
Chapter 109: Why The Third Legion Was So Strong

Chapter 109: Why The Third Legion Was So Strong

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The Great Dragon clans began their attack, and at the same time, Korialstrasz, the Great Dragon, also awoke.

One thousand shielded soldiers of Iron Nation’s legion had been deployed in three rows to stop the Orcs, Vhouls, Gnomes and some rare magic races.

But the thing that shined in the battle was not the clans and their leaders.

They were the Dragon Speakers who were endowed with the Dragon’s bloodline.

One was human while the other two were Half-Elves.

They were not covered with Dragon scales but their eyes had become yellow pupils that inspired fear.

When they gazed with their eyes, the pupils looked like they had flames burning inside and, they emitting golden rays.

The ones in charge of guarding the cave entrance were the third legion. The legion commander, Aaron, was an epic warrior who wielded double swords.

He stared calmly at the Dragon’s clansmen as they charged forward.

The soldiers of the third legion also showed composure like their commander.

As an elite legion, they had incredible willpower.

As the tens of thousands of the Dragon’s clansmen came close,

Aaron shouted loudly, “Fire the arrows!”


The shielded soldiers who were in the front changed the formation to allow the passage of arrows from the heavy-duty crossbows. Ten crossbows fired at the enemy.

The 2-meter steel arrows whistled through the air and penetrated tens of enemies. The arrows carried their bodies along and sprayed their blood in the air, as they flew up to 100 meters.

But the ten heavy-duty crossbows were not devastating for the whole enemy army. They could, at most, injure one to two hundred enemies.

But the ten steel arrows created blood trails and left vacant spaces in the enemy ranks. This created a huge psychological burden on the Dragon’s clansmen.

The heavy-duty crossbows had effectively lowered the morale of the enemy.

Besides the steel arrows from heavy-duty crossbows, thousands of normal arrows were fired by archers at the dragon clansmen. Even though they were being protected by battle energy, the arrows were still troublesome to deal with. Their battle energy was mediocre after all...

Besides some special legions that had uniform soldier types.

Other legions were composed of at least three soldier types.

The shield bearers, bladers and rangers.

There were no dedicated archers in the Gods continent, as rangers were considered archers with competent close combat power.

The shield bearers could be said to be the cannon fodders that were deployed at the forefront. They had to absorb an insane amount of damage from the enemy until the enemy broke down. Then the shield bearers would achieve victory.

Bladers would kill off the enemies once they were out of their formation. They could also take up the position of the shield bearers, if their comrades died, to protect their formation from being broken.

Bladers would also bring appropriate weapons and equipment according to the type of enemies.

For example, if their enemies were cavalry, their main choice of weapon would be pikes and their secondary weapon would be battle swords.

Rangers were troops deployed in the last row to fire arrows. They fired until they were depleted, or when the legion commander gave the order to stop shooting. After that, they could fire at will or wield their close combat weapon to aid their comrades.

Simply, the shield bearers took the front position, bladers took the middle, while the rangers were placed last.

As long as there was a competent legion commander to lead them, a 3,000-strong legion could prove to be very powerful.

The third legion of Iron Nation was such a legion.

Their formation was very tight, and they formed a tough tortoiseshell at the cave entrance. 1000 shield bearers, 1000 bladers, and 1000 rangers formed three layers of defensive formation. They had terrain advantage and could attack with their battle energy from the high vantage point.

For a moment,

The Dragon clansmen who were fighting up the mountain had been pushed back. They rolled down and, in the process, brought some of their unfortunate comrades with them.

Fresh blood stained the rocks and melted the snow.

Battle energy had created deep gullies, as brilliant flashes were being created in the air!

The battle reached a peak within a short time.

William had no knowledge of the situation in the Dragon’s cave.

But the Elves who were at the top of the cave opening felt the tremors coming from inside. It was as though the Great Dragon was bellowing and had wanted to charge up the sky. But it was always being beaten down to the ground.

William covered his head with snow while cautiously crawling forward. He stealthily watched the situation, and once could only make his eye out.

But when he got hold of the situation, he could not help inhale a gust of cold air. Was the third legion of Iron Nation that powerful?

Just as he finished inhaling.

Three tall figures crude armor charged out from the Dragon’s clansmen.

“Trolls!” William narrowed his eyes.

The three powerful Trolls swung their heavy and huge maces at the shield bearers and sent them flying into the air. The shield bearers landed in their formation with a thump.

The trolls couldn’t escape a few arrows and slashes.

But to them, it did not cause enough damage.

The Trolls went on to penetrate two layers of the legion’s defensive formation before dying. The legion was in a mess. The legion commander Aaron desperately shouted, “Fill up the gaps!”

But it was too late. The Dragon’s clansmen came like locusts from behind the Trolls, and they quickly filled up the gaps in the legion’s formation.

Aaron clenched and swung his fists!

Due to his efforts, hundreds of bladers wearing silver quality equipment set, stepped on the heads of the shield bearers and leaped out. Sword energy pierced tens of meters forward.

In just a few seconds,

The gaping holes that were being taken up by the Dragon’s clansmen were now being occupied by the legion.

But the formation of the third legion could not become stable. It encountered another crisis.

The leaders of the Dragon’s clansmen charged forward, and they knocked the shield bearers all over the place.

The leaders had become unstoppable as they dealt out massive damage to the third legion.

But, the stars of the battle were not them.

They were the three Dragon Speakers.

Aaron wanted to go and help, but he was a legion commander who had to direct his soldiers.

He watched helplessly as the three Dragon Speakers charged into the formation like a ferocious Dragon. There were no visible scales on the body of the Dragon Speakers, as the scales were hidden underneath their skin. It acted like an extra layer of armor. It was as though the Dragon Speakers had invincible bodies.

Dense magic aura engulfed the bodies of the three Dragon Speakers. Then they spat abruptly!


Thirty fire serpents, tens of meters long, appeared and started wreaking havoc in the third legion.

The sky turned crimson.

At that moment.

The battle energy of tens of soldiers extinguished and they combusted into flames.

Tens of other soldiers rolled on the ground as they wailed in pain while helplessly trying to douse the inextinguishable magic flames.

“These d*mn Dragon Speakers.” Aaron pulled out the longsword that was pierced deep into the ground and walked forward.

A personal guard grabbed him and said in a low voice, “Commander, you shouldn’t go. You have to keep the morale of the soldiers. The deputy commander had gone to help anyway. The most important thing is to kill the Fire Dragon, and our task is to prevent anyone from entering the cave entrance and disturbing it!

“As long as the Fire Dragon dies, its clansmen will flee in fear.”

Aaron grasped the throat of his personal guard and pulled him close.

The personal guard struggled in panic. Aaron glared at him before throwing him to one side. Then he muttered, “I hope that they can kill the Dragon fast. Otherwise, all my elite soldiers will all die...”

Aaron was a true soldier who was loyal to the kingdom and also a commander who cared for his soldiers!

But at the next moment!

Boom! The cave entrance collapsed. It was as though a huge creature had bashed the cave entrance.


Half of the soldiers turned their heads in panic. Even Aaron turned his head to look.

But the sight that awaited was that of a blood-stained Fire Dragon that had lost much of its scales moving its immense body towards them.

Aaron tried dodge!

But hundreds of soldiers who could not get out of the way were squished.

“Now.” William leaped out.

He descended from the sky as though he was the Thunder God.

At that moment.

Time froze. Many people lifted their heads to look at the sudden appearance of... the Dragon Slayer.

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