
Chapter 250: Essence Core Creation

Chapter 250: Essence Core Creation

“Essence Core?” Fang Lin looked at the old man incredulously, as if he just made something up. “Is that a real thing?” Fang Lin even forgot the fear he felt from the way the old man looked at him earlier.

“Of course it is!” The old man replied angrily. Now, he really seems to be offended with his disciple doubting him. “With my years of countless research, I have determined that its possible for a Second Stage Practitioner to create their own core. This core is called the Essence Core!”

“Let’s say that what you are telling me was true.” Fang Lin replied cautiously. “Is this Essence Core stronger than the Core formed at the Third Stage?”

“Well, it depends on your Essence that will be used to form the Essence Core duh.” The old man said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “It’s in the name right? ESSENCE Core. So its power is definitely related to your Essence. It might be weaker or stronger than a Third Stage Core, but the power it will give you is still great.”

“But usually, it will be weaker, since someone’s Essence cannot be compared to the daos and laws of the Universe. Only those with monstrous talents or special bodies can have powerful essences that might create a powerful Essence Core.” The old man said while looking at Fang Lin with more excitement.

“Hold on. What kind of Essence are you talking about here?” Fang Lin was now slightly interested by what this old man was spouting. From the sound of it, this Essence Core might be the real deal.

“Ah, I’m talking about the Essence that represents you.” The old man slowly said. “Every living creature in the world has their own Essence that represents them. This essence represents the power and the characteristics of the creature. With this kind of representation, one living creature can only have one Essence.”

“As for you,” The old man said while looking at Fang Lin excitedly. “You have the Essence of a mutated and evolved Yin-Yang Godly Divine Beast. The Essence Core that you will form from your essence will surely be powerful!”

“!!!!!” Fang Lin narrowed his eyes, realizing that the old man’s description of the Essence sounds awfully similar to a technique he read before.

“What is it again? Right! It’s the Twelve Essences Martial Arts!” Fang Lin started panting as he thought of a possibility.

“Master Grandpa, with your description, does that mean that each living creature can only create once Essence Core?”

“Of course that’s the limit.” The old man said with a certainty. “Each living creature only have one Essence, so making one Essence Core is their limit. Having more than one Essence is an impossi- hey!”

The old man stared wide-eyed at Fang Lin’s outstretched palm where 3 different colored powers were flowing.

Brown, Black and Black-White.

These were the Essences of the Mountain-Bashing Boar, Death Wolf and Duality Godly Divine Beast! (Pig, Dog and Monkey.)

“How are you able to have more than once Essence!” The old man seemed to be in great shock as he looked at the unexplicable situation in front of him. “What did you do to gain these?”

“Hehehe...” Fang Lin then explained on how his first master had gifted him the Twelve Essences Martial Arts. He also explained how this Martial Art allowed him to create/emulate the essence of other beasts.

“So something like this actually exists in this Universe huh. Your first master seems to be a powerhouse.”

“....” Fang Lin does not know on whether he should tell his new master about Wang Hao’s current state. He shook his head, thinking that he will just decide about it later.

Getting stronger is more important right now.

“So, with this martial art, can I create more than one Essence Core?” Fang Lin asked smugly.

“Hmmm.” The old man stared at the Essences floating on Fang Lin’s palm. He even prodded it with his fingers. At the end, he could only give Fang Lin an amazed look as he said,

“The brown and the black essence perfectly emulated the creatures you have taken it from! There are no flaws! As for the third essence, you used your own essence, which just made it stronger. From what I can see, you can possibly create more than one Essence Core with this!”

Fang Lin’s breath hitched, realizing he can create at most 12 Essence Cores! How powerful will he be then? That’s 12 cores! Even Fang Lin could not fathom it yet.

“Great!” Fang Lin rubbed his hands excitedly together as he gave the old man his most behaved look. “Can I start now master?”

“Fine.” The old man waved his hand, forming a silver ball. He flicked it towards Fang Lin’s forehead.

The ball sank Fang Lin’s forehead, which taught him with the technique to create an Essence Core.

“Ok. So Stimulate, Converge and Crystallize. Not so hard huh.” Fang Lin of course knew from the technique he read that making an Essence Core was not easy at all. The three steps he saw all have difficult parts that he had to thread carefully.

STIMULATE: The practitioner must find all parts of his Essence in his body. Even the Essence that permeates on his skin must be found. By reciting the mantra in the technique, all this Essence found in the practitioner’s body will then be stimulated, transforming into a gaseous state that will flow through his body freely.

If one leaves even a small scrap of essence unstimulated, and it will cause a chain-reaction that will result to all the Essence on leaving the practitioner’s body, leaving him dead of course.

CONVERGE: If the stimulation part is about turning the essence into a gaseous state, convergence will turn the essence into a liquid ball. The practitioner has to gather the gaseous essence that permeates his body and gather them together to form a liquid ball.

The practitioner must be careful on making the liquid ball for if he makes a slight mistake in the process, the ball will implode, destroying the practitioner’s insides.

CRYSTALLIZE: This part is where the practitioner forms the solid Essence Core out of the liquid ball. This is the hardest part of the technique, since compressing a liquid to be solid requires large amounts of pressure.

One misstep, and it will result in an explosion that will immediately kill the practitioner.

“See? I told you, you can do it.” The old man did seem to not know what sarcasm is. He just took Fang Lin’s words at face value.

“.....” Even though this process seemed to be highly dangerous, Fang Lin decided to create this So-called Essence Core. After all, he can only get strong by taking risks.

“Well, since my mind was now made to control two bodies, I think it can manage the difficulty on creating the Essence Core.” Fang Lin took no time to dilly-dally as he immediately sat cross-legged as he sensed the Mountain-Bashing Boar Essence on his body.

“Hmm... in order for me to stimulate the Mountain-Bashing Boar Essence, I should use my divine sense to get all its parts on my body...” Fang Lin then perked up as he remembered something. “Wait, what if I use the Twelve Essences Martial Arts to summon the entirety the Mountain-Bashing Boar Essence? That’s possible!”

Fang Lin suppressed his excitement as he recited the mantra for the Pig Form. To his excitement, he was able to detect all the Mountain-Bashing Boar Essence on his body. He then used the mantra on the old man’s technique to turn them into the gaseous state.

“.....” Fang Lin was flabbergasted by how easy the process had been. As for the old man, he could not help but howl in jealousy and envy.

“What the s**t is this? How were you able to easily do that? In my experiments. It will take around an hour before the practitioner can sense all the Essence on his body! What you did was implausible!”

“Umm... I used the Twelve Essences Martial Arts in conjunction with the technique you gave me.” Fang Lin replied sheepishly. “Did I do it wrong?”

“No!” The old man replied quickly. “From what I can see, you even found a way to improve my technique! How about this? Try to do the Converge and Crystallize process with the assistance of your Twelve Essences Martial Arts!”

“Ok!” Fang Lin wasted no time as he silently chanted the Twelve Essences Martial Arts. He then started the converge and crystallize process.

To his great surprise, they turned out to be easy too!

He encountered no problems with the converge process. With the control of the Twelve Essence Marital Arts, his Mountain-Bashing Boar Essence obediently liquefied and formed a ball. Fang Lin did not even feel any resistance at all.

As for the crystalize process, Fang Lin just continued activating the Twelve Essences Martial Arts while he compressed the liquid ball to become a solid core. He continuously squeezed and compressed it, forcing it to become smaller and smaller.

“.....” Even this part was of no difficulty to Fang Lin at all.

“The Twelve Essences Martial Arts grants me complete control over all the Essences I create.... that must be the reason why the Mountain-Bashing Boar Essence followed my will obediently. If I did not activate the martial art while doing the old man’s technique, I might face the difficulty that the old man warned me!”

With the excitement for his newfound discovery, Fang Lin decided to now create the Death Wolf Essence Core and the Duality Godly Divine Beast Essence Core.

The old man could only watch numbly as his disciple used an extremely dangerous technique with no consequence at all.

“Huhuhu, I wanted this disciple of mine to face setbacks to make him more respectful of me.. But it seems like I achieved the opposite!”

Once Fang Lin was done, he looked at the Essence Cores inside his body. There, three different colored cores were spinning rapidly inside his body. All of them exuded an aura that was way powerful than compared to their essence form.

The one at the right almost looked like a floating rock, with Fang Lin even hearing some roars from it! Fang Lin felt that if he let this core out, mountains might tremble at its presence.

The one at the left made Fang Lin feel some dread from it. He could also feel as if there was a claw reaching out to him everytime he looked at it! Fang Lin was sure that if he brings this core out, many weaker practitioners will slowly die!

As for the core in the middle, Fang Lin was extremely familiar with this aura. He could see this core forming a shape of two bodies intertwined together. The two bodies seemed to be two, but also one! Duality! Fang Lin could feel the all power of his bloodline now concentrated on this core.

This was his original Essence! Out of the three cores that he created, this one undoubtedly was the strongest!

As for how powerful it is, even Fang Lin was not able to determine it!

Fang Lin looked at the old man, before giving him a grateful bow.

“Disciple thanks master for this gift!”

“Hohoho, it’s nothing.” The old man said while trying to look modest. But with his interactions with Wang Hao, Fang Lin can detect slight tinges of smugness from the old man’s voice.

“Well, since you can create more Essence Cores, then why don’t we make more right now?” The old man said invitingly. “You only need to create more Essences with the Twelve Essences Martial Arts, right? Then I shall let you create more of them!”


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