
Chapter 522: Awareness (2)

Chapter 522: Awareness (2)

Knight Wiggins subtly bit his lip.

\'What on Earth...!\'

The reason for the Round Table\'s plans going awry and why the situation had devolved to this state... was standing right before Wiggins\' stunned eyes.

\'No wonder we failed...!\'

All plans and strategies could only begin after the analysis of one\'s opponent had been completed first. That was why information was so crucial. One needed to accurately understand the opponent\'s firepower and tendencies before any plan could be set in motion.

In that sense... The Round Table made a massive mistake.

\'This man is not someone the Chevaliers could\'ve dealt with!\'

...And in various meanings, too! In the contest of strength, the Chevaliers would\'ve had a torrid time surviving the battle against Kang Jin-Ho. However, that wasn\'t even the most urgent issue here.

\'This man is unpredictable!\'

It was extremely uncommon to find a person who could display such a shocking change in temperament at the proverbial snap of the fingers. Such individuals usually harbored a scarcely believable amount of malice in their hearts, too.

Most of the time, people with such malice would fail to attain a lofty position in society. Troubles were bound to happen during their formative years, and these malicious individuals would get weeded out. That was usually the case, but... Some individuals could expertly hide their true natures. Or, they were simply too \'strong\', and eliminating them was practically impossible.

Such people would eventually...

\'...Become terrifying monsters. Usually, that is.\'

Not just any terrifying monsters, but ones capable of shaking up the entire world!

Despite Elena\'s warning, Wiggins didn\'t really believe her. Her power of discernment—her standards of judging a character—could never be the same as her father\'s, after all. Even if Elena didn\'t have the necessary strength, Wiggins believed his powers should be more than enough to contend with Kang Jin-Ho.

However, Wiggins\' impression after coming face-to-face Kang Jin-Ho could be summed up quite concisely like so:

\'Kang Jin-Ho... is not someone I can deal with!\'

Wiggins relied on his judgment, not outright martial prowess, to reach his current position. And this judgment of his was based largely on his instincts. Didn\'t he initially dismiss Elena\'s warning based on logic, only to relent and seriously consider it precisely because his instincts kept shouting at him?

And now, his instincts were screaming at him. That Wiggins should never, ever, antagonize this man! That he should never fight this man, no matter what!

“Wiggins...?” Kang Jin-Ho quietly mouthed that name, his expression becoming unreadable.

His cold gaze locked on Wiggins, forcing the Englishman to inadvertently stumble back without even realizing it. Even though it was nothing more than eye contact, he...!

Even then, Wiggins was scared that Kang Jin-Ho would immediately pounce on him and tear his throat out!

This was no longer the issue of strength and whatnot. Human relationships were only possible through mutual agreements. If people thought strangers they had never even met before would try to kill them for no discernible reason, no one would want to leave their homes. If it hadn\'t been for the tacit agreement of not attacking each other without a reason—like animosity—humans wouldn\'t have been able to form groups and organizations.

However, such things did not apply to Kang Jin-Ho. It wouldn\'t be strange to see him pounce on Knight Wiggins right now and crack the Englishman\'s skull on the pavement. Actually, the oddest thing in this situation might be Kang Jin-Ho restraining himself like this!

Who wouldn\'t grow fearful of a man like that?

“Yes, that\'s his name,” Elena responded instead of the frozen-stiff Wiggins. “He\'s one of the knights in charge of the Round Table. And also...”

She stopped there and sucked in a deep breath.

“He\'s also my father.”

Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head slightly, his expression implying that he wasn\'t all that interested in that tidbit. “I see. So what?”

“...He came all the way from Britain, hoping to speak to you personally.”

“Speak to me personally, is it...?” Kang Jin-Ho smirked while narrowing his eyes. “Is this how you teach your people to approach those you wish to chat with?”

Elena clamped her mouth shut. Of course, she knew what Kang Jin-Ho was talking about. He was pointing out how... unwise it was to hide like that from his eyes.

“That was not our original intention. Please believe me. We were planning to reveal ourselves right away when you arrived home, but that man suddenly showed up, and...”

Kang Jin-Ho wordlessly glared at Elena.

Her panic grew from that sharp glare. “I\'m telling you the truth! I, I know what you\'re like, after all! There\'s no way I\'d try to fool you with petty tricks! You know that!”

“Then, why were you in hiding?”

Elena tried to regulate her breathing first. “Because... we mustn\'t butt in, right?”

“Butt in where?” Kang Jin-Ho cocked his brow.

“...Your daily life.”

The light in Kang Jin-Ho\'s eyes flickered briefly. Now that he thought about it... Didn\'t Elena experience a torrid time after carelessly butting into his surface life activities?

Since she was an adult with a functioning brain, Elena wouldn\'t repeat that mistake after receiving that stern warning. Also, it was true that no one had ever approached Kang Jin-Ho this cautiously and mindfully as Elena had done.

That realization left a hint of satisfaction in Kang Jin-Ho\'s mind. “Very well. I believe you.”

When Kang Jin-Ho briefly nodded, Elena\'s expression immediately brightened. She had managed to clear the most difficult hurdle! “I-in that case, can we...”

“Nope. Later.” Kang Jin-Ho dismissively waved his hand.

“I\'m sorry?”

“I\'m a bit tired today. So, see you tomorrow.”

“B-but, Mister Jin-Ho...!”

“It\'s not a bad suggestion for you, too,” Kang Jin-Ho smirked meaningfully before turning around and heading back inside his home.

Elena reached out to stop him, but Knight Wiggins was faster. He suddenly grabbed his daughter\'s hand.

“Knight Wiggins?” Elena blinked her eyes in confusion.

Wiggins grimaced while quietly raising his voice. “He\'s right.”

“I don\'t understand.”

“I don\'t think... a normal-sounding conversation will be possible tonight. Whether it\'s him or me…”

Elena slowly nodded.

The reason for delaying the \'conversation\' was different for each party, but it was still the right call.

Kang Jin-Ho was currently boiling in bloodthirst. The odds of him negatively interpreting even the most innocuous exchange of words were uncomfortably high right now. And Wiggins was in a state of fear and heightened emotions, too.

Both men were not in a rational, calm state of mind, so what was the point of discussing anything right now?

Still, something didn\'t sit well with Wiggins, and that was...

\'Despite being in a state of such bloodlust, Kang Jin-Ho can control himself?\'

Most average martial artists emitting that much bloodlust would\'ve lost their minds to their urges. Wiggins was convinced that such people would go berserk trying to shed some blood. However, Kang Jin-Ho instantly retracted all that choking bloodlust. Even though it had been so dense that Wiggins could barely even breathe! How was such a thing even possible?

\'The more I think about it, Kang Jin-Ho... He will be a tough nut to crack.\'

Knight Wiggins chewed on his lips.

\'It seems I need to observe more to figure out if I\'m making the right choice... Or the absolute worst one imaginable!\'

He leaned against a nearby wall while quietly musing to himself that this matter... might be a lot more complicated than he had initially bargained for.


Next morning...


Elena hurriedly looked up at the sound of a metal gate opening. Kang Jin-Ho had emerged from his residence and was staring in her direction.


“...Mm,” Knight Wiggins nodded, then checked to see if anyone was nearby. Once he confirmed no one was around, Wiggins canceled his \'shield\' spell. Their view hadn\'t changed at all, but everyone else should be able to see them now.

Kang Jin-Ho studied Knight Wiggins with a great deal of interest. And Wiggins\' response also couldn\'t be called ordinary, either.

\'Is he really the same man from last night?\'

It was as if Wiggins was staring at a totally different person. The \'Kang Jin-Ho\' from last night was nowhere to be found, seemingly replaced by a plain twenty-something young man. Even if \'plain\' wasn\'t the right word to describe Kang Jin-Ho...

The transformation of Kang Jin-Ho\'s demeanor was so extreme that Wiggins momentarily had to wonder if he was looking at an impostor. This was when a lightbulb went off in his head. Wiggins finally figured out why information from Elena and other agents didn\'t match. It was no wonder the other agents didn\'t find Kang Jin-Ho threatening if all they got to see was this side of him.

\'Which means this man is a lot more... insane than we previously thought.\'

How could someone put up such a perfect masquerade like this?

Just as Wiggins\' mind became complicated again at Kang Jin-Ho\'s transformed demeanor, the latter suddenly broke the silence first. “Sometimes, it\'s not good to think too hard about something.”

“Mm...!” Wiggins gasped softly when Kang Jin-Ho accurately saw through him.

Kang Jin-Ho crossed his arms and stood a little askew. “Since you came all this way to talk to me, I\'m willing to humor you. However, we don\'t have much to discuss, now do we?”

Knight Wiggins corrected his posture and stood straight. Since he was determined to converse with Kang Jin-Ho, he couldn\'t afford to turn this meeting into an informal get-together. Even if he was disobeying the orders to show up here on his own accord, Wiggins was still a knight. He was representing the Round Table here.

“First of all, allow me to greet you properly again, Mister Kang. Good day to you,” Knight Wiggins smartly bowed his head. He might be representing his organization and even his country, but so was his counterpart. In that case, the one initiating the discussion should be more courteous.

“I\'m Kang Jin-Ho.”

Although the reply was not courteous at all, Knight Wiggins didn\'t lose his cool. Considering Kang Jin-Ho from the night before, being able to calmly converse like this was a blessing in itself.

“I have so much to talk to you about, but... Our current location isn\'t exactly conducive toward a productive discussion. How about we change locations to somewhere quieter?” Wiggins asked cautiously.

“If that\'s what you want.” Kang Jin-Ho shrugged his shoulders. He started following after Wiggins gestured at him. His gait was leisurely, relaxed.

\'Even though we haven\'t exchanged many words yet...!\'

Knight Wiggins silently clenched his teeth, realizing that Kang Jin-Ho had already gained the upper hand through nothing but atmosphere. However, getting agitated was the last thing Wiggins wanted. The battleground he was heading to was far more terrifying than any warzone imaginable, after all!

Without saying a word, Wiggins watched Kang Jin-Ho take the lead, then followed him into the streets of this foreign city.


Kang Jin-Ho glanced at Wiggins. “Should I order tea for you?”

“...I prefer coffee, actually,” said Wiggins. His real preference was beer, though!

He would love to inform Kang Jin-Ho that not all Britons enjoyed tea, but now didn\'t seem like the right time.

Wiggins watched Elena head to the cafe\'s counter to place their orders, then sighed under his breath.

\'Really? Is this your idea of a quiet place?\'

Of course, a cafe that just opened its doors in the morning would be on the quiet side. Even so, was this place suitable to discuss important topics? Wasn\'t it way too open and casual for a discussion between martial artists representing their respective organizations and mother nations?

Wiggins was somewhat dissatisfied, but what could he do about it? Kang Jin-Ho was making a content expression, after all!

“Fuu-woo...” Knight Wiggins sighed softly again before turning his attention to Kang Jin-Ho. “I\'ve heard a lot about you.”

“...Let\'s skip the preamble and get to the point, shall we? You and I don\'t have much spare time, anyway.”

“...Yes, that might not be a bad idea.” Wiggins grimaced a little. It seemed that taking the initiative away wasn\'t going to be easy.

Only by exchanging small talk could Wiggins employ his gift of gab, but Kang Jin-Ho didn\'t seem to feel the need for a chitchat. Since that was the case, what was the point of changing the location?

Knight Wiggins silently clenched his fist before unfurling it. He reminded himself not to get sucked into his opponent\'s pace. If he wants something, he must seize the initiative. For that purpose, it shouldn\'t be a bad idea to come out a little stronger than before.

After making up his mind, Wiggins carefully raised his voice. “In that case, allow me to be frank and directly address the issue at hand. Please pardon the Chevaliers of France, currently imprisoned by your organization.”

The corners of Kang Jin-Ho\'s lips curled up. “Why are you talking to me about them?”

“You\'re the one in charge, that\'s why.”

“That information is incorrect,” Kang Jin-Ho casually shrugged his shoulders.

“Mister Kang...” Knight Wiggins leaned forward, his voice getting weightier. “I don\'t care whether you make fun of me or not. However, please refrain from saying that the intel I have at my disposal is wrong. That is no different from spitting on the face of all the agents who risked their lives to collect the intel. My trust in the intel they have collected is absolute.”

Wiggins\' voice and expression didn\'t waver once as he spoke. He looked so dignified that even Elena stopped momentarily and stared dazedly at her father while totally forgetting about their drinks in her hands.

Unfortunately for them, someone here wasn\'t affected by such things.

Kang Jin-Ho muttered disinterestedly. “Your trust? How trivial.”

Knight Wiggins\' expression rapidly crumbled.

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