
Chapter 206: Space

Chapter 206: Space

With his factual memories, Wang Hao was able to remember the origins of the Spacefarers.

A long time ago, space travel was only used as a means travel from one planet to another. Those who participated in space travel were usually those who wanted to go to another planet. Most of them were usually practitioners whose stage forces them to go to a higher staged planet.

But all of those views on space travel changed when one day, a powerful practitioner decided to use the space as a mean for business.

This practitioner acquired a powerful ship which he/she then used to visit different planets. For every planet this practitioner visits, a trading transaction will happen.

This wandering practitioner usually offers something to the residents of that planet in exchange for their treasures. The practitioner continued doing this on different planets until it reached the point where the practitioner’s riches were overflowing.

This success in wealth was enough to entice anyone to follow this practitioner’s footsteps. But this was not the only reason many yearn to be like him/her.

According to historical records, this practitioner had countless thrilling adventures on the vast wide outer space. Unique creatures, mysterious phenomenon and countless dangers were all encountered by this practitioner. Each chronicles of this practitioner’s adventures were enough to thrill anyone who reads it.

The exciting life led by this practitioner’s carefree journey led others to follow his/her footsteps. In no time at all, countless aspiring practitioners ventured the outer space, hoping to capture the same glory and riches that the famed practitioner had acquired.

This boom in space travelers was dubbed to be the birth of the spacefarers. Each one of these spacefarers had one goal, that is to reach or even surpass the achievements of the first spacefarer.

The spacefarers either travelled alone or ventured as a group. Their usual business plan was to sell or trade items to every new planet they visit. They also attempt to seek new adventures that will make them famous.

The sudden influx of the spacefarers brought confusion and chaos at the whole universe. After all, there were now countless new space travelers that roam the Universe, each one seeking new treasures and adventures.

Events like several spacefarers fighting each other because of conflict of interests were commonplace at that time. These fights of course brought headaches to countless star systems.

Eventually, the chaos reached an all-time high that preventive measures have to be taken. This led to the creation of the League of Spacefarers.

The League of Spacefarers were composed of experienced and powerful spacefarers whose role was to impose rules and regulations on all the existing spacefarers.

The creation of the League of Spacefarers led to the implementation of approved trade routes, regulations on where to do adventures. They even implemented a ranking system for all the spacefarers.

This then led to a period of order and calm with the spacefarers following order as they ventured out.

But this changed once more when another sinister type of space travelers appeared.

It was the Space Pirates.

Just like the pirate of the seas, the space pirates had only one goal, that was to loot and ransack unfortunate spacefarers that they encounter.

This line of ‘business’ proved successful since it was easy to attack an unsuspecting space ship. This then led to countless spacefarers losing their treasures and sometimes their lives to these insidious groups.

Luckily for the spacefarers, the space pirates did not create a supervising organization comparable to the Leageu of Spacefarers. This was to be expected since being a space pirate means one was willing to loot and ransack other space travelers. It will be difficult to trust people like them.

This boom of these shameless people was deemed as the birth of space pirates. It was an age of chaos, where everyone in space were distrustful of each other. Countless betrayals happened everyday with oaths for revenge uttered constantly.

Of course, the League of Spacefarers did not take this matter lightly. They used countless strategies to fight back against the space pirates. As for the space pirates, they employed new techniques to attack the spacefarers.

This back-and-forth battle continued until now. The constant vigilance and rules by the spacefarers actually managed to lessen the confrontations between the two. But the spacefarers of the current times still have to be wary of the space pirates everytime they travel.

“....” Wang Hao had to admit he was impressed by the information he received about the spacefarers and space pirates. But he knew that now was not the right time to be impressed. He had more pressing matters to be worried about right now.

Such as numerous gigantic plasma cannons aimed at your spot.

Wang Hao knew that once this plasma beam hits the Underworld Suppressing Formation, there is a high possibility that the formation will shatter.

Wang Hao of course was not enthusiastic with that.

“Why are they here?” But even without anyone answering him, Wang Hao already knew the reason why. These spacefarers must have set the Planet Thrae as their next destination for their trade route.

It was just a pure coincidence that they arrived during the invasion of the Underworld. Such bad luck brings a bad taste on Wang Hao’s mouth.

But what’s worse was that Wang Hao knew that all the spacefarers were not happy with the way the Underworld was doing things.

After all, it was the planets that were the spacefarer’s main source of income. The Underworld conquering planets reduces to potential customers for the spacefarers. As such, it was logical for them to stop the Underworld’s attempts on invasion whenever it was possible.

Wang Hao tensed as he knew that the attack of the plasma cannons was about to come. He knew that he can only do one thing to counteract this.

He focused his mind, and he entered a deep connection with the Underworld Suppressing Formation. At this state, Wang Hao can freely see all the components that made the Underworld Suppressing Formation. With this connection, Wang Hao can freely manipulate the components of the formation.

Wang Hao knew that the success of the invasion depends entirely on the existence of the Underworld Suppressing Formation. Powerful attacks cannot damage it that easily. But with Wang Hao’s energy senses, he knew that the power emanating from that space ship can damage or even destroy the Underworld Suppressing Formation.

Thus, he decided to make the formation stronger by adding something on its formation components. It was fortunate for Wang Hao that his memories held some knowledge about formation making.

Of course, the Underworld Suppressing Formation was an extremely complicated formation that was the culmination of years of research. Wang Hao’s formations knowledge was not enough to unravel its mysteries.

But his current knowledge and his abilities gave him a way to improve the formation.

He created a small formation, which he then wedged in one of the empty spaces in the formation. He then fueled this small formation with his energy-absorbing ability. With this, the Underworld Suppressing Formation gained the ability to absorb all types of energy.

Of cours,e the one doing the absorbing was the small formation that Wang Hao created. This small formation, unlike Wang Hao can only absorb limited amounts of energy. But with his calculations, Wang Hao was sure that this small formation was enough to absorb the incoming attack of the space ship.

Wang Hao chose to do it this way since he does not want anyone seeing absorbing the energy with his body. With the formation manipulation, Wang Hao can just attribute the absorption to the formation itself.

He then deactivated the extermination mode to make sure that there are no problems with it anymore.

It was fortunate that Wang Hao immediately manipulated the formation, since right after he finished doing it, the plasma cannons started its blast.


The plasma beams tore a path in the sky as it rushed downwards to the Underworld Suppressing Formation. Whistling sounds echoed out as even the air particles were charged by the beams. To nobody’s surprise, the plasma beams were not affected by the restriction on technology.

The restriction of technology only restricts the activation of objects created with technology. Its byproducts will not be affected by the restriction.

That means as long as a technological weapon was out of a planet’s territory it can fire freely, with its attack free to hit that planet.

That was the case here, with the plasma beams facing no obstructions. As for the Fifth Stage Residents of the Immortal Continent, they did nothing to stop the beams.

They knew the reason for this attack, and they wholeheartedly support it. After all, this space ship was helping them to eliminate their enemy. Not obstructing it was the best course of action.

Everyone watched with bated eyes as the purple beams hit the formation. Instead of seeing it shattering into pieces, what they saw was different.

They saw the beams being absorbed by the formation. The plasma beams did not even seem to damage the formation at all. The formation just absorbed it freely until nothing else remained.

All the old fogeys were stunned by this. They did not expect that such powerful attack can actually be withstood by that damned formation.

If they were surprised, then the spacefarers were certainly surprised too.

Wang Hao could see the space ship emitting rumbling sounds as its internal mechanisms activated.

The doors of the space ship opened, and Wang Hao saw someone coming out of it. This person’s appearance could not be discerned as he/she was wearing a suit which covered his/her whole body. Wang Hao knew that this suit must be a life support used by spacefarers that were not at the Sixth Stage.

Only those at the Sixth Stage can travel the space without any kind of life support. Those at the stages lower than that have to wear a life support suit everytime they were at the regions of outer space.

Wang Hao’s eyes narrowed as he thought to himself,

“Don’t tell me this person still had the gall to visit this planet after what he/she did?”

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