
Chapter 592 - The Feeling of Victory

Chapter 592: The Feeling of Victory

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

That evening, Dai Li received a call from Nathan Hall. As Dai Li expected, he agreed to join the Clippers. The next step was to negotiate his contract, which would be handled by Johnson.

Johnson returned to the hotel right after lunch.

“Have you finished already?” Dai Li hadn’t thought that Johnson would be so efficient.

“We are already done negotiating. We even had lunch together.” Johnson sat down and said, “Hall thought that we were only going to give him a one-year contract so, when I proposed a one-plus-one contract, he was very surprised. Although the second year was a team option, he did not hesitate to agree.”

Dai Li nodded and said, “I can guarantee that Hall will not have problems over the next three years. If Hall does well enough next season, I will persuade the team to keep him on for another year and raise his salary.”

“Coach Li, I don’t quite understand why you didn’t just give him a three-year contract. We would have been able to offer a lower salary, which would help out the team,” Johnson asked.

“We need the players to give each game everything they’ve got. Would he be willing to work hard for a team he did not think paid him enough? You wouldn’t give a $1 million performance for only $100,000, right? We had to give him a very attractive contract for at least a year. Wood’s $30-million contract will expire next summer. That will free up a lot of our finances,” Dai Li smiled. He tried to comfort Johnson. “Rest assured, if I can return hall to his prime, we will earn it all back.”

“Hall is a done deal. Who are we going to find next?” Johnson asked.

“The most famous guy in Houston.” Dai Li let out a sigh.

“Why are you sighing?” Johnson asked, a little puzzled.

“I did some evaluations and it seems likely not everyone is going to be as excited about joining us as Hall was,” Dai Li said.

“You’re worried that Raymond won’t accept our offer?” Johnson asked.

“Raymond is a superstar. He has earned hundreds of millions of dollars. He has won the scoring title, been on the All-Star team, and been on the All-NBA Team. He has even made it into the Hall of Fame. I have no idea how to convince him. I can only take it one step at a time,” Dai Li said.

“Yeah, he has two NBA scoring titles, seven All-Star titles, and he was one of the two youngest players ever in his rookie season. He had an average of 26 points per game before the age of 21 and averaged 32 points per game in his prime. He averaged 6.5 rebounds and 5.5 assists. Not to mention that time when he scored 13 points in 35 seconds. Raymond’s past achievements are indeed great! You may be able to convince him by offering him a chance to win the championship,” Johnson said.

“You’re right. Raymond might only be interested in the championship, but we are not a championship team. If we find him now and say ‘Play with us to win a championship,’ he will think we’re crazy,” Dai Li said.

“He will think we’re conmen,” Johnson laughed.


Raymond’s mansion was more like a castle. Raymond personally greeted them at the gate.

“Coach Li, welcome.” Raymond embraced Dai Li and said, “The last time Clippers were in Houston, I went to the Toyota Center to watch the game. You and your Clippers left an impression on me. You guys are quite tenacious.”

Raymond ushered Dai Li into the living room. After the guests were seated, Raymond’s wife brought out a few glasses of juice.

After they chatted for a while, Raymond asked, “Coach Li, what are you here?”

“I want to invite you to join the Clippers,” Dai Li said bluntly.

Raymond did not seem shocked. He smiled and nodded. He then said, “Coach Li, thank you for your kindness, but I’m afraid I can’t accept your proposal. In fact, the Rockets also invited me to be part of their management or on their coaching staff. I am retired now. I just want to rest, spend more time with my family, and go to the Toyota Center from time to time to watch a game. I am very satisfied right now.”

“No, Mr. Raymond, you misunderstand me. I am inviting you to play,” Dai Li said. ” To play on the court as a player.”

“Play? You want me to come back?” Raymond was surprised.

Dai Li nodded seriously. “Yes, I want you to come back.”

“Coach Li, are you joking?” Raymond shook his head. “I am retired. I don’t plan on playing anymore.”

“Raymond, don’t refuse so quickly. You should listen to our offer first,” Johnson said.

Raymond waved his hand dismissively. “Even if you gave me an extremely high salary, I wouldn’t go back. I played basketball for many years and received many honors. I’m tired. I don’t want to go back. In a few years, my name will be engraved in the NBA Hall of Fame. I just want to spend more time with my family.”

“Raymond, you played for so many years. Are you really willing to let it go?” Johnson asked.

“If I want to play, I can call a few friends or go to the Rockets’ training grounds. However, I won’t play in a professional game again,” Raymond said.

Johnson wanted to say more, but he was stopped by Dai Li. He said to Raymond, “I understand. You have already made a decision, so we will push you. Still, I hope you will think about it more. This is my business card. If you change your mind, call me.”

Dai Li took out his business card and handed it to Raymond. Then he said, “Of course, it is also okay if you just want to chat.”

“Of course. I will definitely visit you next time I’m in L.A.” Raymond smiled and took Dai Li’s business card.


The Raymonds personally walked Dai Li and Johnson to the door.

When the two got into the car, Johnson asked, “Li, are you just going to give up? You could take out your brochure and tell him that you have helped many athletes recover, just like how we persuaded Hall.”

“Of course we won’t give up, but Raymond is different from Hall. Raymond is a superstar. He won’t be persuaded by the same things Hall was. You can’t buy out a billionaire with only $100.” Dai Li paused and then said with a smile, “Now we have to ask ourselves what could persuade him to join us?”

“Who knows what he cares about?” Johnson shook his head despondently, and then asked, “Do you?”

“I don’t know, but I have a way to find out,” Dai Li replied.

“How?” Johnson asked eagerly.

“Haven’t you seen any of those TV quiz shows? When you don’t know the answer, you can get help from the audience!” Dai Li said as he picked up the phone.

“Get help from the audience?” Johnson was still puzzled. Then he saw Dai Li take out his mobile phone. “Who are you calling?”

“The audience. In other words, people who are similar to Raymond,” Dai Li dialed a number and put his finger to his mouth, telling Johnson to be quiet.


“Jimmy? It’s Dai Li. Yeah, long time no see. How are you doing?

“I’m in a difficult spot. There’s something I need your help with. There is something I want to ask you.

“After you retired, did you ever regret it? Or is there anything that could make you want to return to compete?”

“Oh. So that makes sense. I understand. Thank you, Jimmy.”

Dai Li ended the call.

“Who did you call? Jimmy? Was he a basketball star?” Johnson asked.

“It was Jimmy Irwin,” Dai Li replied.

“The king of the 400-meter, Jimmy Irwin!” Johnson was fascinated, which was rare. He was obviously a fan of Irwin.

Dai Li then dialed another number.

“Hey, Li! Why are you calling? Are you here in Switzerland?” A man’s voice came from the phone.

“No, I’m still in the United States, but I need to ask your help with something. Actually, I have a question I want to ask you,” Dai Li said.

“Is it about the car?” asked the person on the other end.

“Yeah, my car broke down, do you know how to repair it?” Dai Li said with a smile.

The other side knew that Dai Li was joking, so he replied, “I know everything. Give me some tools and parts and I can assemble a car myself.”

Dai Li went straight to the point, “After you retired, did you have any regrets? Did you have any urge to return to competitions?”

“Why?” The person asked, puzzled.

“I don’t want the answer you’d give to a reporter. I want to know your real thoughts,” Dai Li continued.

The person on the other end thought about it and gave Dai Li an answer. Dai Li hung up after a few minutes of chatting.

“Who was it this time?” Johnson asked.

“Helheim,” Dai Li replied.

“The Car King? You know a lot of big-time athletes,” Johnson sounded a bit jealous.

Dai Li ignored Johnson and called another person.


When the car arrived at the hotel, Dai Li had already made several calls, each one to famous athletes.

Sitting next to him, Johnson went from being jealous, to admiring Dai Li, to being absolutely stupefied.

Johnson never thought about it, but Dai Li knew many of the world’s top athletes. Johnson finally realized that he really had earned the honor of being named the world’s top coach.

Johnson had been a part of the NBA for quite a few years. He knew a lot of professional basketball players, but he didn’t know anyone from other sports.

The resources that Dai Li had accumulated over the years were finally coming into play. He had provided physical training for many top athletes, so he could quickly contact any of them. Other people couldn’t reach so many high-level athletes with the efficiency that Li could.

The two went to the hotel’s restaurant and ordered afternoon tea. Johnson kept urging Dai Li to tell him what he had said to the top athletes.

Dai Li only told him when the afternoon tea was delivered. “I just spoke to a few athletes whose situations are similar to Raymond’s. They all retired after they have achieved fame and success. I asked them if anything could make them return to professional sports. Do you know what they said?”

“The love of the game? Like Hall? He loves basketball, so he agreed to come back,” Johnson guessed.

Dai Li shook his head. Johnson then guessed, “Then for their honor. They have yet to achieve what they wanted to or there is a record that they want to break. Top athletes might return for this, right?”

Dai Li shook his head again.

“It wasn’t money either, right? The world’s top athletes are not short of money. They wouldn’t come back for money.” Johnson spread his hands and said, “I really can’t figure it out”

“Everyone I asked gave me a different answer. Some said that when they see other athletes standing on a podium, they get an impulse to come back. Some said that when they think thought about overpowering an opponent, they get an impulse to come back. Some people said that when they recall the brilliant moments in their careers, they get an impulse to come back. There are many answers but, in the end, there is only one underlying reason.” Dai Li deliberately lowered his voice and said, “Victory!”

“Whether it be standing on a podium, overpowering an opponent, or reliving the most brilliant moment in their careers, the thing that excites these athletes is the feeling of victory. Even though they have retired, they still miss this feeling. I think ‘victory’ is the only thing that can influence Raymond.”

“Makes sense,” Johnson nodded. “What are you going to do?”

“We will stay in Houston for two days. I have to arrange something,” Dai Li replied.


The next morning, Raymond wore a hoodie and ran on the road near his home.

Raymond ran every morning before breakfast. Although his knee was injured and he could not undertake any high-intensity exercise, he could still partake in low-intensity cardio.

A car was coming so Raymond ran to the side of the road, but the car stopped at his side.

Dai Li walked out of the car.

“Coach Li? Are you here for me?” Raymond stopped running. He knew that Dai Li had come early in the morning from downtown Houston, so he must’ve been there for him. He probably still wanted to persuade him to join the Clippers. Raymond even prepared what to say to reject him.

However, Dai Li said, “My training center recently released a promotional film that I want to show you.”

Dai Li took out his tablet.

Raymond didn’t understand what Dai Li wanted. Wanting to be polite, he took the tablet and sat on the side of the road, looking intently at the content on the tablet.

This video was a montage of moments in different sports. On it was recordings of athletes at their peak moments. Sprinters were crossing finish lines, high jumpers were jumping over poles, weightlifters were lifting weights, rugby players were scoring, and of course, basketball players making game-changing shots.

Every athlete in the video made a celebratory movement when they won. They were excited and some even seemed frenzied. With passionate music in the background, it made Raymond excited.

Suddenly, a subtitle appeared.

“This is the feeling of victory!”

Dai Li spoke when it ended. “What do you think?”

“Ah yes. Not bad. It makes people feel excited ” Raymond replied subconsciously.

“This is the feeling of victory!” Dai Li repeated the sentence from the subtitles and then asked, “How long has it been since you experienced this feeling of victory?”

Raymond gave glanced at the coach. He didn’t expect Dai Li to ask him this. It was difficult for him to answer. He recalled the last time he had played professionally and he couldn’t help but feel a bit lost.

“Actually, this is why I came to you, to ask you to come back. I hope that we can achieve victory together!” Dai Li stood up and patted Raymond’s shoulder, he then said, “If you want to taste this feeling again, call me!”

After Dai Li finished, he went straight to the car.

The car started and gradually disappeared, leaving Raymond sitting alone in the same spot, holding the tablet in a daze.


“Will this work?” Johnson asked.

“I don’t know.” Dai Li shook his head and said, “I am gambling on how eager he is to win!”

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