
Chapter 143: Are We Really That Bad? (Please Subscribe!)

Among the doctors who came with the ambulance, Ma Chunyang was a seasoned doctor from the 120 Emergency Center who had been on the front lines for over twenty years. Now in his forties, he had become a minor supervisor.

Yet when it came to critical, severe illnesses and special rescues, he was still out there accompanying the ambulance!

To be honest, Chen Cang’s venipuncture just now had somewhat shocked Ma Chunyang.

How many punctures would it take to master such a technique for venous catheter placement?

But how could such a young doctor have such skills?

When Ma Chunyang heard Chen Cang say this, his eyes lit up. Having a reliable person like him along was not only lucky for them but also for the patient.

With this in mind, Ma Chunyang hurriedly shook Chen Cang’s hands, “Then I’ll be troubling you, Doctor Chen. Oh! My name is Ma Chunyang, an emergency doctor from the 120 Emergency Center.”

Without much ado, the group was ready to set off for An Yang City.

It wasn’t long after the 120 Emergency ambulance had left.

The emergency department at Lan County People’s Hospital finally quieted down!

For grassroots hospitals, every time the 120 siren sounds, it’s a serious test for them.

What is emergency care?

Some compare it to detectives: for any sudden incident, you must rush to the rescue; you are the last line of defense for people’s lives.

This incident also gave everyone food for thought!

Their technical level… truly needed improvement.

If it hadn’t been for Chen Cang, what would have happened today?

They might have just hurriedly sent the patient off in the ambulance to An Yang City.

Without deep venous medication on the road, whether the patient could hold on might just be left to fate.

Thinking this, Duan Bo felt powerless, a sense of helplessness, incompetence, and impotence washed over him, preventing him from feeling any joy from his accomplishments.

Looking out at the still night through the window, Duan Bo went outside, took out a cigarette, and sat on the steps in silence.

Chen Cang saved these five people, but who could save the countless others from the past and the many more waiting to be saved in the future? Could they just sit back and wait for death?

But what could he do?

In the face of such situations, Duan Bo could only sit there feeling helpless. This was a matter for the nation, for countless individuals; what significance did he, a mere director of the county hospital’s surgical department, have?

Duan Bo was born in a village under Lan County, and after graduating from university, he had the opportunity to stay in An Yang City; however, he chose to go back home and joined Lan County People’s Hospital.

Back then, the grassroots hospitals were filled with secondary vocational and junior college graduates, and Duan Bo’s arrival undoubtedly made him a person of interest to the leadership. It took ten years for him to become the director of General Surgery.

Having grown up at the grassroots level, he too saw the gap between Lan County and the big cities.

He had the desire to change things but lacked the ability to make significant changes.

Just like today’s situation, Lan County still had an ambulance to send the patient to the hospital in time, but what about those villagers with acute myocardial infarction? They might not even make it to the hospital before passing away, right?

The cigarette was quickly finished.

He exhaled a cloud of thick smoke.

Duan Bo took a deep breath. What was the use of thinking so much?

Just doing well with his own responsibilities was enough.

Healthcare wasn’t a one-man job; it was a matter for the nation. The imperfections and irrationalities of the healthcare system weren’t something he could change on his own.

At that moment, a group inside the emergency department was still discussing the scene they had just witnessed.

“That young doctor was amazing, one per minute, so impressive!” exclaimed Nurse A excitedly.

Nurse B: “Right, and he’s so handsome too, didn’t you guys take a good look at him? When he’s serious… he really looks dashing.”

The round-faced young nurse who had just assisted Chen Cang with the puncture sighed but was in no mood to discuss.

Just then, Yang Zhong from the surgery department turned around and couldn’t find the chief. After stepping out, he saw Duan Bo sitting on the ground smoking and was momentarily taken aback before walking over and sitting next to him.

When Duan Bo saw Yang Zhong coming over, he smiled: “Call everyone, let’s go have a meal together.”

Yang Zhong didn’t take up the conversation and, looking at Duan Bo, said, “Chief… are we really that bad?”

With a single sentence, Yang Zhong rendered Duan Bo speechless!

Are we really that bad?

Duan Bo’s hand holding the cigarette trembled!


Why am I thinking so much?

We just need to do our own jobs well, we improve our own skills, cure every single patient of ours, that’s enough.

Thinking so much… for what?

After the Emergency Center’s vehicles arrived in Anyang City, they began to act separately, some were sent to the Provincial People’s Hospital, some to Dongda First Hospital, but not a single one to the Provincial Second Hospital. The reason was simple: the Provincial Second Hospital didn’t have a burn unit, and their ICU could only maintain the vital signs of these patients.

Chen Cang followed the vehicle to Dongda First Hospital and, as he had called ahead, the hospital had already prepared.

As Chen Cang was helping a patient off the vehicle, Wang Xiangjun suddenly recognized Chen Cang.

“Xiao Chen? What are you doing on the 120?”

Chen Cang spoke briefly about his involvement in the rescue, but omitted the part about doing a flying knife procedure, saying he had some business in Lian County.

Ma Chunyang also nodded: “Thanks to Doctor Chen, otherwise…”

Wang Xiangjun nodded: “Hmm, Xiao Chen, you should go get some rest.”

Chen Cang nodded and left, feeling truly tired today.

[Ding! Wang Xiangjun’s favorability score +5!]

Chen Cang shook his head with a smile and stood up to leave.

On his way out, there were no more little yellow bikes; after the company went bankrupt, Chen Cang’s deposit had never been refunded. He occasionally used to see the bikes around, but now they were just lying in the green belts on the roadside, nowhere else to be found.

Isn’t the development of the medical sector similarly unpredictable?

Today had given Chen Cang a lot to ponder. Under the polarity, grassroots hospitals were still relatively backward, with a scarcity of talent and shortage of medical resources.

Chen Cang sighed.

We are all groping forward, and compared to the beginning, we have progressed a lot.

We still have to move forward step by step…

Dongda First Hospital wasn’t far from the Provincial Second Hospital or from where Chen Cang lived, so he strolled back home.

While walking on the road, Chen Cang suddenly received a phone call: “Xiao Chen, this is Zhang Youfu.”

Chen Cang became curious upon hearing this, wondering what Zhang Youfu would call him for.

Chen Cang hurriedly replied: “Director Zhang, hello.”

Zhang Youfu laughed: “Well, Xiao Chen, tomorrow I’m going to attend a health program on Dongyang TV station, and the hospital hopes I can promote your laparoscopic surgery’s minimally invasive wound to boost the hospital’s popularity after I go there.. Could you send me the PowerPoint presentation from that day, if it’s convenient for you?”

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