
Chapter 443: Elucidating (3)

Chapter 443: Elucidating (3)

“Why is it so hard for you to understand?!” Elena yelled while stomping her foot several times in frustration.

Unfortunately for her, the middle-aged man appearing on the monitor before her didn\'t respond to her temper tantrum, remaining still and taciturn. Actually, it seemed he evaluated Elena\'s agitation as pathetic and childish, judging from the glare in his eyes.

- This is why I didn\'t want you in Korea in the first place. You\'re far too emotional and lack the capability to rationally judge the situation.

“What? Listen, Dad!”

- It\'s Knight Wiggins to you.

“In that case, this is a recommendation coming straight from an agent of the Round Table, not your daughter!”

- And that is where you got it all wrong.

Wiggins\' expression began distorting. Even though the mask obscured his face and only his mouth could be seen, that was already enough to display his considerable displeasure.

- A mere Pawn like you offering your recommendation is overstepping your boundaries. I keep saying this, Pawn Elena, but you simply do not understand your position in the organization. This is why I was always against you joining the Round Table.

Elena silently bit her lower lip. To other people, being a daughter of Knight Wiggins might seem like a blessing, but... To Elena, it was more like a curse.

Whatever she did, Elena just couldn\'t avoid people commenting that her daddy\'s status had given her an easy time. Since she didn\'t want to hear that nonsense, Elena did absolutely everything in her power to hide that Knight Wiggins was her father while joining the Round Table. Even then, the stories spread quickly. After that, even the people who used to acknowledge her began looking at her in a different light.

And, as all this nonsense continued to haunt her, even her so-called father refused to acknowledge her efforts. No wonder Elena felt like blowing her top from frustration.

- Pawn Elena, your duty is to report, not offer your opinions. We\'re not playing house here. No, the world\'s fate hangs in the balance depending on our choices. Do you honestly believe we require your opinions in such important epoch-changing matters?

Elena clenched her fists so tightly that her nails began digging into her palms.

- Those who fail to understand the importance of staying strictly objective in their missions do not have any right to call themselves an agent of the Round Table. If someone else more suitable was available, I would\'ve ordered you to return this instance!

Elena shot back. “Oh, really? I\'m so grateful for how much you care about this measly little Pawn that I don\'t even know how to sit still anymore, Knight Wiggins.”

- You and your sarcasm still know how to twist my words around, don\'t you?

“The only one doing the twisting around here is you!”

- That\'s enough.

Wiggins\' figure in the monitor raised his hand abruptly.

- No more of this. I have no time to humor your tantrums, Pawn Elena.

“...I see.”

- Now, report. Tell me everything you saw.

Elena bit her lip again. Now that the official order was given, she had to abide by it. Voicing her unhappiness any further would really be like a little girl whining to her father. It was time for her to separate her personal feelings from official matters.

“The subject named Kang Jin-Ho was...”

Once Elena\'s explanation ended, Knight Wiggins rested his chin on his hand and began to mull over the information received.

- So... That\'s what he\'s like?

“Yes. Everything I\'ve said is truth.”

- In that case, Kang Jin-Ho is far more dangerous than we initially thought.

“Yes. And we must not provoke him,” Elena urgently interjected. “The Round Table\'s approach itself was wrong from the get-go. He\'s not someone we can use. A wild beast can never be tamed, Knight Wiggins. The way I see it, it\'ll be better to leave Kang Jin-Ho alone. How about calming the situations in other nations through dialogue and…”

- I\'ve already reminded you that your opinions are not needed, Pawn Elena.

Elena\'s expression crumpled hideously. She tightly clamped her mouth shut, but the light burning in her eyes still flickered and wavered.

- Besides, you\'re being foolish.

Wiggins leaned back against his large, opulent-looking chair. After settling down more comfortably, he leisurely addressed his daughter.

- Humans always, with inevitable certainty, found a way to tame wild animals. Even the symbol of knights, horses, used to be wild, untamed beasts. Even your beloved dog began its genealogy as a wolf. Remember that.

“This is different, Knight Wiggins. There is no such thing as taming a tiger!”

- Hmph. It seems you\'ve never been to a circus before. It seems I\'ve failed to let you experience things most children would have experienced during their upbringing. And my failure as a parent seems to have stunted your thought process as an adult. For that, I\'m deeply regretful.

“Didn\'t you say earlier that we shouldn\'t bring up private matters in official business?”

- Mm... Yes, you\'re indeed correct. For that, I apologize.

Knight Wiggins sat up straight and spoke in a far more somber attitude.

- I now understand the danger posed by the individual named Kang Jin-Ho. And I also understand that dialogue is not possible with him. What you said about wild animals is actually correct, Pawn Elena. Rather than trying to tame a dangerous wild animal, it is easier to eliminate it altogether.

“What... What have you been listening to until now?!” Elena\'s eyes began twitching as her voice grew louder. “He\'s dangerous. Incredibly so! Not even Master could exert such pressure and sense of danger like Kang Jin...”

- You idiotic child!

Wiggins roared coldly, his words stabbing like an icy dagger into her heart.

- With your level of strength, you dare doubt Master in the open?!


- You haven\'t even had the chance to witness the tip of our Master\'s greatness! Yet, you think you\'re qualified to discuss our Master\'s power! You barely managed to climb out of your well, yet you wish to swim in the ocean?!

Elena shuddered in indignation. This man, this so-called father of hers... He clearly had no plans to listen to her. Out of all the knights in the Round Table, perhaps Knight Wiggins could be the least willing to acknowledge her abilities and achievements.

As a matter of fact, Wiggins was dismissing Elena\'s abilities outright simply because she was his daughter!

- It\'s unsurprising that you\'d fear a small barking dog on the street than a much larger one at home. Even so, you dare question Master\'s greatness because some measly little punk threatened you?

“Do not forget that I\'m also an agent of the Round Table!” Elena angrily shot back at Wiggins. His eyes behind the mask narrowed to slits, but Elena still didn\'t lower her voice. “I might look pathetic and unqualified in your eyes, but I\'ve already successfully completed countless assignments until now. In other words, I\'m not a brat slacking off at home! And I\'ve used my experience earned on the field and my abilities to analyze Kang Jin-Ho. Yes, you might be right about comparing him to our Master. I could be an idiot for doing that. However, that still doesn\'t change the fact that Kang Jin-Ho is more dangerous and terrifying than any individual I\'ve encountered until now!”

- And that still doesn\'t change the fact that the Round Table has no reason to consider your sentiments and perspective.

“...!” Elena felt all strength rapidly drain out of her body. She finally realized that regardless of what she said or the evidence she produced, this so-called father of hers would never be convinced by her arguments.

- The Round Table will decide what to do about him. As for you, you shall do nothing other than monitor him from afar. And report if something noteworthy happens.

“I\'m only...”

- And I\'m warning you...!

Knight Wiggins abruptly interrupted Elena.

- Do not do anything foolish. I\'m saying this precisely because I know you. Do nothing other than monitor the subject. If you do something, anything, that goes against the will of the Round Table, I shall recall you immediately even if it means we\'ll be leaving a temporary blindspot in Korea! I repeat, we shall not accept any of your independent actions! Do you understand me, Pawn Elena?

“...Yes, sir.”

- Then, till next time. Do your best.

The screen went blank right after that non-farewell. Elena gritted her teeth at that cold send-off from her father. Her tightly-clenched fists shook in indignation under the table.

The humiliation of being sneered at and underestimated by her own father swiftly transformed into rage bubbling in Elena\'s heart. But what angered her even more was that Knight Wiggins had comprehensibly failed to understand her warning.

\'I... I somehow need to stop them!\'

Elena\'s thoughts were not purely based on her rebellious streak toward her father acting up. The Round Table was obviously misjudging Kang Jin-Ho. Fatally so. That man should not be touched or provoked in any shape or form.

Kang Jin-Ho wasn\'t someone to be tamed or easily assassinated as Wiggins had alluded to so casually. Carelessly angering him would only detonate the powder keg called East Asia. And the ripples from that explosion would rock the entire world soon afterward!

“Fuu-woooo...!” Elena sucked in a deep breath before analyzing the situation objectively.

\'Actually, it\'s not strange to see Knight Wiggins behaving that way.\'

Indeed, it\'d be weirder to see the Round Table suddenly decide to revise its plans based solely on Elena\'s recommendations. After all, Elena was nothing more than one of the Round Table\'s many agents. And the will of the Round Table was decided by the knights of the table discussing and debating at length. Even if it wasn\'t Elena but some other agent making this report, the end result would\'ve been the same.

In other words, it didn\'t matter what Elena did since nothing would influence the Round Table\'s decision-making process. She couldn\'t tell how the Round Table would choose to deal with Kang Jin-Ho, but Wiggins\' attitude just now indicated that it wouldn\'t be in the realm of \'being friends\'.

That would be the absolute worst result imaginable.

Elena began chewing on her fingernails.

\'I... I need to do whatever it takes to mend our relationship!\'

She didn\'t come to this decision for her sake but for the world itself. To protect this world, the Round Table must never antagonize Kang Jin-Ho!

“...Did you just order me to do nothing?” Elena snickered derisively.

Did Wiggins really tell Elena to stay her hands if she didn\'t want to be excommunicated by the Round Table? It seemed that man still didn\'t know anything about his own daughter. Elena didn\'t join the Round Table because she wanted to become a knight or something \'lofty\' like that. No, she wanted to help this world to the best of her abilities, and the Round Table seemed the best place to achieve her goal. That was why she joined in the first place.

The order of things had been reversed. Even if the Round Table kicked her out, Elena would still unhesitantly act if it meant she could help the world. And her moment to make her decision had finally come.

“Even if a father is a thoroughly disappointing failure, it\'s still the child\'s duty to correct his mistake,” Elena got up, coolly turned away from the monitor and exited the room. “Be grateful, you sorry excuse of a father. After all, I shall take on this thankless task for you and everyone.”

Elena decided to speak to Kang Jin-Ho as soon as possible. Or, at least before the idiots of the Round Table did something truly regrettable.


“How troubling...” Wiggins muttered while rubbing his eyes. “Just why... Why did it have to be her? Why did she get dispatched to such a crucial location? Isn\'t this a severe oversight in the personnel department, Purvis?”

Purvis sighed softly before cautiously raising his voice. “May I be frank with you, sir?”

“You may.”

“Knight, sir. In my opinion, you are too... dismissive of Pawn Elena.”

“...Am I?”

“Yes, sir,” Purvis took his time before continuing. “Pawn Elena is a capable agent, sir. She has successfully completed all the assignments given to her. And her set of skills is extensive, as well. And her fluency in various languages is absolutely crucial for our organization as we need to monitor the entire world. An agent who can travel the world and also possesses a set of excellent skills is like a priceless jewel, sir.”

“Of course, Purvis. Of course I know that,” Wiggins slightly adjusted his mask. “I know it\'s not easy to focus on improving oneself while keeping an eye out on their surrounding situation. Even now, we still have idiots who think every problem they encounter can be magically waved away by attaining greater strength. No, it\'s not that I don\'t acknowledge that part of Elena. I\'ve been drilling the importance of being skilled to her since her youth, after all. The question of her skills and strength is a secondary issue, however. The real question is whether she\'s a useful agent or not.”

Wiggins leaned forward while locking his fingers. His voice grew heated and louder, too.

“She\'s far too self-centered, and that\'s the issue. Her desire to become the hero that saves the day is far too strong! An agent like that is not what our organization needs.”

“Even so, sir,” Purvis interjected. “Despite her shortcomings, Elena is still an excellent...”

“We do not need excellent individuals, Purvis!” Wiggins suddenly yelled loudly, proverbial flames burning in his eyes. “What we need aren\'t excellent agents but suitable people in the right positions! People who can maintain their cool even when walking on cracking thin ice, that\'s who we are looking for. As for Elena... She\'s far too emotional. One of these days, she will cause a massive headache for us. I guarantee it.”

Purvis listened quietly, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with Wiggins.

\'He\'s too hard on his daughter...\'

Then again, it was precisely because Elena was Wiggins\' daughter. He expected so much from her, after all.


“...In that case, what will you do about Kang Jin-Ho, sir?”

Wiggins leaned his back against the chair and casually flicked his hand.

“Eliminate him, of course.”

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