
Chapter 440 Prelude To The First Round (2)

After a boisterous shout from Instructor Garrison, Cynrik reigned in the group, Kurza included, and ordered the other members of MyrkLys to assume one of their seven basic battle formations.

The next thing he did came as a surprise to no one: having Kurza sign a strict non-disclosure agreement in the form of a CSH Binding Soul Contract. One that, if broken, would not only rob Kurza of his Tier and Skills, shatter his Mana Veins and Codex, leaving him crippled, but also saw him forking over any and all items he had that carried any kind of monetary value, even his future inheritance would fall in the greedy hands of Cynrik if the contract were broken.

Either by fear of the younger boy thanks to the abuse he suffered the previous day or being entirely loyal to the point of near fanaticism, Kurza signed the NDA without any fuss opening the door for Cynrik to begin his battle formations explination.

With the contract signed, Cynrik glanced at Instructor Garrison while confirming he had signed the initial agreement, which everyone except Professor Claire had signed before speaking.

Upon hearing there were seven different starting formations, Garrison raised an eyebrow, wondering how different they could be. Still, after watching MyrkLys teaching Kurza his new role, he became pretty impressed.

Soon, however, to his astonishment, Cynrik ramped up his teaching session due to how quickly he found Kurza adapted. The original seven formations quickly became fourteen formations, then twenty-eight.

By the time Garrison forced the group to halt their training because it was time to leave, Cynrik had pumped out an impressive 73 combat formations, which involved specific counters to just about every imaginable scenario.

What was even more impressive than the sheer amount of planning Cynrik had done in creating these formations and their subsequent strategies, was how adaptable Kurza was.

Like a sponge, the new hire absorbed every bit of information thrown his way with stunning accuracy, allowing Cynrik to stack on even more Data. Everything from initial placement to potential outcomes of the battle lines the opponent would present was laid bare for Garrison and Kurza.

"There won\'t be any large-scale battles anytime soon, so you don\'t need an introduction to our war offensive strategies," Cynrik shrugged as he not so gently patted Kurza on the back before walking toward the exit.

"War strategies?" Kurza asked no one in particular as the other members of MyrkLys patted him as they walked by.

"Don\'t mind my Big Brother\'s words; if you haven\'t already noticed, he tends to be extremely paranoid and believes everyone is out to get him. Thus he has hundreds of contingency plans for such a situation." Brance said as he walked past.

"Yeah, Big Bro Ivar ran most of us into the ground; even I had trouble keeping up past Strat 106-AC-2. Don\'t think too hard; making it to Strat 73-A on the first lesson is crazy good." Gabby chirped as she mimicked Cynrik and Brance by hopping up a bit to pat Kurza\'s shoulder since he was nearly as tall as Brance.

Clutching onto her right arm and firmly in Gabby\'s embrace, Milo yowled as if to say, "Good Job, Newbie."

Benny only gave a curt nod of encouragement before patting Kurza\'s shoulder, leaving only Melody to give the new hire a weak smile as she chased after everyone.

"Tsss, what have I gotten myself into this time?" Kurza mumbled as he peeked under the collar of his loose-fitting shirt, only to find a massive black and blue splotchy bruise covering the entirety of his right shoulder.

Without much thought, he cast some healing skills and looked to Instructor Garrison.

"Don\'t look at me; that kid Ivar is a mad genius, emphasis on the MAD part. Although his methods aren\'t necessarily the safest, they are extremely effective. If you examine the other members of the team carefully, you\'ll understand that each of them has been trained to such an extent that they can bring out the fullest of their potential."

"I\'m not saying there is any hope in joining a group as tight-knit as MyrkLys appears to be, but the opportunity is there…all I can say is don\'t fuck it up." Releasing a chuckle, Instructor Garrison vanished from his spot and appeared outside the arena to meet up with MyrkLys before they got too far away.

Realizing he had been abandoned, Kurza cursed and ran to catch up.

Meanwhile, a conversation was taking place in the Mind Link.

[[Are you sure it was a good idea to let that guy learn so many of our tactics?]] Selene asked as she hugged Cynrik\'s arm between her breasts.

[[Without the contract, not at all, but WITH the contract, I don\'t see why not. I\'ve been getting a bad feeling about this Competition since I Advanced my Class, the tingly kind that indicates danger. The more allies we have in a crisis, the better.]] Cynrik didn\'t bother looking down at his girlfriend and adjusted his pace to accommodate her slightly shorter legs.

[[Eh? Your spidey sense is tingling? Are you sure you aren\'t just imagining shit, Cyn?]] Raising a concerned eyebrow and trying his hardest not to look back at Melody, Brance also adjusted his steps so that Gabby wouldn\'t struggle to keep up.

[[The feeling of dread only kicks in when I think about the Competition, otherwise, nothing, That alone is enough for me to believe this event will be a shit show in one way or another. The best thing we can do now is be prepared for any possible outcome. Not to mention, in a few short months, we will be face-to-face with our oh-so-loving Cousin.]] Feeling the presence of Instructor Garrison entering his [Sixth Sense], Cynrik smirked and felt reassured at how good his new passive skill was.

[[You mean the one you believe to be an LC, right?]] Tilting her head to the side cutely, Selene asked.

[[Un, like you, he was one of the only people able to conceal his Mana Signature back during the Selection. I may be wrong, but so far, I\'m batting one-for-one since you turned out to be one of us. Regardless, we won\'t see him or that Opurn fuckboi until the later rounds, so we only have to locate any potential LCs in our bracket.]]

[[Sigh, why can\'t you just be hyped that we get to compete, you LOVE competitions, shouldn\'t that be your primary focus?]] Brance tried reasoning but was immediately cut off by Cynrik verbally smacking him with logic.

[[Brancie, living over a decade in relative peace is making you soft. Sure, this is our home now, but don\'t forget we are in the midst of a large-scale war with other reincarnators. There are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people out there just like us, with their previous lives knowledge and a mission gunning for all three of our heads; we can\'t afford to let our guard down.]]


Before Cynrik could continue his logic smack, his Watcet buzzed three times before an ear-piercing shriek of metal music blared out of the speakers of the device.




"FUCK!" Cynrik cursed and cringed so hard he nearly fell over as the warning tune he had set to play whenever a specific number called him played.

"YOU HAVEN\'T SEEN ME! YOU DON\'T KNOW WHERE I WENT!" Cynrik screamed in panic as he slammed his hand down on the Ignore button before grabbing Selene around the waist and sinking into the Shadow Realm.

Ten seconds after the disappearance of his brother and Selene, Brance\'s Watcet buzzed three times before a much more lively pop song began playing.

Since he already knew whose number would trigger that annoying loud headbanging music, Brance expected the person\'s next call would be him, so he answered the call without hesitation.

"Heyah, Mom," Brance said with a bright smile as the video call function popped up, showing the cheerful face of Cinyah, whom Brance had only seen through a screen for several months.

"Hi Hi Mother-in-law!" Gabby squealed as she pulled Brance\'s arm down so she could be on camera.

"Hello dear, and hello Gabby, it\'s nice to see you getting along with my son so well, fufu." Cinyah\'s melodious voice came out of the speakers as she frantically moved from one place to another, setting out all kinds of bowls filled with snacks.

"I tried calling that rambunctious brother of yours, but as usual, no answer. I suspect he already ran like hell to avoid talking to me, didn\'t he?" Spotting the grown man in uniform behind her son, Cinyah was careful not to mention Brance\'s real name or Cynrik\'s.

"Yeah, you should have seen it, he freaked out and grabbed Selly before running like a scared animal. It was hilarious; oh Milo, say hi to your Gamma." Letting go of Brance\'s arm, Gabby not only answered for him but also thrust the furry face of Milo into view of the camera.

"Meeeeowww," Milo made a cute noise, causing Cinyah and Gabby to giggle, and after some compliments on how shiny his fur was and how he seemed to be growing up well, Milo was all cat-smiles while Gabby and Brance continued the conversation.

"Anywho, I am setting up for the viewing party for tonight\'s opening ceremonies. Your father and Uncle Jessup already brought all the HoloTvs from around the house and set them up to make a giant movie screen in the den, and we pre-ordered the pay-per-view." Cinyah explained as she swiftly moved around the house, be it arranging the furniture, so everyone had a good view of the screen or setting up drinks and snacks.

"I didn\'t tell anyone except your father that you guys advanced to Tier-3, so they are in for as big of a surprise as I was last night when they see how much you lot have grown. Especially the Sanfords, who are flying in specifically to watch the event with us."

"Oh, oh, oh, Mamma and Papa are coming; now I am getting kind of nervous, hehe," Gabby said as she rubbed the top of Milo\'s snout right under his eyes, one of his favorite rubbies spots.

"Nonsense, your parents competed alongside Rikard and me in the same Competition you guys are; they are probably more nervous to see how big you and Benny have gotten than your results in the event."

"I just wanted to know if you all have gotten on the road yet, but judging from the stern man behind you, I assume you will be taking the Transport Portal. Be sure you call me tonight as usual for our nightly chat, have fun and stay safe; I love you. OH, and tell that rascal brother of yours that if he doesn\'t call me before bed tonight, I will leak all his baby pictures online once you win."

With a laugh from all involved and a few more parting words, Brance hung up and ushered everyone toward the dorms to pick up the necessities required for their out-of-town trip.

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