
Chapter 137 - Enchanted Zhiyao Part 1

Chapter 137 - Enchanted Zhiyao Part 1

Although he was confident that this book had existed for over a thousand years, and was certain that it was a magical book — a water system magic book to be exact- Suo Jia hadn’t actually looked carefully at its contents. Although the current Suo Jia could not be compared to those wealthy people, eight or ten thousand was still nothing.

Deep into the night, Suo Jia finished his meditation and began to relax on his recliner. His two hands began to flip through the magic book, and with great interest, he began to ponder its contents. After going through a majority of the book, his notes ended up all being ordinary magics; the Moisture Technique, Ice Sphere Technique, True Ice Sphere Technique, Mysterious Ice Arrow… these wasn’t any different from what Suo Jia was currently studying. At that moment, Suo Jia felt as if he had gotten ripped off.

Even after browsing a bit further until he reached the Rank 10 Absolute Zero, everything was still exactly the same. At that moment, Suo Jia sighed in disappointment. However, he did not care too much about 10,000 gold, as something like eight or ten thousand was something that the White Villa could earn from selling a single dish. It was a small matter. However, to fail while searching for treasure was still disappointing.

“Wait!” In the middle of his depression, Suo Jia’s eyes suddenly lit up. Holy Light Academy’s standard magical texts ended right up to here; Absolute Zero was recorded on the very last page of the standard texts. However, this book he had just bought still had quite a few pages left. This…

Precision Strike — a common Internal system magic. It allowed one to use the heart’s eye to create a spirit crucifix that focused in on a target and hit it precisely!

Spirit Lock — a common spirit system shared magic. It allowed one to create spirit chains that followed moving enemies. The guided chains would latch on the target and exert its control.

Acceleration Drive — a common thought system shared magic. It allowed one to use their thought power to accelerate one’s casting speed. The activation speed would be tremendously increased, as well as the magic’s flight speed!

Berserk Impact — a common control system shared magic. It allowed one to use the elements to increase the attack power of a magic. This made the magic go berserk in power, and inflict even more damage on the opponent!

Enchantment Zhiyao - It combined the Hydration Technique’s moisturizing rain and unique methods and processes to store the magic into the form of a portable potion. It could be used to heal wounds at any time!

Magic Zhiyao - It combined Magic Spring and unique methods and processes to store the magic into the form of a portable potion. It could be used to restore the user’s magic power and battle qi at any time!

Spirit Zhiyao - It used the Sweet Spirit Dew and unique methods and processes to store the magic into the form of a portable potion. It could be used to restore the user’s spirit power at any time!

Strength Zhiyao - It used the Origin of Endurance and unique methods and processes to store the magic into the form of a portable potion. It could be used to restore the user’s physical strength at any time!

“Holy crap…” Suo Jia wildly shouted as he jumped up, his fists waving around in the air.

Treasure! What was a real treasure? That’s right… this is what a treasure really was. After obtaining this knowledge, weren’t things like money, wealth and privileges all easy to take away?

The things that Suo Jia could immediately comprehend were Precision Strike, Spirit Lock, Acceleration Drive, and Berserk Impact. However, he couldn’t yet train in the Zhiyao techniques that could recover magic power and battle qi, spirit power, and physical strength. After all… the Magic Spring, Sweet Spirit Dew, and the Origin of Endurance were the three great magics that had long since vanished from existence.

What made Suo Jia the happiest was that the Precision Strike, Spirit Lock and Acceleration Drive were three great auxiliary passive magics that cultivated one’s internal, mental, and thought states. Once learned, they wouldn’t need to be purposely activated, as the subconscious mind could automatically use them. In fact, they would work as long as they were imprinted into one’s internal, mental, and thought states.

This is just like eating, as one does not command their hands to move their chopsticks, open their chopsticks, grab their food, lift their hand, and bring it towards their mouth. In reality, all one needed to do was to think about eating, and the rest would be automatic. It would not require any more energy to be wasted. These three great magics worked with the same reasoning.

As for the Berserk Impact, it also functioned on similar logic, only it required Suo Jia to learn the method required for activation. Previously, the magics were all dependent on oneself for activation; however, after learning the Berserk Impact, Suo Jia could use the power of water manipulation together with his magic in order to give his magics more destructive power.

Precise Strike allowed Suo Jia’s magics to have a certain degree of accuracy. If the nose was indicated, then the eyes would not be hit. If he said he would hit the left eye, then the right eye definitely would not be hit. This was absolute precision!

Spirit Lock allowed Suo Jia’s magics to not fail. Paired up with Precision Strike, it would grant him incredible control over the magic. Unless it was blocked or destroyed, the magic would definitely hit its target.

Acceleration Drive allowed Suo Jia’s magics to continuously gain speed. Not much explanation is needed to explain the importance of the magic’s speed. Without speed, even an idiot could cut down the magic, so how could a slow magic possibly even injure someone?

Berserk Impact allowed Suo Jia’s magics to gain more destructive force, and allowed him to release greater offensive power. Under the influence of Berserk Impact, the Mysterious Ice Arrow would have even greater penetrating power, as well as greater attack power.

Once learned, these four great auxiliary magics would automatically activate. The process of learning these would all be within one’s mind, and once these four magics were sealed within one’s consciousness, they could automatically be activated at any time. In addition… these four great magics’ proficiency would gradually increase each time Suo Jia activated a magic.

After spending only four minutes, Suo Jia had already accomplished everything; it was so ridiculously easy. In actuality… although these four magics were all quite awesome, they were still internal, spirit, thought and control system’s most basic magics; it was just that these four magics had long disappeared from existence. Now there were only earth, water, fire and wind system magics prevalent in this world.

After grasping these four great magics, Suo Jia was so happy that he stood up and directly ripped up the pages of those four magics before tossing them into the fireplace to burn them. Suo Jia did not want too many people learning these magics. Even if others did use them, Suo Jia wanted to make sure that they had learned them from him personally.

After seeing the four pages burned into ashes, Suo Jia happily walked towards the magic targets. Now he had to test the magics out and see exactly what kind of results these four auxiliary magics produced.

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