
Chapter 171: Dawn Vessel, God of War Ranking

Chapter 171: Dawn Vessel, God of War Ranking

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

William shortened the duration of the main plot battle.

With this, he had gained half a year to prepare the Darkness invasion.

He knew the location of the Devil’s Den. He also knew that some dark warlocks were responsible for the Darkness invasion. But he was unable to get rid of these dark warlocks.

He could not as there were not many Devil’s Dens at the grass plain. The dark warlocks had also hidden in the dark.

Half a year later.

Under the influence of Gods and Devils, Light and Darkness would collide.

Numerous Devil’s Dens would grow out from the ground.

In many situations, dark warlocks’ help would not be required and the space gates would expand by themselves.

Only at that moment.

It would be time to deal with the Devil’s Dens.

Even if the Devil’s Dens were shut down, they would open up again.

This was the war between the Gods and Devils. Or perhaps, it was their game...

“I’ll have to prepare in advance. Otherwise, the large numbers of dark creatures would overwhelm the City of Dawn.” William did not have much time left.

He hastily finished many of the dealings with Black Lava Nation and made arrangements for his leave.

It was time to start his seafaring adventure.

21 August 2333 of the third era,

It was the first time the Dawn Vessel started seafaring!

The event was not widely publicized.

William did not assign any missions.

The grand warship that was more than 100 meters long and had a height of four stories stunned everyone.

It had to be emphasized.

A Human appeared minuscule in front of such a humongous object.

In this magical age.

Everyone would be entranced by such a large-scale warship that made use of both magic crystals and wind as sources of power.

“The seafaring age has just started.”

“The main plot of version 1.0 has just ended, and Prince William showed us such a huge epic warship. Gosh, my heart can’t withstand the shock.”

“Conquering the seas is what a man should do.” Many players who longed for a magical sea adventure went to the seaside daily to gape at the super warship that was docked at the seaport.

They also had daydreams. They wondered when they could be captains and bring along their crew to brave the sea adventures.

Islands, mermaids, sea creatures, and boundless oceans awaited them. There would even be the occasional thunderstorms that men wanted and had to conquer!

The next day.

William sat on the deck and looked longingly at the faraway place. His ambition grew rapidly.

Dawn Vessel

Level: Epic battleship with three masts

Power source: Magic and wind.

Displacement: 2,100 tons.

Length: 121 meters

Width: 32 meters

Water displacement: 9.6 meters

Fastest wind-powered sailing speed: 15-40 knots

Fastest magic-powered sailing speed: 160-280 knots

Crew: 1,200 sailors for a long journey. 3,000 for a short journey.

Weapon: Temporarily equipped with 108 heavy-duty crossbows (enchanted)

Epic ability (passive): Fire Dragon’s deterrence. The structure of Dawn Vessel was built using the vertebrae of the legendary Fire Dragon. Hence, it has an intimidating factor against sea creatures below the epic level. So they would not voluntarily attack the Dawn Vessel.

When Dawn Vessel was hunting sea creatures that were below the epic-level, the attacking sea creatures would have -20% attributes due to the Fire Dragon’s deterrence.

Epic ability (passive): Dawn Vessel is indestructible. It is made of mithril, orichalcum, and black hophornbeam. Its body is very tough and has been enchanted for a long period of time. The defenses are very strong. Attacks with less than 5,000 points of damage will not cause any harm to the battleship.

All damage of the area-effect magical attacks would be weakened by a factor of 30%.

Epic ability (passive) Magical Light: The interior of Dawn Vessel has been placed with magic formations made by magical crystals. Regardless of what damage is inflicted on the ship body, the magical formations will automatically heal the damages.

“That’s my warship!”

“I’m the captain of the warship!” William was exhilarated and could not control his excitement.

The grandeur and power of the epic warship made observers feel inferior.

It was an equipment without any level limitation. It was truly an epic warship with an immense power that was beyond imagination.

“It’s time to set off. Off to the Stormy Island!” William made preparations for a long time. He was now able to witness a miracle.

With regards to seafaring.

The players wanted to join in.

But they knew they did not have the chance.

Because only 100 chosen ones were given the privilege to board the warship.

These players had been chosen based on ranking.

As for how they were ranked, it was based on none other than,

Fighting in the newly built arena!

Only the top 100 warriors had the chance to join Prince William in his seafaring adventure.

Since the fighting arena was built.

It had attracted tens of thousands of players to participate. There was an area designed especially for NPCs.

Because the players were unable to fight with NPCs.

If an NPC reached the master-level, he would be like a God of War against the players in the arena...

The reason was not clear.

After William finished constructing the arena.

It had two opposing effects on the players that were only apparent to them.

1. Players who died in the arena would not lose their equipment and experience points.

2. The attributes of the players who fought in the arena were moderated...

The second point was a hidden move by the Gods’ game intelligence.

The game intelligence made the arena fighting become more bloody, exciting, and fair. The players would feel a sense of impending death.

William acted ignorantly to the actions of the game intelligence.

He gave the players three days.

They fought day and night in the arena until 100 winners were chosen.

A ranking board that showed the rankings of the players appeared in the arena.

The ranking board was based on seasons.

Every season had a duration of three months and a God of War would be chosen. He would be awarded a corresponding level dark-gold quality equipment, 100 gold coins, and generous experience points.

The players who were in the 2nd to 10th places, they would receive gold-quality equipment, gold coins, and experience points.

For the players who were in the top 100 and 1000 positions, they would have other prizes.

There would be a tournament to select the strongest God of War in the last season of every year. The winner would receive an epic weapon!


His name would be engraved on a large stone tablet at the entrance to the arena. His glory would be recorded in history.

The fighting continued.

Many players paid money to enter the arena to watch the tournament live while the remaining players were in the forum to watch the live broadcast.

Some bored NPCs paid the fees to watch the tournament for a full day.

It could not be helped.

The entrance fee was three silver coins.

It would not be worthwhile if the NPCs did not stay for the whole day.

The spectators in the arena were articulate, and it gave the impression that they were very capable.

The chosen ones knew how to fawn on the NPCs. They would voluntarily serve the NPCs with wine and food that had to be paid previously...

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