
Chapter 193: Prince

Chapter 193: Prince

“You bastard...” It was obvious to Sir Lawrence that Wang Hao was openly mocking him. Yet, he could not do anything against him now.

“Just you wait!” This is what Sir Lawrence thought to himself as he endured Wang Hao’s taunts. His mind suddenly had a spark of realization as he realized something.

“Roxy was... Wang Hao’s follower. Not only that, but Wang Hao and Siwang Wangzi were near at each other when they were brought to the Dreamworld. That means it was highly likely that Wang Hao was near Siwang Wangzi when they appeared in the Dreamworld!”

Sir Lawrence’s thoughts went into overdrive as he thought of more details. If Wang Hao and Siwang Wangzi were near each other, it will be highly probable that Siwang Wangzi will attack Wang Hao first, given that they have an enmity with each other.

With Wang Hao ranking higher than Siwang Wangzi on the list, his abilities were most probably able to make him able to kill Siwang Wangzi. And because Roxy was his follower, Wang Hao gave the Ghost lamp to her.

“These circumstantial evidences mean that Wang Hao most probably killed Siwang Wangzi!”

Sir Lawrence had a victorious smile on his face as he entirely ignored Wang Hao’s companions. He was now focused entirely on Wang Hao. “You think you can just walk away from this? We will have a shot for our revenge in the future!”

Wang Hao heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Sir Lawrence realized that it was Wang Hao who killed Siwang Wangzi.

If it had been earlier, Wang Hao will be pissed that Sir Lawrence discovered that he killed SIwang Wangzi. But with people like JIeshu and Uranus standing up for him, Wang Hao felt that they might suffer later because they stood up for Wang Hao.

Wang Hao knew that even if Sir Lawrence could not kill them now, he will surely do something in the future. Wang Hao’s conscience could not allow his friends to be implicated because they stood up for him.

That was when he decided to make Sir Lawrence realize that he was Siwang Wangzi’s killer. With that, he can shift Sir Lawrence’s blame on him only. That means all his attempts will be focused on Wang Hao alone.

Wang Hao was confident on his survival abilities. If he can stay alive all this time from different enemies, he can also survive the revenge tactics of the Yama Bloodline holders.

“Besides, I will be going to the Planet Thrae after this. He ain’t gonna do anything to me at that moment.” Wang Hao thought merrily as he entered the spirit ship.

Once everyone was inside, the ship let out a shudder as it rushed to the trial grounds.

Sir Lawrence did not say anything as he went straight to his room, closing it with a bang.

As for Wang Hao and his companions, they milled around the ship trying to stave off their boredom. Wang Hao was busy playing cards with Roxy when he felt someone standing behind him.

He looked back, and he saw Jieshu staring at him. She looked at him for a few seconds before saying,

“You will go to the Material Universe right?”

“....” Wang Hao felt cold sweat on his back as he realized that women’s instincts were actually god-like. He pursed his lips as he replied,

“You are right, I intend to do that. Why are you worried about it anyway?”

JIeshu looked pensive as she replied,

“You are my friend. I am just worried about your safety.”

Wang Hao felt slight pity for Jieshu. It can be inferred from her attitude that she had an isolated life while she was still alive. That was obvious from the way she acted happily when Wang Hao became her first friend.

“Do not worry, I had just to do some stuff there. I will also go back here for the trial.”

“You will just go back here for the trial? How about me?” Even though she looked emotionless, Wang Hao could almost feel Jieshu’s sadness emanating from her. “I thought we were friends...”

Wang Hao raised his hands in front of him, looking quite panicked. He realized he spoke the wrong lines to her. “Oh come on, do not be sad ok? I promise you, I will visit you everytime I go here in the Underworld. We can have some fun during those visits.”

“You promise that?” Jieshu asked.

“Yes, I promise.” Wang Hao replied with conviction.

“Then swear to it with your soul.”

“...” Wang Hao now felt really sad for JIeshu. It seems like she was scared that Wang Hao will abandon her later.

“Ok, I swear with my soul.”

“Thank you.” That was Jieshu’s quick reply. She was about to walk away when Wang Hao remembered something. He then asked Jieshu,

“Hey, what happened to that mirror, the one that showed us those scenes to us?”

Jieshu’s reply was, “While you were talking to Fang Anwei outside the ship, we and the others used the mirror to see what we want to see. After that, the mirror decided to go with me.” She opened her palms as the same mirror appeared on her hands.

“Congrats for that treasure! Does it have a name?”

“I just call him Mirror.” This was Jieshu’s cold reply before she went to a corner and closed her eyes.

“Really cold.” Wang Hao could only shake his head, finding Jieshu quite adorable. While he was thinking these things, he felt a pinch on his shoulder and he saw Fang Anwei pouting at him.

She seemed to have heard Wang Hao’s conversation with Jieshu. From the looks of it, Fang Anwei was slightly jealous.

“Feeling jealous are we? Do not be jealous though, you will be going with me on my trips right?”

“Tch. Shut up with that delusions of yours.” Even though she sounded angry, Wang Hao could see Fang Anwei’s expression softening from Wang Hao’s answer. “I was just making sure that you are fine.”

“Why would you think that I am not fine?”

Fang Anwei just shook her head, replying, “I don’t know, I just felt like I should check on you. It seems like you are fine though.” She pinched his shoulders once more as she sauntered towards where Gabrielle was. Poor Gabrielle had to endure Fang Anwei’s questions throughout the whole trip.

“Hello guys.” Wang Hao swiveled around, just to see a person standing in center of the ship. The person was hooded with black robes, making his appearance unknown.

Fang Anwei tensed and was about to attack the newcomer when Wang Hao stretched his hand to stop her. “Do not worry, this person was just an energy projection.”

With is senses, Wang Hao was able to determine that the person in front of them was just a hologram. The real body was located somewhere else.

The man snickered, feeling quite impressed with Wang Hao. “As expected from one of the new Prince of the Underworld. You really deserve the title!”

“Wait, a Prince?” Wang Hao suddenly felt confused from this. From what he knew, the passers of the first trial will get a position of a Duke. He was supposed to get the position of a Prince if he passes the second trial. “Are you sure about that?”

“Of course I am sure.” The man slightly curtsied as he said, “I am one of the organizers of this trial.”

“You still did not explain why we became Princes already.”

The trial organizer then said, “You were supposed to be actually be Dukes, but due to the interference of the Dreamworld, your numbers dwindled to just three. That number was the amount of participants needed for the final part of the trial. That means we do not need to conduct the second part of the trial anymore since you’re already three.”

“So because we are now eligible for the final part of the trial, we are considered to be Princes already?”

“That’s right.”

“Why are you telling this to us anyway?” Huo Huangdi interjected. “Of course I feel happy that I am eligible for the final trial now. But that does not explain why you were telling this to us now.”

“I was told by my boss to inform you this now so that you will not be shocked later.” The man replied. “Now that you know that you are Prince and Princess of the Underworld, you won’t be surprised by it later. Bye bye.” The hologram was about to fade when Wang Hao raised his hands, as if he wanted to ask the trial organizer with something.

“What is it?” The hologram stopped fading away as the trial organizer recognized Wang Hao’s gestures.

“Now that I am a Prince of the Underworld, do I have now the power to make some commands?” Wang Hao knew that the survival of the Planet Thrae depends at this moment now. He had to make sure he has the power to save them.

“You as a Prince of the Underworld will be given many privileges, including the power to command everyone with lower ranks than you. That means that you, Your Highness can virtually command almost anyone in the Underworld except those with higher ranks than you.”

This was the answer that Wang Hao was waiting for. Wang Hao let out a smile as he said,

“Then I, Wang Hao, Prince of the Underworld, hereby command you to......”


Solstice Kingdom.

While Wang Hao was watching FangLin(disguised asFang Xiushang) and Ling Tian fighting, both the combatants felt as if someone was watching them. Only when Fang Lin let out the half-step Pure Yang Universe Flame and the half-step Pure Yin Cosmic Ice that the voyeuristic presence disappeared.

They felt slight relief from this disappearance. Now, they can fight it out with no worries.

Fang Lin sped up the circulation of the origin force on his body as he faced Ling Tian’s attack head-on.

“Take this!”

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