
Chapter 146 - Evan D. Sherden’s People (8)

Chapter 146 - Evan D. Sherden’s People (8)

Evan D. Sherden’s People (8)

“So?” The next day, Evan had visited Bernard early in the morning as promised. He had arrived with determination, but he was still shocked by what he saw.

“What is the situation now, Grandpa? What is this?”

“Well, that…”

[This is rude, inferior human! I am the eternal rose of the Mahwa tribe, who reigned in the demon world! Call me her majesty, the queen!]

The answer to Evan’s question came from Bernard, the same Bernard who was still alive. But, sitting on his head, was a creature the size of a fist that proclaimed herself as the Rose Queen. Yes, the Rose Queen. The boss of Yo-ma Great War 2!

“Evan, let me tell you exactly what happened yesterday.” Bernard, who had given up and seemed liberated yesterday, looked rather younger. However, the expression he made now was one of consternation.

“I certainly thought that my soul would be sacrificed to complete the curse. But it wasn’t. It wasn’t a curse that turned my soul into something else, but rather it caused another soul to blend into my own. It was a soul contract, to be exact. And that soul was the Rose Queen’s. So, in the end, it was a ritual that combined resurrection with a contract, rather than being a curse.”


“I don’t think it’s an easy thing to just understand by discussing, but I can’t figure out exactly what happened either.”

“What a weird story…” The head of the Mahwa tribe, the Rose Queen, was said to have survived through various special rituals, obtaining new forms each time. And, this time, she had resurrected herself in the form of a parasite attached to Bernard, who had killed her. Only, since Bernard had been aware of it, there was now a clear master-servant relationship between them now. That was, Bernard was the master, and the Rose Queen was his servant.

“Would you like to live this way?”

[You are stupid, human. The moment I was killed by Bernard Garcia, I realized I couldn’t make him my servant. If so, isn’t the only option left to become his servant? It can’t be helped if an inferior human can’t understand such a simple reason!]

The Rose Queen, who looked like a tiny but charming human woman, shrugged and squared her shoulders—becoming Bernard’s servant because she couldn’t be his master. Hadn’t her feelings reached the realm of love, passing hate or obsession?

“Are all demons like this crazy?”

“Well, you’re not wrong.” Bernard let out a conflicted sigh. Evan was able to understand his heart easily. He had predicted his own death at the hands of that curse that had plagued him for decades, and at the very moment he arranged his affairs and accepted his fate, this had happened. It was fortunate he was still alive, of course, but he couldn’t help feeling a bit uneasy about it.

“You became strangely young, grandpa.”

[It’s good you noticed it. Bernard Garcia, an inferior human, was connected to a noble soul like me, so naturally, his level increased! He will live with me for many years now!]

The Rose Queen was still yelling. Bernard’s level did seem to have risen, but hers was slightly lower. It was hard to see her as the same Rose Queen that had shown up in Yo-ma Great War 2.

“Anyways, don’t worry. This one can’t harm humans anymore, Evan. She lost her ability to reproduce and erode, so now she’s just like a cute doll.”

[It’s rude to call the noble and beautiful Rose Queen a cute doll!]

She hit Bernard’s head with her two small fists but was unable to hurt him. Looking at her, she was certainly cute, this monster that had once been called humanity’s nightmare.

“Is she really harmless? Are you lying again?”

“It’s no lie this time. However, I don’t know what effect being connected to a demon will have on me…not all demons are against humans, so it might be fine.”

“That’s right.” Just as humans didn’t always get along with each other, not all demons worked together to hunt humans. Among them, there was a number that had abandoned the Demon King to side with humanity. There were also demons who maintained a neutral stance.

“By the way, this woman is a monster who even tried to summon the Demon King. Could it be that she would adversely affect you?”

[Ah, the Demon King? I’m done with my loyalty; I’ve retired from such annoyances. I will leisurely tour this world with Bernard Garcia.]

“A tour…?” She wanted to sightsee around the world leisurely she once tried to destroy? It was definitely crazy.

[The world of humans has changed rapidly, so it’s pretty fun. Especially this city…is it because Bernard Garcia is here?]

“…Ha.” Evan just laughed. Demons were demons; she had no guilt or any conflicted feelings—just that obsession with the man who killed her.

“Can’t you kill her?”

“It would be difficult. I could, but I would die too…even then, there is a high probability that only I would die.”

[Die? You’re talking oddly, Bernard Garcia. You can’t die on your own now; I don’t desire your death.]

“Be quiet.”


The Rose Queen, despite her dignity, couldn’t go against the command of her master and quieted down. Instead, she beat Bernard’s head in revenge, but there was still no hurting him.

“…I’m glad you seem to like Grandpa, but please don’t injure anyone else.”

“You don’t have to say something so obvious, boy.”

“And be careful not to get caught.”


Bernard calmed down the Rose Queen before turning back to Evan.

“There’s no problem with that. In the first place, very few people have seen the Rose Queen’s true form.”

“I see.” Evan decided not to interfere with this unless the Rose Queen became a danger to humans once more. She could be a threat but keeping Bernard alive was more important to him.

“Then, now…”


“Please tell me why she keeps laughing like that.” Evan asked, pointing at Iloin, who had been in an uproar while they were talking. She had never laughed during the Yo-ma Great War 2 game, so her appearance felt very odd.

“Is it weird?”

“No, I’ve never seen you express your feelings like that.”

“Ah, I can’t help it.” Ilion’s smile was so beautiful it had captured countless players. He knew she liked Bernard, so it was natural she was happy for his safety, but there was something there he couldn’t understand.


“That’s because Bernard and I are getting married.”

“…Yes?” Evan’s eyes opened wide as he turned to look at Bernard, who was clearing his throat. Then, Bernard grabbed his head with both hands and put it on the table, causing the small Rose Queen to fall off.


“No, that means…” As Bernard tried to come up with an excuse, Iloin placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

“Bernard, what did you say to me last night? I suddenly wish to hear it again.”

“Iloin, please. My disciple is right here.”

“Didn’t you say something about love? Go ahead and say what you said before. I want to hear it.” Iloin urged Bernard on with a straight face as his ears turned red. Iloin was amazing; Evan had never seen Bernard so easily pushed back. He struggled to get the words out.

“…Something…like…thank you…”

“I beg your pardon? I can’t hear you, Bernard. Please speak in a clearer voice.”

“Thank you for teaching me how to love! I definitely said that!”

“I love you too, Bernard! Let’s get married!” Evan had the illusion that he had entered a new universe at the appearance of Bernard shouting with his face dyed red as it if might burst at any moment, with Iloin hanging off of his neck as she struggled to contain her happiness. The image of the characters he had seen before in the series was collapsing in front of him.

[Humans are really funny. They are bound to each other for a lifetime by vulgar desires such as love.]

“The only race that binds each other with love are humans.”


Evan laughed at the Rose Queen, clicking her tongue. As a bonus, Iloin was an elf, not a human.

“Anyway, that explains the current situation.” It was a great summary; even Evan had to agree. Bernard nodded.

“Yup, it’s so great I want to hit you.”

“Evan, could you help us? I want to marry with everyone’s blessings, but I’m lacking when it comes to human manners, so I don’t know how to prepare for marriage.”

“Please leave it to me.” Evan gave her a cheerful thumbs-up as Belois approached him from behind.

“Call Maybell, Lua. If you tell me what needs to be prepared, I can get what you need.”

“…Yes, master.” Belois looked at the two with a brief expression of envy, but it was off her face before Evan could notice.

“You’ll truly help us, Evan?”

“Absolutely, what else are friends for? We’re all looking forward to a grand wedding!”

“You were such a good friend!” As Evan and Iloin exchanged a refreshing smile, Bernard looked like he might die of shame.

“Help me, Evan. Before being Iloin’s friend, aren’t you my disciple?!”

“Yes, I am your disciple! So, I will do my best to help you be happy. We have to make wonderful memories for you!”

“This damn kid!”

[Of course, humans are foolish.]

Bernard had often said marriage was the grave of life, so in a sense, Bernard had just died.

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