
Chapter 129

As Baiyi had guessed previously, the three clans who came forward to rebel just now was the three strongest clans in the tribe — although there was only one left. On the contrary, Attie was originally from a small clan that could be considered as weak. During her ruling, she sat on the throne with fear and trepidation, as if treading on thin ice.

Even though she possessed the War God’s Sword, she was still part of the tribe and could not bring herself to slaughter all of those people who opposed her. Fortunately, she was not the type of person who had wild and audacious ambitions, so ever since she had ascended the throne, all she did was remained in her sphere and guarded her clan carefully. And of course, the other clans were glad to see that she had no intention of imposing her thoughts on them. Because of that, her time on the throne had been a stable and secured one with no one planning to rebel.

It was unfortunate that a few foreigners had intruded onto their land and her clan was forced to leave the rich and fertile King’s compound before it could even manage to grow to become stronger. And to even order them to go to the West where it was the most dangerous place in the prairie? Attie could not understand why Baiyi would ask her clan to move all the way there. That place was close to the mountain and although there was no lack of water, the weather there was very cold. Not only that, beasts would sometimes appear over there and that spot was also close to the Alpine Barbarians, making it easier for them to trample on her clan.

There was no doubt that it was a punishment to her tribe. Although he had rescued them temporarily, he was pushing them into a more horrifying fate. And, as his servant, not only would she would be helpless by his side, she would probably be toyed with while forced to listen to the terrible fate of her clan as she weeped and moaned beneath him at the same time. In order to let her clan live a better life, not only could she not go against him, she would have to use every orifice 1on her body and every single inch of her skin to please and satisfy him in bed.

Had Baiyi know what the precocious little girl was thinking— that he was a horny monster who only had his eyes on her body— pinching her face would probably not be enough to express his rage. He would maybe need to hang her up on the ceiling and spank her buttocks hard before he would be fully satisfied.

Fortunately, Baiyi did not know how to mind read and looking at her dejected face, he simply thought that she was unwilling and resentful about the fact that she had lost her throne to him. Without thinking too much about it, he continued to ask about the matter about the caravan...Why would they suddenly go against their words and started the dispute without any warning.

From her look, Attie appeared to be innocent. She firmly denied that her clan was the first to start the dispute and proceeded to explain to him the benefits that the grassland would get cooperating with the caravan. The grassland had been too isolated and they would never get stronger as they would slowly fall behind the other tribes. Attie was clear that had it not been for the two natural barriers— the Eol Mountains and the dense forest— that surrounded their tribe, they would have long been conquered by other tribes. For that reason, she had held her ground against the majority’s opinion, to the point that she had to pull out her War God’s Sword as leverage before she finally obtained the agreement from the other Khans.

“Since you know about the importance of the cooperation, there’s no reason for the other Khans to not realize it right? I don’t believe that all of the people in the Steppe Barbarians tribe other than your clan is so narrow minded,” Baiyi interjected.

“Please believe me, Master. I only speak of the truth,” Attie kneeled in front of Baiyi and boweddown deeply. With a sincere tone, she confided in him the suspicions that she had in her heart. She had a feeling that another clan had tampered with her plan and deliberately wanted to undermine the business dealing. It was because if the commercial route was successfully established, the person that would gain the most was her and her clan. After all, if she use the valuable things from the grassland to trade with the caravans, she would get sturdy armors and sharp blades in no time and she would be able to expand her influence rapidly. Coupled with the War God’s Sword in her hands, she might start to interfere with the other clans’ business and no doubt, that was the most feared outcome for the other clans.

After the dispute, she had also investigated the matter but unfortunately, the related parties had all died and those who survived were not clear about the actual ins and outs of the matter. For that reason, it had become an unsettled case as there was no evidence that could tell her the real story. Not only that, the other Khans were deeply angered by it and had accused her of being irresponsible especially sice it had resulted in many casualties in their tribe. Particularly by the hands of the black Soul Armature, Leo. By virtue of his invincible body, he managed to finish off many strong warriors of the Steppe Barbarians and it was only until Attie joined in the fight personally that she could finally stop him. Those Khans had accused her of trusting outsiders blindly that had resulted in the unnecessary sacrifice and forced her to make Undine into the grand prize in order to appease the people. That resulted in Baiyi being drawn in and it brought an even greater loss to the grassland.

“I really wanted to release her! I did not want to see such a beautiful person fall into those barbaric hands! B-But, my position did not allow me to do that! I had no other choice but to tie her up near my tipi so that she wouldn’t be defiled by those people who were lusting for her! As for what would happen after, I intended to find a kind man for her actually...” Attie pleaded sincerely.

“What a calamity...” Baiyi shook his head. It was obviously a win-win situation for both parties but who would have thought things would become like that in the end. It was a regrettable thing for both sides but of course, because of how the situation turned out, he had managed to benefit the most out of the whole ordeal. Not only did he managed to rob somebody else’s weapon, he had gotten his hand on a beautiful girl as well, becoming the biggest winner of the entire game.

As he looked closely at Attie, Baiyi somehow found her to be quite cute as well. Unlike the other barbarians who were boorish and unrestrained, her facial features were dainty and elegant like the girls from the South. From a close distance, her bronze skin looked like a cup of coffee that had been mixed with milk— so silky and delicate that it was asking to be touched. If it wasn’t for the fact that the few Hentai-Walkers were banned from talking, he had a feeling that the Void would already be filled with shouts and obscene comments about how great tanned skin was.

The only problem lay with the body that was pretty much the same size with Mia’s. Although she was much older than Mia, there were no curves that could be seen at all on her body! Mia was still young so there was still space for her to develop but Attie... Well, it was most likely that she would stay in that shape forever. How regrettable!

Hmmmm, the God of War has a really unique taste...

Attie had also noticed that Baiyi was watching her closely. For a moment, she rejoiced in the fact that he seemed to be attracted to her, maybe her clan members could now live a peaceful life at least. But at the same time, she could not help but feel despair. She was just a mere servant and not his wife. Perhaps, she was destined to be his sex toy for the rest of her life

Such a thought made her turned her head away in anguish as she did not dare to look at Baiyi’s eyes. Slowly, tears began to form in her eyes. Despite the fact that she was once a strong and independent king, right now, she was nothing but a poor little girl who had just lost everything overnight. In a low voice, she whispered, “M-Master... I-It’s still d-daytime now. There a-are people outside too...”

She was afraid that Baiyi would give in to his animal instincts and throw himself at her. Even though having sex in daylight was a normal occurrence in the prairie— she had come across it many times— she was still not willing to have such things happen to her especially when she had just stepped down from her throne.

What is she even thinking? Baiyi wondered secretly. Thinking that she was merely feeling shy because of his staring, he looked away, just in time to see the arrival of the other Khans. With a wave, he let them in the tipi and instantly dissipated the awkwardness between them.

Because of the Warrior Gala, all of the Khans were already at the King’s compounds, making it easy for Baiyi to carry out his next plan. Before the Khans entered the tipi, they still had some doubts about the legitimacy of the whole arrangement but the moment they saw their former King kneeling beside Baiyi like a servant and the War God’s Sword in his hand, they quickly knelt down to show their humbleness as well.

“Since all of you are here now, let’s start our real topic. I’m a person who hates beating around the bushes so I’ll just make everything short,” Baiyi announced and put up three fingers in the air, “I have three things to announce. First, her clan will go to the designated area that I had set up in the west and all of you shall never harass them!”

That was a very simple requirement, and kind one as well. Indubitably, the Khans would never reject it.

“Second, I’m not interested in being your King at all. I’ll go back to Southland soon and bring this War God’s Sword along with me. Just do whatever you like over here and I’ll not give a damn as long as you don’t go against my first command.”

The command blew their minds away. A newly appointed king actually declared that he is giving up the throne?Before the Khans, and Attie, could come to their senses, Baiyi continued, “And third, DO NOT come find me! Just pretend that the War God’s Sword is lost since it’s not like it would have a master all the time anyway, right?” Before they could replied, he stood up and said to Attie, “Let’s go!”

Just like that, he strode out from the King’s tipi and left a group of dumbfounded Khans behind.

Quickly giving chase, Attie’s face was still had a look of disbelief. In a low voice, she whispered, “M-Master, do you really intend to give up the throne? T-This seems a bit reckless...”

“I’m not a man of the grassland so do enlighten me please, why should I follow your tribal rules?” Baiyi replied calmly, as if the position that he had just given up was the class monitor of a kindergarten class.

Then why did you make the rules just now for us barbarians if you’re not a man of the grassland?Attie queried in her mind in bewilderment. Just as she was about to open her mouth to persuade him, Baiyi waved his hand and said, “Stop persuading me. You were treading on thin ice sitting in that position so why should I undergo the same thing? I’m not stupid.”

When she heard that, a ray of hope suddenly shone in her heart. She lifted her head up and looked at Baiyi seriously for the first time. Somehow, that man seemed to be a little different from the others?

In truth, it was not that Baiyi had never considered the idea of using the piece of grassland to strengthen his force. But, after a moment of pondering, he gave up on the idea as the conditions in the grassland were not very good. The divide and conquer ruling pattern was long entrenched in their tradition, wanting to unify all of those clans into one would need a lot of time and efforts— and it did not seem to be useful to his goal of rescuing the Voidwalkers. The ‘Mia Grooming Plan’ would probably be a much more efficient way.

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