
Chapter 301 He Forgets His Daughter as He has the Son-in-law

Chapter 301 He Forgets His Daughter as He has the Son-in-law


Chu Qingyan was unbelievable looking at this disheveled person with full of dead leaves on his head in front of her, how could this person be her missing father.

After the shock, she couldn’t help but go to hug him, however, when she opened her hands, the man skipped her and strode toward the man on her side.

What was going on?

Just heard —

“Dear son-in-law, daddy’s here, do you miss daddy, don’t you!”

Chu Qingyan turned back and held one hand to her forehead, why did she have the illusion that she wasn’t his own child?

Xiao Xu looked at his father-in-law who had rushed toward him, and slightly pulled his mouth.

“Master Chu.”

Chu’s father smiled and nodded to him, then turned back and patted his daughter’s head, “Caicai, Dad’s here.”

Chu Qingyan also pulled her mouth, son-in-law was the first, and was daughter the second?

But when Chu’s father looked back at the person in front of him and suddenly pulled his smile down. “Son-in-law, why is your face so pale, did Caicai not take good care of you?”

Chu Qingyan covered her eyes, dad, how could you say that?

Didn’t want to let her dad continue to talk nonsense again, Chu Qingyan took his hand and asked in amazement tone, “Dad, why do you come, how about mom?”

“Your mom? She couldn’t walk farther, just rest for a while, she’ll be here soon.” Chu’s father scratched his head and looked eagerly at the door.

Speak of the devil.

At this time, Chu’s mother came with Xiao Lie Cavalry, her eyes searched in the crowd, after seeing her own daughter, she couldn’t help but red her eyes, “Caicai—”.

“Mom–” Chu Qingyan saw her, but also red her eyes, and immediately rushed up.

After they embraced each other, Chu Qingyan asked, “Mom why are you and dad here? Don’t we all agree that you two stay in the capital until we get back?”

After Chu’s mother heard the words, she felt some helplessness, “It was all about your father, a few days ago, he had nothing to do but clamor into looking for you, since you left, he had been smashing in my ear, a month ago, suddenly he made a scene about it, I thought it didn’t matter to take him out and come here to find you.”

“I see.” Chu Qingyan nodded, “How did you find your way here?”

“A few days ago, the punishment for corrupt officials by the King Ying had been widely spread, we went all the way along with the inquiries, when we arrived at Yangxia county, we encountered the Earth Spirit.” Chu’s mother recalled this way, also felt very pity, but the result was good.

Chu Qingyan could feel the prolonged hardships from her mother’s words.

“Master Chu, how do you make yourself like this?” Xi Ning was a little surprised.

“Just climbed a tree and said he wants to climb high and look far but thrown himself down.” Chu’s mother smiled and said.

Everyone heard the words and laughed.

Due to the arrival of the Chu’s father and mother, the departure time was postponed to the afternoon.

Sha Feng asked people to prepare hot water for the two to wash and dress.

At this time, Chu Qingyan waited in the lobby with others.

“Yanluo, before came to the hospital, I actually wanted to ask you to help my father with his disease, ten years ago, he was injured in the battlefield and sent back, which has become this present situation, kept to seek medical advice during those years, however, no one can cure him well.” Chu Qingyan sighed, then said to Cheng Yanluo who was on the side of her.

Cheng Yanluo heard and put the tea cup down, when she saw Chu’s father, she felt that something was wrong, now she heard this little girl mention it, she nodded, “It may be the heavy objects hitting the head and causing blood in the head, let me give him a detailed look later.”

“Thank you, Yanluo!” her eyes red, her father’s illness let her and her mother worry for many years, were about to give up hope, before the news provided by the Air Spirit, but with her passing by, she thought to have to delay for some days, but she didn’t expect that her father and mother came, Chu Qingyan felt that sometimes, fate would give a person accident and surprise.

At this time, Chu’s father strode out in a refreshing manner, and Chu’s mother smiled closely behind him.

“Mother, this is Cheng Yanluo, Dr. Cheng, the doctor I told you before, she will look at father’s disease later.” Chu Qingyan introduced her mother to Cheng Yanluo at the same time, “Yanluo, this is my mother.”

“Your mother is so young and beautiful; I can’t image that she already had a daughter who is as your age.” Cheng Yanluo praised and courteously said to Chu’s mother, “How are you, Auntie Chu, just call me Yanluo would be fine.”

“That’s true, my wife was the first beauty in the capital!” Chu’s father said triumphantly.

Chu’s mother was praised to be embarrassed, glanced at her husband, and turned to smile, she said, “Yanluo, then my husband would count on you.”

“You’re welcome.” Cheng Yanluo replied.

Chu Qingyan called her father who was beside the Big Ice Cube, but she got her father’s roast, “Caicai, I haven’t finished to talk my first day experience to my son-in-law, I saw a beetle as big as the stone!”

Chu’s mother couldn’t help but said, “Yuan Lang, I have told you how many times, that piece is stone.”

“Oh!” Chu’s father nodded, then suddenly got excited, “Caicai, I still see a dog as big as a bear!”

“A dog as big as a bear?” Chu Qingyan was puzzled.

Chu’s mother said, “it’s a dog, he ran into the bears’ shelter, but fortunately, the bears have to hibernate, they didn’t catch up.”

Chu Qingyan took a slap in her mouth, and she felt lucky to see her father safe, it was a blessing.

At this time, Cheng Yanluo had begun to help Chu’s father to diagnose the disease.

The people in the room were all looking at the two persons.

Chu’s father scratched his head and said to his daughter, “Caicai, why are they watching me? Is it because my handsome style today?”

The styling and handsomeness were all inadvertently she said before, obviously, her father’s learning ability was so strong that he could often hang on his lips now.

“Yes, very handsome.” Chu Qingyan blinked and said that it was swearing, but to be honest, her father was really handsome, and she heard that he was one of the top ten youngest good-looking students in the capital...

Chu’s father eagerly turned around and asked Chu’s mother, and he was affirmed by Chu’s mother, he asked his son-in-law again.

Xiao Xu didn’t want to pay attention to it, but in order to let him obey the doctor, he couldn’t help but nodded.

Chu’s father was even more proud at this time.

In the diagnosis, Cheng Yanluo frowned and gave up the pulse, she stood up, and probed into the hair of Chu’s father, pinching his head to check it.

Finally, she loosened her brow, as if she had found the cause, and then she recovered her hand.

“How’s it going? What’s the reason? Can it be cured?” Chu Qingyan asked with some eagerness.

Although she was often teased by Chu’s father on weekdays, at this time, the Fire Spirit, Earth Spirit and others also looked nervous.

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