
Chapter 579 Divine Destruction (1)

The sudden shift in movement forced Brance to lean forward and bend his knees to not end up on the floor. 

"Careful there, Brancie, can\'t have you making a fool out of yourself. HAHA!" Cackling like a madman, Cynrik increased the flow of flames he emitted and changed their intensity. 

From bright red to orange, then blue, the rocket fire grew more potent as the Cube transformed into a speeding projectile. Cynrik then leaned forward, widened his stance, and fought against the force pushing against his hands. 

All the while, he constantly monitored the flow of the outside Ambient Mana particles, checking their density and how much pressure was applied to them, which gave him an accurate assessment of how bad the Gravity was outside of the Spatial Cube. 

\'21g…20.7g…19.5, what the fuck? How wide is this grav field?\' Turning his head around like a bobblehead doll in every direction to glimpse the Mana Particles, Cynrik was at a loss for what he saw with [Mana Sight], and although it was only an estimate based on an algorithm he devised, he knew he wasn\'t too far off on how much pressure there was. 

Initially, he thought the fallout from Haylon\'s self-destruction would, at best, be a kilometer ring; however, the further away he drove the Cube from ground zero, the more he realized how wrong his original assessment had been. 

[Brance…I don\'t mean to alarm you here, but I think Valor City just took the brunt of what I believe to be the destructive equivalent of a nuke.] Not wanting to hide his findings from Brance and feeling it was better to prepare him for the worse, Cynrik caved and told him. 

As expected, Brance\'s entire body tensed upon learning what Cynrik was anticipating. Instead of responding, his eyes shot to the sky, where he witnessed one City block after another being crushed under the immense gravitational force. 

[This isn\'t real…right Cyn…what about the innocents? How can they possibly survive something of this magnitude?] Brance asked while struggling to catch sight of the blurring Cityscape. 

[Sigh, of course, that is where your mind goes…hey dipshit, fuck worrying about the general populous; I have yet to see a single corpse or struggling person. I assume all the Military and Enforcer personnel stationed outside the Cube Haylon Created must have evacuated the nearby buildings and surroundings long since.] Rolling his eyes, Cynrik slid his hands down the constructed wall and slightly angled them to the right, directing the Spatial Cube towards home. 

[The only question is how far they pushed the public back. Regardless, I am taking us to Jessup\'s; hopefully, that old bastard is as powerful as the Governor says, and everyone is ok.]

This time, Brance trembled in fright and felt stupid for having forgotten about everyone back at the Mansion. Well, to say he had forgotten about them may not be the proper thought; instead, it was more like he hadn\'t thought the fallout from Haylon\'s attack would reach over 20 km away, but if it had, they would be in danger too. 

[Pick up the pace Cyn…] was all Brance could muster as worry for his parents, and Gabby overwhelmed his mind. 

[Request acknowledged; you may wanna buckle yourself in, little brother; it\'s time to go Hyperdrive. Hehe, cause Goin fast Makes me feel alive.] Smirking as he looked over his shoulder at the worried Brance, Cynrik didn\'t miss the opportunity to throw in a casual anime reference and sang the beginning bars to his favorite card game theme, then activated his [Æsir Mode].

With a bright flash of multicolored light, a thin layer of all of Cynrik\'s Affinity types and Odinforce coated his skin, bringing a qualitative change to his Mana and Control over particles, which supercharged the jet of flames he was expelling.

Brance had less than a second to respond after Cynrik\'s snarky remark, but due to his quick reaction, he could root his feet in place by creating two fall loops of Ambient Mana and sliding them under, along with two more, for hand grips. Funny enough, his position looked oddly similar to an Olympic sprinter preparing to launch.

With the change brought about by Cynrik\'s [Æsir Mode], the size of the fire exploded with more potential and mass and changed from Blue to white with flecks of Odinforce particles. 

\'My heart beats in Hyperdrive. Do you think you can win? Heh, only if I lose…JUST LET DESTINY CHOOSE!\'


Singing in his head, Cynrik channeled as much Mana into his hands as his body could withstand, causing the anti-aerodynamic Cube to break the sound Barrier, but only for a minute since he realized they were almost to the Mansion. 

**The Speed of sound is 343 meters per second, so traveling 20km, which is 20,000 meters, would only take 58 seconds. For you Americans, its 767 mph; by the way, 20km is roughly 12.4 miles**

There was, however, a very unfortunate side effect of traveling at such speeds, and that was the damage to the Spatial Cube progressed so quickly that the glass-like structure now looked like a car windshield that a baseball bat had smashed in. 

"Tsk, well, that\'s not good." Muttering under his breath, Cynrik pulled back on the flames, slowing the Cube down, and directed it right under the Pinhurst Mansion; however, when he brought the heavily damaged Spatial Cube to a halt, the sudden loss of momentum, albeit relatively small, was more than enough to shatter the construct into an array of glass-like shards.

In an instant, the around 100 unconscious people were subjected to roughly 5.5g of pressure as they slammed into the ground like rocks. Luckily, Cynrik had enough brains to bring the Cube to rest only a few centimeters over the ground, so none of them was hurt too badly. 

"Meh, only a few broken bones are nothing that people of their level can\'t handle." Shrugging his shoulders, Cynrik ignored the condition of the unconscious people and launched himself into the air toward the Barrier between words with a serious expression on his face. 

"CYNRIK! WE CAN\'T JUST LEAVE THEM!" Brance shouted, but when his eyes moved away from the people toward Cynrik and then the Barrier, they widened upon seeing the familiar Gold and Blue Aura covering the entire place. 

"Ugh, what the hell just happened? My head feels like I drank for a whole month, huh? Where are we now? What happened to Haylon and Abdul?" a gruff voice said on the ground near Brance, causing the younger Jetlensr to look over and find Geralt awake and confused. 

"Geralt, quick, we need another Space Cube to keep everyone alive; I will explain things later!" Rushing over, Brance helped the man up, and due to the tone of his voice, the Headmaster asked no questions before wrapping everyone up in a brand new Cube, which emptied his reserves of Space Mana. 

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit\'s Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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