
Chapter 379: Joys of Responsibility.

Chapter 379: Joys of Responsibility.

When Wang Hao heard the cracking sound of the egg, he expected a serpent-like being sprouting out of the egg.

But what he saw and heard was different from his expectations.

“Waaaa... waaa... waa...” Instead of a scary-looking snake, what Wang Hao saw from the remnants of the egg was a human-like baby!

It just looked like exactly a human baby, except for the fact that it’s exuding a sinister presence.

“Waaaa... Waaa... waa...” The baby continued crying, much to Wang Hao’s irritation and Old Man’s disbelief.

“Hey... Jormugandr should not look like this....” Old Man muttered as he gazed at the baby in confusion. Moments later, his eyes glowed as if he suddenly discovered something.

“Hahaha! So it was like that!” Old Man let out a boisterous laughter as his body straightened. It seemed like a huge load was removed from his shoulders as he gazed at the baby with a renewed vigor.

“Wang Hao, go get that baby now!” Old Man rapidly said to Wang Hao. “This is our best chance! Do not ruin it!”

“Ok?” Wang Hao cocked his eyebrows as he approached Jormugandr. “Stare.....” To Wang Hao’s surprise, the Jormugandr stared at Wang Hao with his wide baby eyes as Wang Hao went near him. Jormugandr tilted his head, as if he was trying to identify who Wang Hao is.

“Cackle...” While Jormugandr was doing this, Wang Hao suddenly felt danger from the baby as evil power congealed around the him. “Uh oh....”

If Wang Hao was not able to explain who he is to Jormugandr, Jormugandr might instinctively attack him for self-preservation with his evil power. Wang Hao sweated inwardly while Old Man let out a panicked shout, telling Wang Hao that he should jump back for now.

“Even if Jormugandr is weak, he can still injure you heavily! Wang Hao, retreat now!”

“Wait, I still have one thing that I can use!” Wang Hao shouted back quickly. He ignored Old Man’s pleas as he stretched out his hand to Jormugandr.

While he was stretching out his hand, Wang Hao let out a shout as he activated his bloodline.

“Hiss...” A projection appeared behind Wang Hao, which was the projection of his Sizzling Snake King Bloodline. This projection was a withered-looking snake, looking like it had been sapped of vitality. It looked ugly as hell, but Wang Hao felt no shame as he showed out this projection.

This projection twirled around Wang Hao, which made it visible to Jormugandr. “Waaa.....” Jormugandr’s eyes went wide as he stretched out his small chubby hands to the projection. He then let out a giggle as if he was pleased by what he was seeing.

“Oh it really worked...” Wang Hao said as he let out a sigh of relief. As for Old Man, he was only temporarily confused by what he saw, but moments later he realized what Wang Hao did.

“Wang Hao, by activating your bloodline projection, you were able to show this baby Jormugandr that you are also a serpent-type beast like him.

You hoped that by doing that, you will be able to establish familiarity with Jormugandr that will make him lose his hostility against us. It’s a risky plan, but it looks like it paid off.”

“Yeah, at least we can bring him out now safe-” Wang Hao’s next words were cut off when Jormugandr started to talk.

“Mama.” Jormugandr said this two-syllabled word clearly as his eyes were concentrated on Wang Hao. “Mama.” Jormugandr repeated, as if he was trying to assure himself with what he said.

“Mama!” Old Man’s body suddenly trembled, not from fear, but from trying to stop himself from laughing.

As for Wang Hao, he was stunned for a second before managing to recover himself. He gave a confused look to Jormugandr as he slowly said, “I am your Mama?”

“Mama!” Jormugandr replied as he stretched out his hands to Wang Hao. “Mama!” “Hahahaha!” Old Man could not take it anymore as he rolled on the floor laughing. “Wang Hao, I thought your skills was of another level. But it was actually otherworldy! Imagine, an incarnate of destruction decided that you will be his mother. Hahahaha! Isn’t that so absurd?”

“.......” Wang Hao ignored the raucous laughter by Old Man as he could only scratch his head in confusion.

He looked at Jormugandr, whose hands were still outstretched towards him. “Hell no, I ain’t picking you up.” Wang Hao muttered as he made a shooing motion with his hands. “Come on, show us your evil form. I want to see how scary you really look.”

Upon seeing that Wang Hao was not picking him up, Jormugandr’s face crumpled, as if he was about to cry.

The evil power, which already disappeared earlier, reappeared once more as Jormungandr’s tears were about to fall.

“Waa....” “Son of a!” Wang Hao cussed as he felt cornered. He let out a tsk as his body blurred.

His hands shot forward, managing to perfectly scoop up Jormugandr. Wang Hao’s face had a miserable smile on it as he proceeded on cradling Jormugandr on his chest. He rocked him gently, as if he was lulling him to sleep. “Snore...” In no time at all, Jormugandr’s eyes closed as he drifted into his dreamland.



Old Man and Wang Hao stared at each other intensely, as if they were trying to ascertain that what they saw was real.

“I’m coming for you!” It was at that moment that they heard Tian Yi’s furious shout which Wang Hao proceeded to reply with his classic infuriating words.

“I think we should leave now.” Old Man said as his face turned back to normal. He tried to not crack a smile as he stared at Jormugandr cradled by Wang Hao. “Since we have him now in our possession, I think it’s the best that we run now.”

“You are right indeed.” Wang Hao’s body then shimmered as he employed his classic teleportation.

While he was teleporting, Wang Hao had many questions in his mind which he tried asking on Old Man.

“Old Man, I thought that when that egg was hatches, a scary Jormugandr will come out and destroy the planet. How come what appeared out of the egg was just a baby?”

“I think it was because of the way we hatched the egg.” Old Man replied. His eyes were narrowed as he slowly said, “For Jormugandr to be reborn in his peak state, his injured soul must fuse slowly with the new body provided to him. Since it was like that, the egg must also slowly absorb life energy. In that way, the fusion of his soul and his new body will be seamless and perfect.”

Old Man stared at the interior of the house as he continued talking. “If that egg continued to absorb life energy slowly, Jormugandr’s soul will be perfectly fused with his new body. By that time, Jormugandr will easily break out of the egg, with his power almost back to the peak.”

“But because of what we did, that slow process was wrecked.” Wang Hao muttered sheepishly. “The life energy I gave accelerated the process so quickly that the fusion between Jormugnadr’s soul and his new body became imperfect.”

Old Man nodded as he gazed at Jormugandr in wonder. “The fusion was completed, but it was imperfect. Because of that, Jormugandr’s mind and body were both affected.” Old Man pointed at Jormugandr’s body as he muttered, “His body, which was supposed to be a serpent large enough to swallow celestial bodies, was stuck on a human baby form. His mind, which was supposedly as cunning and malicious as the trickster Loki, became just as innocent as a baby now.”

“So this is what we end up then.” Wang Hao helplessly laughed. “Instead of a being of destruction, we just got an edgy baby who calls a playboy like me as his mother. Isn’t that great?”

“Well at least we managed to prevent the rebirth of the real and powerful Jormugandr.” Old Man said as he gave a smug smile to Wang Hao. “Now, we managed to save this planet and ourselves from a possible wipeout. Isn’t that something to celebrate?”

“You really think of it like that?” Wang Hao replied with veins popping on his forehead. “What about when this baby gets older? Won’t he recover his memories and won’t his body get stronger? When that time comes, I am sure he will be back to being the serpent that he was supposed to be.”

“Well you know, good parenting will help reform this lad into the right path.” Old Man said as he started to laugh again. “Since you are now the mother of this child, it’s your responsibility to raise him right!”

“Old Man!!!” This is the only complaint that Wang Hao could give, as he knew there was no way out for Wang Hao now.

“Huhuhuhu... I just want to get a weapon or an awesome pet... But what I got instead is a baby...” Wang Hao’s head drooped sadly as he knew this baby was basically stuck to him now.

If Wang Hao leaves this baby now, that evil power around the baby will surely attack Wang Hao. Wang Hao was afraid of this power, as it was not something that his current energy manipulation abilities could resist.

If more of Wang Hao’s seals were unlocked, then resisting this evil power was a piece of cake. But right now, he had to make do by not making Jormugandr sad. “What a drag...” Wang Hao muttered as he neared the exit of the house. Once he exits the house, things will get interesting.

That was already obvious with the way that Tian Yi roared earlier. Wang Hao stopped before the exit, as he tried to listen to the sounds from the outside.

It was quiet, as if there was no combat happening at all. Wang Hao grimaced as this means bad news for him and Old Man.

The commotion created by the rebirth of Jormugandr must have been enough to stop Tian Yi and the Fifth Stage Jotunn from fighting each other. Wang Hao was not sure what the Fifth Stage Jotunn was doing, but he was sure on what Tian Yi was planning now.

It was already obvious to Tian Yi that Wang Hao already have the Jormugandr, and Tian Yi was also sure that Wang Hao will be keeping Jormugandr for himself. With matter progressing to this stage already, the only thing left for Tian Yi to do was to attack!

“Hey Old Man, what happens next will be messy, so just pray that we will be able to leave this place unscathed.” After Wang Hao said these words, a golden sword suddenly appeared, cleaving through the air as it attempted to cut Wang Hao down! “Be careful with your attacks... can’t you see that a baby is sleeping here?”

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