the chocolate with a frown.

Hary silently listened to her banter. "Another?"

"no.." she held her stomach with a groan.

"Do you have an upset stomach?" he worriedly touched her hand. Her skin was very hot. "You are feverish Tian..."

"I\'m not...my stomach is just acting weird..."

A sudden bang shocked both of them.

Hary slowly tiptoed close to the door and placed his head on the door.

Right then, the door violently trembled.

He looked at her, eyes wide open. "We have been spotted," he mouthed, running back to her.

From the sound of it, it was about a few dozen zombies pounding on the door. That door would not hold for even a few minutes.

He swiftly pulled his bags over his shoulders and strapped his guns as well. He only had about twenty bullets in his machine-gun, ten bullets in his revolver, and an army knife.

Tian had already gotten up and was rolling the white sheets off the bed with a deep frown on her face.

"It\'s not the time to tidy up, Tian. Go check the window; I\'ll guard your back,"

She briskly walked up to the window and banged on the glass. But to her surprise it was a very strong.

"Just shoot it down. We don\'t have much time," Hary, growled shooting the glass.

Seeing this, Tian also shot at the glass alongside.

After twenty bullets, the glass shattered.

"go go go!" Hary lifted Tian onto the window sill. 

The zombies had already put a gaping hole in it and were reaching for them inside.

They both stood on the foot sized window ledge. Looking down, even a huge truck looked like a small cockroach.

Hary sighed. "I never thought I will live our glory days as an assassin like this,"

"Less talking, more action please," Tian spat on her palm and jumped, grabbing onto the steel pipes nearby. She slid down with ease.

"Roger madam Tian," Hary chuckled, jumping off the sill after her. "Hiss I should have used my saliva too," the steel pipes were hot from all the sun exposure.

He slid down slowly, making sure that they both were sliding at the same speed.

"Here," Tian stopped hugging the pipes tightly. She jumped onto the huge window frame nearby.

This hospital must have been built sometime around the 1800. Unlike the stylish sky rise buildings the windows here had external window frames with intricate carved details and statues. This one had a small gargoyle statue on it.

"This space is enough for us to sit and rest. Plus, this place had a high vantage point over the city." She whispered, anxiously chewing on her bottom lip.

"oh-kay," Hary slid down and jumped off. His barefoot landed safely onto the cement ledge. "This place is awesome, but why are we stopping. We can go to a lower floor and try to access the other building through the sky bridge."

While they were entering their building, he already noted down the sky bridge as one of the possible escape routes. It was on the fifteenth floor connecting to the building to their right.

He threw a questionable glance at her. She seemed to be annoyed and cranky about something.

"OR we can go to the lower floors and try to climb up through another fire exit. This building has about three fire exit staircases. We can climb up through them...."

She just gritted her teeth and hugged her bent knees tightly.

"Tian... are you really okay?"

"I am.."

"Then why are you not rushing to save Yue."

She silently glanced at him with her mouth opening and closing.

"You can tell me anything, right? What is it?"

"I just can\'t. Let\'s wait a bit," she said, punching her stomach.

"Hey hey, what are you doing? Stop hurting yourself." he gripped her hands tightly. "What is going on?"

"Nothing!" she snapped back, pulling her hands away. "Just wait a while...."

A loud banging sound disrupted their conversation.

Hary sighed and leaned his torso down to take a look. An elderly zombie was banging on the glass window below them. It kept licking and biting at the glass with its toothless jaws.

"How did this zombie even hear us? I mean.. That is a soundproofed room. They obviously did not see us. Then how?" he whispered to himself.

"It\'s because of me." a soft mumbled came from beside.

"um? What about you?"

"It\'s because of me," Tian glanced at him with tear-filled eyes.

Seeing her like this, Hary panicked hard. "...oh .... Is it hurting.... is your stomach okay?"

"They can smell me..." she whispered, wiping away her unshed tears.

Hary let out a chuckle. "you don\'t smell that bad." He hugged her close and kissed her small forehead. "You smell just like shampoo...Plus, I don\'t believe that they can smell your sweat from within the building,"

"They smell my blood," she whimpered.

He froze in shock. "Blood? Did you get hurt anywhere? Show me.." he tugged at her sleeves.

"No," she pushed his hands away. "Just know that they smell my blood,"

"Where are you bleeding?!"

Tian slowly turned over and glared at him deeply. "It\'s a matter that only girls can understand,"

"What girl matter?" Hary just sighed loudly. "I don\'t understand. Tian just come out and tell me what\'s wrong,"

"I am bleeding through my pants and those things can smell me!" she shouted, hiding her flushed face.

For a second, Hary could not comprehend the deeper meaning of those words. But realisation hit him hard.....

Tian was having her periods.

"oh.... ohhhhhhhh.... that girl matter.... yikes..."

"I-I can\'t believe it. It stopped years ago, then why!"

Tian had gotten her first menstruation when she was just thirteen. But after that first sighting, it dissipated. She was worried at first but after research she found out that stress can stop the cycle all together.

"But why now! The timing...is awful! With this, I can\'t even go to Yue. Those zombies will follow me everywhere like a fucking dog!" she punched her stomach hard.

"Hey you idiot! Punching is not going to stop your cycle. Just... stop hurting yourself." He pulled her close and hugged her tight to his chest. "it\'s okay. We are safe here. It.. will go away in a while, right?"

"It will last for five days!"

"Shit, we are really in a bind then,"

"It\'s all because of my stupid body. Why wasn\'t I born a man? I could have not had this trouble. I could have been a big brother to Yue." she grumbled.

Hary grabbed her small face gently. "You are a wonderful older sister to him. Being a woman is a beautiful thing. You guys can make a living thing! How amazing is that!"

She was still frowning, grabbing at her stomach.

"I\'ll share with you a secret..." he tugged at her long sleeves.

She glanced up.

"Men.. need women more than you think. This world.... it can\'t operate without women,"

Tian chuckled softly. "Your pep talk sucks."

"I was trying my best." Hary leaned his head on hers and sighed. "The view is not so bad...I guess we will be stationed here tfor a few days,"

Tian let out a loud chortle at this. "We are going to get a mean sun tan,"

"I don\'t tan, I burn. Expect a pink roasted Hary at the end of this ordeal,"

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